Chiara Ferragni and Fedez: Media - Morphosis. Aphorism about the Ferragnez.

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Independently Published, 3 feb 2021 - 36 pagine

Two drops of Chanel are no longer trendy to wear to bed for Chiara Ferragni who would rather sleep in "briefs and a tank top."

Chiara offers desires, dreams and symbols in her info-space-time. She envelops in a seductive, amniotic liquid, mingling polyphonic narration and reality: the follower does not live by styles alone.

Chiara, like Alice, transforms, creates performance, events, in a media-morphosis of an imaginary space-time, an inexhaustible poem unfurling topological forms in which the objects deform without losing their quality, so a teacup and a donut are the same thing: the realm of morphogenesis.

Changes of form and meaning, epiphanies, bifurcations, singularities, fractals of a great "chat," signifies and "sign-ifies," everything can be said with at the moment syntagms: posts, tweets, fleets, Instagram: the moment as stream of consciousness, shared analysis.

In the digital "Empire of Signs," between a click and a selfie is the apotheosis of detail, of frames: everything flows but everything "is" and "in medio stat Chiara."

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