From Space to Earth: The Story of Solar ElectricityEarthscan, 1999 - 224 pagine From Space to earth tracks the evolution of photovoltaics from its shaky nineteenth-century beginnings mired in scientific controversy, to its high visibility success in the space program, to its current position as an indispensable and versatile power source that is improving our daily lives. |
During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries many researchers attempted | 11 |
Chapter Three The Dream Becomes Real | 25 |
Chapter Five Saved by the Space Race | 41 |
Chapter Seven The First Mass Earth Market | 57 |
Chapter Eight Captain Lomers Saga | 71 |
Chapter Ten Long Distance for Everyone | 85 |
Chapter Eleven Father Verspieren Preaches the Solar Gospel | 103 |
Chapter Twelve Electrifying the Unelectrified | 125 |
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Africa amorphous silicon applications atomic battery Audrey Chapin Svensson Bell Bell Laboratories Bernard McNelis Bill Yerkes cadmium sulfide Coast Guard commercial cost Courtesy Dr crystalline silicon developing world devices diesel earth efficiency Elliot Berman engineer equipment Exxon Fritts fuel glass Hans Ziegler hundred Ibid industry Interview Jourde Laboratories Lenkurt light Lomer Mali Aqua Viva manufacturing Markus Real material megawatts Michael Mack microwave Mouchot navigation aids needed Notes & Comments nuclear Oades p-n junction percent photoelectric photovol photovoltaic power photovoltaic system photovoltaic-powered polycrystalline silicon power source produced radio reliable repeater Richard Hansen rooftops rural satellite Science scientists selenium Siemens Signal Corps silicon solar cell solar electricity Solar Energy solar modules Solar Power Solar Power Corporation solar-powered Solarex space sun's sunlight taic Telecom Australia telecommunications telephone Terry Hart thin-film tion tovoltaics United utility Verspieren village voltaics water pumping watt wires Ziegler