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actress Advertisement Albert beautiful big step ahead black widow Bourke-White Brazil Brazilian Brugh California Camels CAMERA OVERSEAS Camille Chessie Chicago Chinese circus City Company Comte de Fels cost Cream cruise Cukor daughter Dept Director drive Editors eggs engine Eva Le Gallienne famed famous Fire-Chief floor Four Roses French GaleaZZO CianO Garbo gasoline George give golf guest guns Gypsy Rose Lee Harpo Havana Havoline Hayes MacArthur Heinz Helen Hayes Hudson Eight John Steuart Curry Johnnie Walker Jones Dairy Farm Kansas married Mastipave McGovern Method miles Miss Hayes Montana mother motor movie Newsfront night Oldsmobile Peck photograph plateau play Pomona President RICHARD JOSHUA REYNOLDS Rio's Robert Taylor Roosevelt route San Francisco scene screen test shanty towns shave straight whiskies taxi-dancers Victoria week wheelbase Wheeler wife Wild West Williams workers world's York