Lewin's Genes XIJones & Bartlett Publishers, 2014 - 940 pagine Molecular Biology is a rapidly advancing field with a constant flow of new information and cutting-edge developements that impact our lives. Lewin's GENES has long been the essential resource for providing the teaching community with the most modern presentation to this dynamic area of study. GENES XI continues this tradition by introducing the most current data from the field, covering gene structure, sequencing, organization, and expression. It has enlisted a wealth of subject-matter experts, from top institutions, to provide content updates and revisions in their individual areas of study. A reorganized chapter presentation provides a clear, more student-friendly introduction to course material than ever before. - Updated content throughout to keep pace with this fast-paced field.- Reorganized chapter presentation provides a clear, student-friendly introduction to course material.- Expanded coverage describing the connection between replication and the cell cycle is included, and presents eukaryotes as well as prokaryotes.- Available with new online Molecular Biology Animations.- Online access code for the companion website is included with every new book. The companion website offers numerous study aids and learning tools to help students get the most out of their course.- Instructor's supplements include: PowerPoint Image Bank, PowerPoint Lecture Slides, and Test Bank. |
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Lewin's Genes XI Jocelyn E. Krebs,Benjamin Lewin,Elliott S. Goldstein,Stephen T. Kilpatrick Anteprima non disponibile - 2013 |
Lewin's Genes XI Jocelyn E. Krebs,Benjamin Lewin,Elliott S. Goldstein,Stephen T. Kilpatrick Anteprima non disponibile - 2012 |
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active alleles amino acid Annu antigen bacterial base pairs binding Biol catalytic cell cycle centromere chain chapter titled chromatin chromosome cleavage cleaved cluster coding codon coli complex contains copies core cytoplasm damage degradation deletion dimer DNA sequence domain double-strand break duplex elements elongation encoded endonuclease enzyme eukaryotic event excision exons FIGURE fragment function gene expression gene segments genetic genome helicase histone homologous human hybrid initiation insertion interactions introns involved Key concepts locus mechanism methylation molecular molecule mRNA mutations nick nuclear nucleic acid nucleosome nucleotide occurs organization origin pathway phage plasmid polypeptide primer promoter protein pseudogenes reaction recombination region regulation repair repeats replication fork replicons result ribosome RNA polymerase RNA polymerase II rRNA sigma factor single single-stranded snRNA specific splicing strand structure subunit supercoiling synthesis target telomere template termination tion trans transcribed translation transposition transposon tRNA upstream yeast