Pathology of Peripheral Nerves: An Atlas of Structural and Molecular Pathological ChangesSpringer Science & Business Media, 2001 - 380 pagine This atlas illustrates pathological changes of peripheral nerves covering experimental and human, light and electron microscopic, immunohistochemical, morphometric and moleculargenetic aspects. Basic general pathologic reactions are shown as well as characteristic alterations in a large number of specific diseases affecting the peripheral nervous system (PNS) primarily or secondarily. The 1050 illustrations are of diagnostic significance for those studying peripheral nerves at the miscroscopic or ultrastructural level, and for neurologists, neurosurgeons, neurobiologists, and electrophysiologists trying to understand the underlying structural changes causing the clinical signs and symptoms of a variety of diseases and disorders. |
Epidemiology and Classification of Peripheral Nerve Disorders | 17 |
General Lesions and Reactions of Peripheral Nerves | 19 |
Nutrition Deficiency | 67 |
Toxic Neuropathies | 77 |
Neuropathies Due to Systemic Metabolic Disturbances | 95 |
Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathies | 101 |
Hereditary Neuropathies with Predominantly Sensory and Autonomous Disturbances | 195 |
Further Recessive Disorders Involving Peripheral and Central Neuronal Systems | 211 |
Hereditary and Sporadic Neuropathies with Special Localization | 217 |
Inflammatory Neuropathies Neuritis Polyneuritis Vasculitis Perineuritis Sarcoidosis | 219 |
Paraneoplastic Syndromes | 257 |
Angiopathic Neuropathies and Hypoxidosis | 275 |
Association of Neuropathy with Predominating Diseases of the Central Nervous System | 295 |
Tumors of the Peripheral Nervous System | 305 |
Altre edizioni - Visualizza tutto
Pathology of Peripheral Nerves: An Atlas of Structural and Molecular ... J.M. Schröder Anteprima limitata - 2012 |
Pathology of Peripheral Nerves: An Atlas of Structural and Molecular ... J.M. Schröder Anteprima non disponibile - 2012 |
Parole e frasi comuni
abnormal Acta Neuropathol Berl adaxonal adjacent amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Ann Neurol antibodies arrowheads arrows ataxia atrophy autosomal band of Büngner basal laminae blood vessels chronic clinical collagen collagen fibrils cytoplasm degeneration demyelinating disease disorders distal endoneurium epineurial female fibroblast focally gene Genet glycogen glycogen granules granular Guillain-Barré syndrome Higher magnification HMSN inflammatory lamellae large myelinated nerve lysosomal macrophage membranous cytoplasmic bodies mitochondria Muscle Nerve mutation myelin degradation products myelin lamellae myelin loops myelin sheath myelinated fibers myelinated nerve fibers myopathy nerve fascicles neurofilaments Neurol Sci Neurology nucleus onion bulb formations osmiophilic Pathol pathy patients perineurial cells perineurium peripheral nerve peripheral neuropathy perivascular polyneuropathy regenerated nerve fibers ropathy Schmidt-Lanterman incisure Schröder JM Schwann cell processes sciatic nerve seen sensory neuropathy spinal structures sural nerve surrounded thin myelin sheath Thomas PK tumor unmyelinated unmyelinated axons vacuoles vasculitis vesicular