System of Positive Polity: General view of positivism and introductory principlesB. Franklin, 1973 |
Limitation of Social State to Human Race | 2 |
The Theological synthesis failed to include the practical side of human nature | 7 |
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System of Positive Polity: General view of positivism and introductory ... Auguste Comte Visualizzazione completa - 1875 |
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abstract action affection anarchy animal application aspects Astronomy Atheism basis become Biology Catholicism character chimerical classes combination conception condition connection Cosmology Descartes direct doctrine efforts elements encyclopædic essential esthetic existence fact faculties functions Geometry highest human idealisation important individual influence inorganic instincts intellectual laws less logical logical value material mathematical mediæval ment mental metaphysical method Middle Ages mind mode modern modify Monotheism moral nations Natural Philosophy nature necessary necessity never object organic organisation phase phenomena philosophical physical Poetry political Polytheism Posi Positive Philosophy Positive science Positive spirit Positivism Positivist practical preponderance present principle problem progress questions race racter recognised regarded regeneration relation religion rendered result retrograde scientific sense social feeling society Sociocracy Sociology sophisms speculation spiritual power spontaneous subordinate sufficient synthesis systematic tendency theocracy theological theory thinkers thought tion true truth whole women
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