Catalysing young agri-entrepreneurs' investments and ensuring their sustainability: Strategic planning toolFood & Agriculture Org., 30 mar 2021 - 82 pagine The achievement of the first two Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – end poverty and hunger by 2030 – requires substantial investments. To fully contribute to sustainable development, both public and private investments should be perfectly aligned with the SDGs. In this context, empowering youth to invest in their own farms and businesses along agricultural value chains should be a key component of sustainable development-centered investment promotion and mobilization strategy for three reasons: the improvement of food security; the promotion of the added value of food products; and the improvement of employment and economic well-being. This strategic planning tool can help propel investments by young agri-entrepreneurs at national or regional levels, and help ensure their sustainability. It analyses the current environment and overall conditions young investors face while offering practical solutions to overcome the main challenges identified. The strategic planning tool also helps ensure that decision-makers take ownership of the results through a participatory and inclusive process. The strategic planning process consists of four steps: 1. Identify which actions to prioritize (promising agri-food chains; target areas and groups of young people with the potential to become successful agri-entrepreneurs and who need help the most); 2. Analyse the current context, institutional, policy, legal, and incentive frameworks as well as existing services which help young agri-entrepreneurs make sustainable investments in the agricultural sector and food systems; 3. Develop a common vision of the optimal situation for young agri-entrepreneurs investing in agri-food chains; and 4. Develop practical solutions to enhance sustainable and responsible investments by young agri-entrepreneurs. |