Special Report – 2023 FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) to the Republic of South Sudan: 16-May-24Food & Agriculture Org. [Author] [Author], 16 mag 2024 - 74 pagine The annual FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) was conducted from 3 to 14 December 2023 to estimate the annual cereal production during 2023 and assess the overall food security situation in the country. [Author] The CFSAM reviewed the findings of 36 crop assessment missions conducted at planting and harvesting time between June and November 2023 in different agroecological zones of the country. [Author] Using standard CFSAM procedures, the Task Force teams reviewed secondary sources of information regarding the main factors that affected crop performance during the 2023 agricultural season, estimated the aggregate national cereal production and assessed the overall food security situation. [Author] Where access in some areas was too dangerous due to high levels of insecurity, telephone interviews with key informants were carried out to obtain information about crop performance. [Author] After the signature of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan in September 2018, there has been a significant number of returns of displaced farming households, which contributed to the production increases. [Author] Therefore, the cessation of all hostilities and the implementation of the agreement is the primary recommendation to ensure and sustain progress in terms of agricultural activities to improve the country’s food security situation. [Author] While recognizing the complexity of the reconciliation and peace‑building process, the following recommendations are made on the basis that the national peace deal continues to hold, for a better future of the people of South Sudan. [Author] |
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2023 FAO/WFP Crop Abyei acute food insecurity Agriculture average Aweil Aweil East Bahr el Ghazal CCMCs Central Equatoria cereal area hectare cereal production conflict Crop and Food crop assessment cultivated December deficit depreciation Eastern Equatoria elaboration based exchange rate farmers farming households Figure floods Food Programme WFP Food Security Assessment Gogrial Gogrial West harvest assessment household food insecurity humanitarian increase IPC acute food IPC Phase Jonglei Kapoeta East Kapoeta North Lakes livestock Magwi mainly maize markets Mundri East national currency NGOs Northern Bahr nutrition percent pests Phase 3 Crisis Phase 4 Emergency Phase 5 Catastrophe planting assessment population returnees Rumbek season Security Assessment Mission security situation sesame smallholder sorghum Source South Sudan South Sudanese pound Sudanese pound Tambura Task Force teams Terekeka tonnes Total cereal tractors traditional sector Twic Unity Upper Nile Warrap weed Western Bahr World Food Programme Yambio Yirol