Climate change impacts on twenty major crop pests in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Southeastern EuropeThis research report for a regional study on the impacts of climate change on the spread of pests contributes to FAO’s normative work, as a milestone for 2020–2021 under the Regular Programme. The year 2020 was designated by the United Nations as the as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH), with the aim of reducing crop loss from pests, which is estimated at 40 percent. In the current report, agricultural pests as any organism harmful to plants, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, insects, etc are defined by the authors. We include those that cause direct damage as well as disease-causing organisms. Climate change is projected to worsen crop losses by another 10–25 percent, which in some regions would emanate from associated pests. Central Asia, the Caucasus and Southeastern Europe are under the research area. |
Common terms and phrases
0.75 suitability probability agricultural Albania North Macedonia Aral Sea Azerbaijan Aral Sea Lake Armenia Turkmenistan NB Armenia Turkmenistan Tajikistan Azerbaijan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Balkhash Aral Sea Balkhash Georgia Aral bioclimatic suitability Blumeria graminis Bosnia and Herzegovina Caucasus Caucasus region Central Asia Change Bosnia climate change CMIP6 Current distibution Bosnia Georgia Aral Sea Georgia Azerbaijan Armenia Helicoverpa armigera Herzegovina Serbia Montenegro Kazakhstan Georgia Aral Kazakhstan Lake Balkhash Kyrgyzstan Armenia Turkmenistan Lake Balkhash Georgia Loxostege Macedonia Future distribution Macedonia Kazakhstan Lake Maize Maxent Montenegro Albania North Montenegro Turkey Albania Montenegro Turkey Turkey North Macedonia Bosnia North Macedonia Future North Macedonia Kazakhstan Oulema melanopus percent pests cont Phytophthora infestans Plasmopara viticola potato pest Sea Azerbaijan Uzbekistan Sea Lake Balkhash Serbia Montenegro Albania Serbia Montenegro Turkey Southeastern Europe Sugar beet Tajikistan 1 0.75 Tajikistan Kazakhstan Lake Tetranychus urticae Tomato Turkey Albania North Turkey Turkey Albania Turkmenistan Tajikistan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Armenia Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Turkmenistan wheat pest