Latium Region. A new tourism for the Litorale Nord area: Guide to promote the transfer of knowledge

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Sapienza Università Editrice, 24 giu 2020 - 112 pagine
This publication, the end result of cooperation between the Innovative Startup “SARA ENViMOB S.r.l., Servizi e Soluzioni per la Natura e il Turismo” (Sapienza University of Rome), the Network of Enterprises “I Borghi Marinari di Roma – RIBOMAR” and FEDERBALNEARI Lazio Litorale Nord, seeks to promote a bottom-up approach to the transformation of the tourist offer in the area known as Litorale Nord, in the Latium Region, taking it out of its current state of “undertourism”. Litorale Nord possesses a wealth of resources, natural and cultural assets dotted along the coast, in the sea and further inland that have not been fully exploited for tourism purposes. The area lies between three tourism “poles”: the Port of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino Airport and the Rome city centre, which is today suffering from the phenomenon known as “overtourism”.

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Informazioni sull'autore (2020)

Massimo Castellano is a business manager with extensive and international experience in industrial companies and groups operating in the tourism, transport and logistics sectors. He has worked chiefly in the areas of Community policies, territorial marketing, communication and institutional relations. He has conceived and coordinated the communication campaigns “Pelagos” and “Blue Planet Economy”, entailing the organisation and rollout of events, formats, popularisation initiatives and projects to develop territory enhancement policies. President of RIBOMAR, which brings together 60 coastal tourism enterprises from the five municipalities in the Litorale Nord area, it is one of the largest alliances in the tourism sector in the country.

Armando Montanari, vice President of SARA ENViMOB Srl, former lecturer of Geography of Tourism and Human Mobility for the Tourism Sciences degree course, of which he was also Head. Has promoted and coordinated numerous national and European research projects over the years, working at I.S.S.C. Vienna, CNR and Sapienza University of Rome. Former member of the European Environment Bureau Managing Board in Brussels, of which he was also Chairman.

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