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Æge. Hopeless and helpless doth Ægeon wend,
But to procrastinate his lifeless end.

SCENE II.-The Mart.


Enter ANTIPHOLUS of Syracuse, DROMIO of Syracuse,
and First Merchant.

First Mer. Therefore, give out you are of Epidamnum,
Lest that your goods too soon be confiscate.
This very day, a Syracusian merchant

Is apprehended for arrival here,

And, not being able to buy out his life,
According to the statute of the town,
Dies ere the weary sun set in the west.
There is your money that I had to keep.

Ant. S. Go bear it to the Centaur, where we host,
And stay there, Dromio, till I come to thee.

157. Egeon] Egean F 1.

158. lifeless] Warburton; liuelesse Ff.
Scene II.

SCENE II.] Pope; no division into scenes in Ff.
Glover; A public place Capell; the street Pope.
Enter Antipholis Erotes, a Marchant, and Dromio Ff.
Dyce; Mer. Ff. 4. arrival] a rivall F 1.

Enter Antipholus of Syracuse...]
In the Folios Antipholus Erotes, the
latter word, as we have seen (Intro-
duction), being probably a corruption
of Erraticus, the wanderer; just as
Antipholus of Ephesus is styled, in
Act II. scene ii. Sereptus, i.e. Surrep-
tus, the lost or stolen.

5. buy out] Craig compares Ham-
let, III. iii. 60 :—

"And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize

Buys out the law."

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The Mart] Clark and
Enter. .] Dyce

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1. First Mer.

10. till] tell F 2.

7. weary sun] Compare Richar III. v. iii. 19: "The weary sun hatl made a golden set "; and King John v. iv. 35: "the feeble and day-wearied


9. host] lodge. Compare v. i. 411 "your goods that lay at host, sir, in the Centaur." But the only othe passage in Shakespeare where the verb is used is in All's Well that End Well, III. v. 97:

"I will bring you Where you shall host."



Within this hour it will be dinner-tim
Till that, I'll view the manners of the
Peruse the traders, gaze upon the buil
And then return, and sleep within mi
For with long travel I am stiff and we
Get thee away.

Dro. S. Many a man would take you at yo
And go indeed, having so good a mea
Ant. S. A trusty villain, sir; that very oft
When I am dull with care and melan
Lightens my humour with his merry

II, 12. Inverted in Ff 2, 3, 4.
means Ff 2, 3, 4.


of India?"; son little va (Doll of Falst Winter's Tale Mamillius): 21. humour welkin eye; s frequent in Sh Compare in th 7; IV. i. 27; "humour " have been ap physiologists of the body the "melanch "phlegmatic, of these und

man became

about Shakes

gan to be ap

in a passage the Learning Man out of (Works, vol. remarks: "V the manners now to be ca word was new


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joning at fasst

will D. of E., not too
and also to make conflict

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2 Henry IV. 1. iv. 225 aff): "Ah, you whoreliant villain, you!"; , I. ii. 136 (Leontes of Look on me with your weet villain !"; etc. ] The well-known word, hakespeare and Jonson. is play, 1. ii. 58; 11. ii. IV. i. 57. The word F.e. moisture) seems to plied by the mediæval to the four chief "fluids" -the "sanguine," the "the "choleric" and olic." As soon as any uly preponderated, the 'humorous "; and just peare's time the word beplied to conduct caused ular mood, disposition, Whalley, Enquiry into of Shakespeare, 1748, on Ben Jonson's Every his Humour (1599) ii. p. 16, ed. Gifford), Vhat was usually called in a play or poem began lled the humours. The w; the use, or rather the


What, will you walk with me about the town, And then go to my inn, and dine with me? First Mer. I am invited, sir, to certain merchants, Of whom I hope to make much benefit; I crave your pardon. Soon at five o'clock, Please you, I'll meet with you upon the mart, And afterward consort you till bed-time: My present business calls me from you now.

23. my] F 1; the Ff 2, 3, 4. Mer. Rowe. wards Steevens.


24, 32. First Mer.] Dyce; E. Mer. Ff; 28. afterward] after

26. Soon at] Soon, at Johnson. consort] consort with Hanmer.

abuse, of it was excessive. It was applied upon all occasions, with as little judgment as wit. Every coxcomb had it always in his mouth; and every particularity he affected was dominated by the name of humour," ' etc. Gifford adds in his note: "The abuse of this word is well ridiculed by Shakespeare in that amusing creature of whimsey, Nym, Merry Wives of Windsor." See also Love's Labour's Lost, Henry V. passim, and Trench, Select Glossary, 3rd ed. 1865, p. 103.

26. Soon at five o'clock] about five o'clock (Dyce), or "at five o'clock sharp" (Craig), who remarks, "Perhaps, however, there should be a comma after the word 'Soon,' and it might mean 'early,' 'early in the evening, about five." This is Johnson's punctuation. Compare III. ii. 177 of this play: "soon at supper-time I'll visit you"; Richard III. IV. iii. 31: "Come to me Tyrrel, soon at after supper" (Folios, and after supper"); Merchant of Venice, 1. iii. 5: "Soon at supper shall thou see Lorenzo." The phrase "Soon at night" occurs in Romeo and Juliet, II. v. 78; 2 Henry IV. v. v. 96; Merry Wives of Windsor, 1. iv. 8, and 11. ii. 95; Measure for Measure, I. iv. 88; and Othello, III. iv. 198.



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The Rev. W. R. Arrowsmith, in his pamphlet Shakespeare's Editors and Commentators, 1865, commenting on the word " soon, remarks (p. 7), Although 'soon' in the West of England to this day, as is said (Halliwell, Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words), still signifies evening, yet elsewhere, or to persons unversed in the nomenclature of the TudorStuart era, such a signification is unknown, and would be sought to as little purpose in the Minsheus (Minsheu's Ductor in linguas) of a prior or a later date, as in the grammar of a Bullokar or a Murray would the fact, attested by a contemporary of Shakespeare, a head-master of St. Paul's School-that the use of soon as an adverb, in the familiar sense of betimes,' 'by and by,' or 'quickly,' had, when he wrote, been eclipsed with most men by an acceptation restricted to 'night-fall': the statement of this witness is worth quoting in his own words. In the comparison of adverbs at p. 28 of his Logonomia Anglica, ed. 1619, Gil writes'Quickly cito, sooner citior aut citius, soonest citissimus aut citissime, nam 'soon' hodie apud plurimos significat ad primam vesperam, olim cito.'"

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28. Consort] accompany. Shakespeare does not seem to draw any

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Ant. S. Farewell till then: I will go lose
And wander up and down to view th
First Mer. Sir, I commend you to your o
Ant. S. He that commends me to mine
Commends me to the thing I canno
I to the world am like a drop of wat
That in the ocean seeks another dro
Who, falling there to find his fellow
Unseen, inquisitive, confounds hims
So I, to find a mother and a brother
In quest of them, unhappy, lose mys
Enter DROMIO of Ephes

Here comes the almanac of my true
How chance thou art

What now?

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32. [Exit.]

38. Unseen,] In search

40. t

inquisitive,] Unseen inquisitive! Staunton.

unhappy,] Ff 2, 3, 4; (unhappie a) F 1; unhappier

37. Who Venice, II. vi who," etc.; brave vessel 37. find we say, to fi "dines for Compare M 144

distinction between the use of this intoxicated
verb in the active sense and with the world."
preposition. Compare (1) for the
active sense, Love's Labour's Lost,
II. i. 178: "Sweet health and fair
desires consort your grace"; Romeo
and Juliet, III. i.
wretched boy, that did'st consort him
here"; Julius Cæsar, v. i. 83: "who
to Philippi here consorted us"; and
(2) with the preposition, Midsummer-
Night's Dream, III. ii. 387:
must for aye consort with black-browed
night"; Romeo and Juliet, III. i. 49:


Mercutio, thou

consort'st with

Romeo"; and Macbeth, 11. iii. 141:

"Let's not consort with them."


I shot

flight The se advis

To find

35. to the world] Compared with For the se The phrase is common in compare als

the world.

Ireland and the north of England, at

least in Lancashire.

41. alman

A hopelessly Dromio, wh

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v forth,


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But we, that know what 'tis to fast and pray,
Are penitent for your default to-day.

Ant. S. Stop in your wind, sir: tell me this, I pray:
Where have you left the money that I gave you?
Dro. E. O,-sixpence, that I had o' Wednesday last
To pay the saddler for my mistress' crupper?
The saddler had it, sir; I kept it not.

Ant. S. I am not in a sportive humour now :
Tell me, and dally not, where is the money?
We being strangers here, how dar'st thou trust
So great a charge from thine own custody?
Dro. E. I pray you, jest, sir, as you sit at dinner.
I from my mistress come to you in post;
If I return, I shall be post indeed,



55. o' Wednesday] Steevens (1773); a Wensday Ff 1, 2, 3; a Wednesday
56. crupper?] crupper ;-
;- Capell.

F 4; o' We'nsday Capell.
custody ?] F 4; custodie. Ff 1, 2, 3.
same hour as his master, serves to
fix the date of his birth, like an alma-
nac" (Marshall).

52. penitent] "penitents," the sug-
gestion of Daniel, is ingenious.

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ment, a kind of rough reckoning concerning wares issued out of a shop was kept by chalk or notches on a post, till it could be entered on the books of a trader. So in [Ben Jonson's] Every Man in his Humour [iii. 3] Kitely the merchant making his jealous enquiries concerning the familiarities used to his wife, Cob answers: if I saw anybody to be

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