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A pleasant and fine Con

ceited Comaedie, taken out of the most ex

cellent wittie Poet Plautus:

Chofen purposely from all the reft as leaft harmfull and yet most delightfull.

Written in English, by VV. VV.

virescit vulnere veritas.


Printed by Tho. Creede,

and are to be fold by William Barley, at his

fhop in Gratious street.



The writer hereof (loving Readers) having diverse of this Poettes Comedies Englished, for the vse and delight of his private friends, who in Plautus owne words are not able to understand them : I have prevailed so far with him as to let this one go farther abroad for a publike recreation and delight to all those, that affect the diverse sort of bookes compiled in this kind, whereof (in my judgment) in harmelesse mirth and quicknesse of fine conceit, the most of them come far short of this. And although I found him very loath and unwilling to hazard this to the curious view of envious detraction, (being as he tels mee) neither so exactly written, as it may carry any name of a Translation, nor such libertie therin used, as that he would notoriously varie from the Poets owne order: yet sith it is onely a matter of meriment, and the litle alteration therof can breede no detriment of importance, I have over-rulde him so farre, as to let this be offred to your curteous acceptance, and if you shall applaude his litle labour heerein, I doubt not but he will endevour to gratifie you with some of the rest better laboured, and more curiously pollished.


* Where you finde this marke, the Poets conceit is somewhat altred, by occasion either of the time, the country, or the phrase.


*Two Twinborne sonnes, a Sicill marchant had,
Menechmus one, and Sosicles the other:

The first his Father lost a litle Lad,

The Grandsire namde the latter like his brother.
This (growne a man) long travell tooke to seeke
His Brother, and to Epidamnum came,
Where th' other dwelt inricht, and him so like,
That Citizens there take him for the same:
Father, wife, neighbours, each mistaking either,
Much pleasant Error, ere they meete togither.

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