doubt are mad themselves. I stirre not, I fight Enter MESSENIO the Travellers servant. Enter SENEX, with foure Lorarii, Porters. Sen. Before Gods and men, I charge and commaund you Sirs, to execute with great care that which I appoint you: if yee love the safetie of your owne ribbes and shoulders, then goe take me up my 320 sonne in lawe, laie all hands upon him: why stand ye stil? what do ye doubt? I saie, threatnings, nor for anie of his wo up, and bring him to the Physitian go thither before. Men. What newes? how now masters do with me? why do you thus bes carrie ye me? Helpe, helpe, nei citizens ! Mess. O Jupiter, what do I see? my ma Men. Is there no good man will helpe my life before they shall thus wrong Men. I have hold of this villaines eie. Away ye cutthroat theeves, ye mu Lo. Omnes. O, O, ay, ay; crie pittifulli Mess. Away, get ye hence, ye mongrels ye be gone? Thou raskal behind thee somewhat more, take that. come maister; you had bene in go not bene heere now. I tolde y come of it. Men. Now as the Gods love me, m thank thee: thou hast done that Messe. I'le tell ye how Sir; give me m Mess. Seeing you cannot requite my g Men. On mine honestie, I am none of thy maister; I had never yet anie servant would do so much for me. Messe. Why then bid me be free: will you? Men. Yea surelie: be free, for my part. Mes. O sweetly spoken; thanks my good maister. fortune. 360 Mess. O maister, Ile call you maister still. I praie use 365 Mess. Ile go strait to the Inne, and deliver up my Men. Do, fetch it. Mess. I will. Men. I was never thus perplext. Some deny me to 375 [Exit. 385 Enter MENECHMUS the traveller, Men. Impudent knave, wilt thou say thee since I sent thee away to da come for mee after dinner? Messe. Ye make me starke mad: I too reskued ye from foure great big that were carrying ye away eve place. Heere they had ye up; y helpe. I came running to you gither beate them away by maine my good turne and faithfull ser my freedome: I told ye I woul Casket: now in the meane time other way to get before me, and s againe. Men. I gave thee thy freedome ? Men. When I give thee thy freedom man my selfe; go thy wayes. Mess. Whewe, marry I thanke for not Enter MENECHMUS the Men. Forsworne Queanes, sweare till and your eyes fall out, you shall beleeve that I carried hence either Mess. O heavens, maister, what do I Men. Tra. What? Mess. Your ghoast. Men. Tra. What ghoast? Mess. Your Image, as like you as can Men. Tra. Surely not much unlike m Men. Cit. O my good friend and thanks for thy late good helpe. |