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doubt are mad themselves. I stirre not, I fight
not, I am not sicke. I speake to them, I know
them. Well, what were I now best to do? I 295
would goe home, but my wife shuttes me foorth a
doores. Erotium is as farre out with me too. Even
here I will rest me till the evening: I hope by
that time, they will take pittie on me.

Enter MESSENIO the Travellers servant.
*The proofe of a good servant, is to regard his 300
maisters businesse as well in his absence as in his
presence; and I thinke him a verie foole that is
not carefull as well for his ribbes and shoulders, as
for his belly and throate. When I think upon the
rewards of a sluggard, I am ever pricked with a 305
careful regard of my backe and shoulders; for in
truth I have no fancie to these blowes, as many a
one hath. Methinks it is no pleasure to a man to
be basted with a ropes end two or three houres
togither. I have provided yonder in the Towne, 310
for all our marriners, and safely bestowed all my
masters Trunkes and fardels; and am now com-
ming to see if he be yet got forth of this daunger-
ous gulfe, where I feare me he is overplunged.
Pray God he be not overwhelmed and past helpe 315
ere I come.

Enter SENEX, with foure Lorarii, Porters. Sen. Before Gods and men, I charge and commaund you Sirs, to execute with great care that which I appoint you: if yee love the safetie of your owne ribbes and shoulders, then goe take me up my 320 sonne in lawe, laie all hands upon him: why stand

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ye stil? what do ye doubt? I saie, threatnings, nor for anie of his wo up, and bring him to the Physitian go thither before.

Men. What newes? how now masters

do with me? why do you thus bes carrie ye me? Helpe, helpe, nei citizens !

Mess. O Jupiter, what do I see? my ma
a companie of varlets.

Men. Is there no good man will helpe
Mess. Helpe ye maister! yes the villa

my life before they shall thus wrong
fit I should be kild, then you thus
out that rascals eye that holds ye
there. Ile clout these peasants;
go ye varlet.

Men. I have hold of this villaines eie.
Mess. Pull it out, and let the place ap

Away ye cutthroat theeves, ye mu Lo. Omnes. O, O, ay, ay; crie pittifulli Mess. Away, get ye hence, ye mongrels ye be gone? Thou raskal behind thee somewhat more, take that. come maister; you had bene in go not bene heere now. I tolde y come of it.

Men. Now as the Gods love me, m

thank thee: thou hast done that
shall never be able to requite.

Messe. I'le tell ye how Sir; give me m
Men. Should I give it thee?

Mess. Seeing you cannot requite my g

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Men. On mine honestie, I am none of thy maister; I had never yet anie servant would do so much for


Messe. Why then bid me be free: will you?

Men. Yea surelie: be free, for my part.

Mes. O sweetly spoken; thanks my good maister.
Servus alius. Messenio, we are all glad of your good



Mess. O maister, Ile call you maister still. I praie use 365
me in anie service as ye did before. Ile dwell with
you still; and when ye go home, Ile wait upon you.
Men. Nay, nay, it shall not need.

Mess. Ile go strait to the Inne, and deliver up my
accounts, and all your stuffe. Your purse is lockt 370
up safely sealed in the casket, as you gave it mee.
I will goe fetch it to you.

Men. Do, fetch it.

Mess. I will.

Men. I was never thus perplext. Some deny me to 375
be him that I am, and shut me out of their doores.
This fellow saith he is my bondman, and of me he
begs his freedome: he will fetch my purse and
monie. Well, if he bring it, I will receive it, and
set him free. I would he would so go his way. 380
My old father in lawe and the Doctor, saie I am
mad: who ever sawe such strange demeanors.
Well though Erotium be never so angrie, yet once
againe Ile go see if by intreatie I can get the cloake
on her to carrie to my wife.

[Exit. 385


Enter MENECHMUS the traveller,

Men. Impudent knave, wilt thou say thee since I sent thee away to da

come for mee after dinner?

Messe. Ye make me starke mad: I too reskued ye from foure great big that were carrying ye away eve place. Heere they had ye up; y helpe. I came running to you gither beate them away by maine my good turne and faithfull ser my freedome: I told ye I woul Casket: now in the meane time other way to get before me, and s againe.

Men. I gave thee thy freedome ?

Men. When I give thee thy freedom man my selfe; go thy wayes. Mess. Whewe, marry I thanke for not


Men. Forsworne Queanes, sweare till and your eyes fall out, you shall beleeve that I carried hence either Mess. O heavens, maister, what do I Men. Tra. What?

Mess. Your ghoast.

Men. Tra. What ghoast?

Mess. Your Image, as like you as can Men. Tra. Surely not much unlike m Men. Cit. O my good friend and thanks for thy late good helpe.

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