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Mess. Sir, may I crave to know your name?

Men. Cit. I were too blame if I should not tell thee anie

thing; my name is Menechmus.

Men. Tra. Nay my friend, that is my name.

Men. Cit. I am of Syracusis in Sicilia.

Men. Tra. So am I.

Mess. Are you a Syracusan?

Men. Cit. I am.

Mess. Oho, I know ye: this is my maister: I thought


hee there had bene my maister, and was proffering 425
my service to him. Pray pardon me Sir, if I said
any thing I should not.

Men. Tra. Why doating patch, didst thou not come
with me this morning from the ship?
Messe. My faith he saies true. This is my maister, you 430
may go looke ye a man. God save ye maister:

you Sir, farewell. This is Menechmus.

Men. Cit. I say, that I am Menechmus.

Messe. What a jest is this? Are you Menechmus ?
Men. Cit. Even Menechmus, the sonne of Moschus.
Men. Tra. My father's sonne ?

Men. Cit. Friend, I go about neither to take your father
nor your country from you.

Mess. O immortal Gods, let it fall out as I hope! and


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not liker than he is to

saiest true. Finde it 4;

here promise thee thy

Heare ye Sir; you say

notable cousening Jug-43 er whom we seeke. I

ce an other: water to

Men. Tra. O Jupiter!

Mes. Peace, what exclaiming is this? How old were

ye then?

Men. Cit. About seven yeare old: for even then I 485 shedde teeth, and since that time I never heard of anie of my kindred.

Mess. Had ye never a brother?

Men. Cit. Yes, as I remember, I heard them say, we

were two Twinnes.

Men. Tra. O Fortune!


Mess. Tush, can ye not be quiet? Were ye both of one name?

of Syracusis?

Men. Cit. Nay, (as I think) they cald my brother,


ur father?

Men. Tra. It is he, what need further proofe? O brother, brother, let me embrace thee!

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Men. Cit. Sir, if this be true, I am wonderfully glad :
but how is it that ye are called Menechmus?
Men. Tra. When it was tolde us that

were mee: your name


and our father 500 you were both dead, our Graundsire (in memorie of my father's name) chaungde mine to Menechmus. Men. Cit. 'Tis verie like he would do so indeed. let me aske ye one question more: what was our mother's name?



s farre. What is the mber there? father to Tarentum, to

e preasse I was stolne 48

Men. Tra. Theusimarche.

Men. Cit. Brother, the most welcome man to mee, that the world holdeth.

Men. Tra. I joy, and ten thousand joyes the more, having taken so long travaile and huge paines to seeke 510 you.

Mess. See now, how all this matter comes about. This it was that the Gentlewoman had ye in to dinner, thinking it had bene he.


Men. Tra. Is not this the same, broth Men. Cit. How came you by this? Men. Tra. This woman met me; had enterteined me most kindly; a cloake, and this chaine.

Men. Cit. Indeed she took ye for mee have bene as straungely handle your comming.

Mess. You shall have time inough to matters hereafter. Do ye remem ye promised me?

Men. Cit. Brother, I will intreate you promise to Messenio; he is wort Men. Tra. I am content.

Mess. Io Tryumphe.

Men. Tra. Brother, will ye now go with Men. Cit. So soone as I can sell awa

possesse here in Epidamnum, I Men. Tra. Thanks, my good brother Men. Cit. Messenio, plaie thou the make a proclamation.

Mess. A fit office. Come on. O ye

What day shall your sale be? Men. Cit. This day sennight.

Mess. All men, women and children or elsewhere, that will repaire to this day sennight, shall there f things to sell; servaunts, house

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hildren in Epidamnum, ire to Menechmus house here finde all maner of j household stuffe, house,




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