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is probably satisfied. It is one comfort that Shakes sells at the present day, and that possibly he is read whether he is loved and studied as he ought to be is another question.

In the present edition the Editor has consciously difficulty, either of text or explanation, unfaced; a views he has expressed, except of course where I commentators are quoted, are his own.

The Introduction deals with many necessary and tant points, particularly as to the text, the date, the of the play, and Shakespeare's knowledge of Lati interesting version of the Menaecmi of Plautus, pub 1595 by "W. W." (William Warner) is, for purpose parison with Shakespeare's Errors, reprinted in Ap

A somewhat unusual feature in the Introducti considerable space which has been devoted to the Shakespeare's legal acquirements. In 1904 Mr. S published a volume entitled Great Englishmen of th Century, in which he devotes a few pages to the Shakespeare's "use of law terms." He there s alia) that "the only just conclusion to be drawn speare's biographer from his employment of law t the great dramatist in this feature, as in num features, of his work, was merely proving the re which he identified himself with the popular lite his day." In the Editor's opinion nothing ca from the facts and probabilities of the case than Lee's assumptions; and it will be found that t opinion of many eminent scholars, lawyers and beginning with Malone, who was himself a law










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stion of

= (inter
s is that

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ess with

habits of

e further
ost of Mr.
s also the
as well as

a very eminent Shakespearian scholar. No one but a trained
lawyer, who is also a lifelong student of the great dramatist,
for example, Mr. William Lowes Rushton, the author of
Shakespeare a Lawyer and other works, who is, fortunately
still with us, is really competent to discuss the subject; and
it is to be feared that in this matter Mr. Sidney Lee has
heedlessly rushed in where lawyers fear to tread.
But per-
haps his remarks were intended primarily for transatlantic
consumption only.

August, 1907.

[blocks in formation]
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