SaleAnderson Galleries, 1904 |
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12 vols 12mo and 8vo 4to and folio 8vo and 4to 8vo and smaller Actress American autograph boards Books Bost Bowery Theatre Broadway Theatre Charles Chas colored by hand Colored Portrait Contains copies printed copper engravings crushed levant morocco Dramatic edition English Actor Engraved Portrait Engraved Views etchings facsimiles Famous French full length full-page George gilt edges gilt tops half calf half length half morocco half roan Henry History Illust INDIA PAPER Inlaid issued James John Large Paper levant Lithograph Portrait Lond maps Mary Mdme Memoirs Mezzotint Portrait Miss Numerous illusts original cloth oval Paris Park Theatre Phil pieces plain dress plates play Playbill Poems Post 8vo RARE Robert SCARCE Shakespeare signed Sketches Small 4to Steel and copper T. W. Keene Theatre Royal Thick 8vo Thick royal 8vo Thomas Thos trait Transl uncut vellum Wallack Water-Color William woodcut York