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agri tetendit in Tricorios: haud usquam impedita via, U. C. 536. priusquam ad Druentiam flumen pervenit. Is et ipse A. C. 218. Alpinus amnis longe omnium Galliæ fluminum difficillimus transitu est. Nam, quum aquæ vim vehat ingentem, non tamen navium patiens est: quia nullis coercitus ripis, pluribus simul, neque iisdem alveis fluens, nova semper vada novosque gurgites, (et ob eadem pediti quoque incerta via est) ad hæc saxa glareosa volvens, nihil stabile nec tutum ingredienti præbet; et tum, forte imbribus auctus, ingentem transgredientibus tumultum fecit, quum super cetera trepidatione ipsi sua atque incertis clamoribus turbarentur. ✓

P. Cornelius consul, triduo fere post, quam Hannibal ab ripa Rhodani movit, quadrato agmine ad castra hostium venerat, nullam dimicandi moram facturus. Ceterum, ubi deserta munimenta3, nec facile se tantum prægressos assecuturum videt; ad mare ac naves rediit, tutius faciliusque ita descendenti ab Alpibus Hannibali occursurus. Ne tamen nuda auxiliis Romanis Hispania esset, quam provinciam sortitus erat, Cn. Scipionem fratrem cum maxima parte copiarum adversus Hasdrubalem misit; non ad tuendos tantummodo veteres socios conciliandosque novos, sed etiam ad pellendum Hispania Hasdrubalem. Ipse cum admodum exiguis copiis Genuam repetit, eo, qui circa Padum erat, exercitu Italiam defensurus.

Hannibal ab Druentia campestri maxime itinere ad Alpes cum bona pace' incolentium ea loca Gallorum pervenit,

at the beginning of the chapter, and read, "Postero die profectus adv. ripá Rhodani, ad lævam in Tric. flectit, et Mediterr. Gall. petit."

5 Ubi deserta munimenta.] This incident resembles a movement purposely contrived by Hannibal on a subsequent occasion, (1. xxii. 16.) and recalls one of the many manoeuvres of Frederick the Great, during “the seven years' war." The king, finding himself before Dresden, which had successfully resisted him, and surrounded by one Russian and two Austrian armies, left his camp in the night in haste to encounter his enemies separately; and when the Austrian General (Count Daun) arrived with the intention of storming the Prussian camp, he was astonished to find it empty, and to learn, soon after, that his colleague, General Landolm, had been just defeated by Frederick.

6 Tutius faciliusque ita.] "By so doing," i. e. by crossing the gulf of


Hannibal ab Druentia-cum bond pace, &c.] "Arrived at the Alps from the Durance without molestation from the Gauls inhabiting that country," &c. It has been remarked above, that this statement does not in any respect adapt itself to the valley of the Durance, where the invaders would be entangled among the secondary ridges of the mountains; but to the level and fertile valley of the Isere, through which Polybius states that Hannibal was escorted by the Prince whom he had restored to his throne. The Gauls inhabiting that country (i. e. between the Druentia and the Alps) were the Caturiges; and the tribe who opposed Hannibal on the ascent of the mountains must have been the Segusii, or Susii, whose descendants were the subjects of Cottius, or Cotys, who afterwards gave his name to the mountain, and his kingdom


U. C. 536. Tum, quanquam fama prius, qua incerta in majus vero ferri A. C. 218. solent, præcepta res erat, tamen ex propinquo visa montium altitudo, nivesque cœlo prope immixtæ, tecta informia imposita rupibus, pecora jumentaque torrida frigore, homines intonsi et inculti, animalia inanimaque omnia rigentia gelu, cetera visu, quam dictu, fœdiora, terrorem renovarunt. Erigentibus in primos agmen clivos' apparuerunt imminentes tumulos insidentes montani: qui, si valles occultiores insedissent, coorti in pugnam repente, ingentem fugam stragemque dedissent. Hannibal consistere signa jubet; Gallisque ad visenda loca præmissis, postquam comperit, transitum ea non esse, castra inter confragosa omnia præruptaque, quam extentissima potest valle, locat. Tum per

to Augustus. According to Polybius, the people through whose territory Hannibal approached the Alps, and who opposed his ascent, were Allobroges. It has been proposed to read Alpes Gallorum, omitting the intervening words; i. e. as we would say, the Gallic Alps. This emendation would remove the difficulty.

8 Quanquam famá prius, &c.] "Though the fact had been anticipated from report, (by which the indefinite is generally exaggerated,) still, the near view of the height of the mountains, the snow almost blending with the sky, the shapeless dwellings perched upon the cliffs," &c. If Hannibal be supposed to have been where Livy's description would bring him, he could have reached Turin in six days, without encountering any of the horrors here painted.

9 Torrida frigore.] Literally, "scorched by the cold." It is now known, from chemical experiments, that the extremes of heat and cold produce similar effects upon living animal tissues.

1 Erigentibus in primos agmen clivos.] The whole of this description, to the end of the 33d chapter, accords exactly with the topography of the Mons Thuates, where Polybius represents the first collision between the Carthaginians and the mountaineers to have taken place; and not with the features of any approach to Mont Genevre. A comparison of the narrative of Polybius with the localities of the Mont

du Chat has been found to establish, that Hannibal advanced through the Chevelu pass of that mountain, corresponding to the Euraipoι TÓTOL which he mentions, and to the Roman road subsequently made. From Chevelu to the summit of the mountain is an ascent of about two miles, terminating in a platform of about 300 yards across. The passage is divided midway by a large rock, measuring at the base about 200 yards by 100; and the road over the ridge is partially formed of the ruins of a temple, said to have been dedicated to Mercury, or rather to the corresponding Teutonic deity, Thuat, from whom the mountain took its ancient name. The large rock would appear to be that which the Allobroges occupied during the day, and of which Hannibal took possession in the night; and the town which he seized, on the dispersion of the inhabitants, was most probably Bourget, which is still of considerable extent, and more likely than Chambery, which, though larger, is too distant to have been the town in question. Looking, on the other hand, to the topography of the Cottian pass, we shall find that the only "Castellum” of which Hannibal could have made himself master, must have been Cesanne, which lies at the Italian side; and there is no fortress or stronghold of any sort from which Hannibal could have spent nine days (chap. xxxv.) in reaching the highest point of his journey.

2 Inter confragosa omnia prærup

A. C. 218.


eosdem Gallos, haud sane multum lingua moribusque U. C. 536. abhorrentes, quum se immiscuissent colloquiis montanorum, edoctus interdiu tantum obsideri saltum, nocte in sua quemque dilabi tecta; luce prima subiit tumulos, ut ex aperto atque interdiu vim per angustias facturus. Die deinde simulando aliud, quam quod parabatur, consumpto, quum eodem, quo constiterant, loco castra communissent, ubi primum degressos tumulis montanos laxatasque sensit custodias, pluribus ignibus, quam pro numero manentium, in speciem factis, impedimentisque cum equite relictis, et maxima parte peditum; ipse cum expeditis, acerrimo quoque viro, raptim angustias evadit: iisque ipsis tumulis, quos hostes tenuerant, consedit. Prima deinde luce castra mota, et agmen reliquum incedere cœpit. Jam montani signo dato ex castellis ad stationem solitam conveniebant; quum repente conspiciunt alios, arce occupata sua, super caput imminentes, alios via transire hostes. Utraque simul objecta res oculis animisque immobiles parumper eos defixit. Deinde, ut trepidationem in angustiis, suoque ipsum tumultu misceri agmen videre, equis maxime consternatis, quicquid adjecissent ipsi terroris, satis ad perniciem fore rati, diversis rupibus, juxta invia ac devia assueti, decurrunt. Tum vero simul ab hostibus, simul ab iniquitate locorum Pœni oppugnabantur; plusque inter ipsos, sibi quoque tendente, ut periculo prius evaderet, quam cum hostibus, certaminis erat. Equi maxime infestum agmen faciebant, qui et clamoribus dissonis, quos nemora etiam repercussæque valles augebant, territi trepidabant, et icti forte aut

taque.] "Amid one vast scene of rugged precipices."

3 Quum repente conspiciunt.] A parallel to this movement will be found in that of General Wolfe at Quebec, (A. D. 1759.) Finding that his colleague, General Amherst, could not effect a junction with him, as it had been arranged, and that he was totally unsupported in a critical enterprise, he adopted the bold expedient of ascending, in the night, the heights of Abraham, which commanded the town. The river was rapid, the landing-place narrow, and the precipices difficult of ascent even by day; but all obstacles were surmounted before morning; and, when day dawned, the French commander, the Marquis de Montcalm, saw with amazement the enemy in possession of a position which he had supposed inaccessible.

4 Utraque simul objecta res, &c.] "Both objects, presented at the same moment to their eyes and minds, kept them motionless for a time: afterwards, perceiving the confusion in the passes, and the army disconcerted by its own disorder, especially by the alarm of the horses, and believing that whatever panic they could themselves add, would be sufficient for its destruction, they ran across the rocks," &c.

5 Diversis rupibus.] Instead of this reading, the meaning of which is obvious, Crevier approves of perversis, which he explains by molestis, v. incommodis: the more natural meaning would be "turning over," or, "rolling down."

6 Infestum agmen faciebant.] "Endangered the line of march, (or, the position of the army.)"


U. C. 536. vulnerati' adeo consternabantur, ut stragem ingentem simul A. C. 218. hominum ac sarcinarum omnis generis facerent: multosque turba, quum præcipites deruptæque utriumque angustiæ essent, in immensum altitudinis dejecit; quosdam et armatos: sed ruinæ maximæ modo jumenta cum oneribus devolvebantur. Quæ quanquam foeda visu erant, stetit parumper tamen Hannibal, ac suos continuit, ne tumultum ac trepidationem augeret. Deinde, postquam interrumpi agmen vidit, periculumque esse, ne exutum impedimentis exercitum nequicquam incolumem traduxisset, decurrit ex superiore loco; et, quum impetu ipso fudisset hostem, suis quoque tumultum auxit. Sed is tumultus momento temporis, postquam liberata itinera fuga montanorum erant, sedatur: nec per otium modo, sed prope silentio, mox omnes traducti. Castellum inde, quod caput ejus regionis erat, viculosque circumjectos capit, et captivo cibo ac pecoribus per triduum exercitum aluit. Et quia nec montanis primo perculsis, nec loco magnopere impediebantur1, aliquantum eo triduo viæ confecit.


Perventum inde ad frequentem cultoribus alium, ut inter montana, populum. Ibi non bello aperto, sed suis artibus,

▾ Icti forte aut vulnerati.]" When they happened to be struck or wounded."

8 Ruinæ maxima modo.] The cattle that suffered most on this occasion must have been the elephants; those animals being unsuited, by the formation of their hind legs, to moving or exerting their immense strength upon inclined planes. We read that, on a subsequent occasion, the Consul Marcius, when invading Macedonia, facilitated the descent of his elephants down the side of a mountain, by means of bridges or galleries, which, as soon as the animals proceeded some distance upon them, sank at one end, and sent them sliding down gently to the plane of those next in elevation.

Alii elephanti pedibus insistentes, alii clunibus subsidentes, prolabeban


Ubi planities altera pontis excepisset eos, rursus simili ruind pontis inferioris deferebantur, donec ad æquiorem vallem perventum est. (Livy xliv. 5.) It does not appear that Hannibal adopted any precaution to save the life of either man or beast; except that of procuring some warm clothing from the Gallic prince. In one Ms. devolvebantur is omitted,

leaving jumenta to be governed by dejecit.

9 Quum impetu ipso fudisset &c.] "And, although he dispersed the enemy by the mere violence of the charge, he aggravated, at the same time, the confusion," &c.


1 Impediebantur-confecit.] order to remove the anomaly in Syntax between these verbs, Gronov.reads montani prælio (for primo) perculsi, nec loca magn. impediebant, which is a considerable improvement.

2 Ut inter montana &c.] "Considering that it was on the mountains." The meeting with the natives described here, is copied from Polybius, who seems to represent them as having been Centrones (inhabitants of the Tarantaise); for, if we adopt his account of the march, we must suppose Hannibal to have now passed through the Allobroges, and entered the territory of another people, whose frontier was at a place subsequently called ad publicanos, (i. e. the provincial toll-house,) now known as L'Hôpital. Polybius describes the envoys as coming to meet the army θαλλοὺς ἔχοντες καὶ στεφάvous. The wealth and numbers of

Magno U. C. 536.

fraude, deinde insidiis est prope circumventus. natu principes castellorum oratores ad Poenum veniunt: A. C. 218. 'alienis malis, utili exemplo, doctos,' memorantes, 'amici'tiam malle, quam vim experiri Pœnorum. Itaque obe'dienter imperata facturos: commeatum itinerisque duces, et ad fidem promissorum obsides acciperet.' Hannibal nec temere credendo, nec aspernando, ne repudiati aperte hostes fierent, benigne quum respondisset; obsidibus, quos dabant, acceptis, et commeatu, quem in viam ipsi detulerant, usus, nequaquam, ut inter pacatos, incomposito agmine duces eorum sequitur. Primum agmen elephanti et equites erant: ipse post cum robore peditum, circumspectans sollicitusque omnia3, incedebat. Ubi in angustiorem viam ex parte altera subjectam jugo insuper imminenti ventum est, undique ex insidiis barbari a fronte, ab tergo coorti, cominus eminus petunt: saxa ingentia in agmen devolvunt: maxima ab tergo vis hominum urgebat. In eos versa peditum acies haud dubium fecit, quin, nisi firmata extrema agminis fuissent, ingens in eo saltu accipienda clades fuerit. Tunc quoque ad extremum periculi ac prope perniciem ventum est: nam, dum cunctatur Hannibal demittere agmen in angustias; quia non, ut ipse equitibus præsidio erat, ita peditibus quicquam ab tergo auxilii reliquerat; occursantes per obliqua montani, perrupto medio agmine, viam insedere: noxque una Hannibali sine equitibus atque impedimentis acta est. Postero die, jam segnius intercursantibus barbaris, junctæ copiæ, saltusque haud sine clade, majore tamen jumentorum, quam hominum, pernicie, superatus. Inde montani pauciores jam, et latrocinii magis quam belli more, concursabant; modo in primum, modo in novissimum agmen, utcunque aut locus opportunitatem daret, aut progressi morative aliquam occasionem fecissent. Elephanti, sicut per artas præcipites vias magna mora agebantur, ita tutum ab hostibus, quacunque incederent, quia insuetis adeundi propius metus erat, agmen præbebant.

Nono die in jugum Alpium perventum est, per invia pleraque et errores, quos aut ducentium fraus", aut, ubi fides

this tribe form another argument in favour of Polybius; because, on any other part of the Alps but the Graian, the Carthaginian army must have perished of starvation.

3 Circumspectans sollicitusque omnia.] It will be perceived that omnia is governed by circumspectans alone; thus, "watching every thing and anxiously."

• Maxima ab tergo.] Observe the emphasis, "It was principally on

the rear."

5 Per artas præcipites vias.] Crevier proposes per arctas et præcipites vias. But the text, as it stands, requires no alteration.

6 Nono die &c.] See note on chap. xxiii. above.

7Ducentium fraus.] Polybius mentions no deception on the part of the guides, who appear, according to his statement, to have led the army faithfully from Carthagena to their


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