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mana inclinatur acies fusaque est ad veterem portam Palatii. Romulus et ipse turba fugientium actus, arma 4 ad caelum tollens, 'Iuppiter, tuis' inquit 'iussus avibus hic in Palatio prima urbi fundamenta ieci. Arcem iam scelere emptam Sabini habent, inde huc armati superata 5 media valle tendunt. At tu, pater deum hominumque, hinc saltem arce hostes, deme terrorem Romanis fugam6 que foedam siste. Hic ego tibi templum Statori Iovi, quod monumentum sit posteris tua praesenti ope servatam urbem esse, voveo. Haec precatus, velut si sensisset auditas preces, 'Hinc,' inquit 'Romani, Iuppiter optimus maximus resistere atque iterare pugnam iubet.' Restitere Romani tamquam caelesti voce iussi, ipse ad primores Romulus provolat.




Mettius Curtius ab Sabinis princeps ab arce decucurrerat et effusos egerat Romanos toto quantum foro

the narrative to describe the state of affairs; but it is somewhat unnatural to imitate the effect in English.

3. ad veterem, etc.: the Porta Mugionis, in the Clivus Palatinus on the northeastern slope of the Palatine.

TEMPLE OF JUPITER STATOR. Romulus: conceived as present at the fight, but in the rear. 4. avibus: see 7. I. 5. siste in its causative sense; hence Stator, the Stayer.

6. templum: the substructions are now visible on the excavated Palatine. - Statori: emphatic, with direct reference to siste. - praesenti, direct, of a divinity coming in person, as opposed to indirect means. servatam esse: cf. ne quid, etc., 11. 7 n. Here the lesson taught is one of fact. The whole matter looks like an attempt to ex

plain Stator, which is more likely to mean 'the one who sets upright'; cf. Στήσιος, Ὀρθώσιος. This view seems to shimmer through servatam. Not much reliance is to be placed on these etymological myths, as it is their very nature to be false; at least, no one about which the truth was known was ever found to be sound.

7. sensisset, had an intimation; the emphasis gives the suggestion of a divine monition. hinc: not merely here, but from this point, as the action of resistere would be in the opposite direction. - restitere, did make a stand (emphatic). - ad primores: taking the place of his fallen general.

8. princeps, in the front. -ef fusos, in confusion (a kind of predicate). - quantum: the antecedent tantum would be accusative of extent of space. foro: with. out in on account of toto: Gr.

spatium est; nec procul iam a porta Palatii erat, clamitans 'Vicimus perfidos hospites, imbelles hostes; iam sciunt longe aliud esse virgines rapere, aliud pugnare cum viris.' In eum haec gloriantem cum globo ferocis- 9 simorum iuvenum Romulus impetum facit. Ex equo tum forte Mettius pugnabat, eo pelli facilius fuit; pulsum Romani persequuntur et alia Romana acies audacia regis accensa fundit Sabinos. Mettius in paludem sese strepitu sequentium trepidante equo coniecit, averteratque ea res etiam Sabinos tanti periculo viri. Et ille quidem adnuentibus ac vocantibus suis favore multorum addito animo evadit; Romani Sabinique in media convalle duorum montium redintegrant proelium, sed res Romana erat superior.

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Tum Sabinae mulieres, quarum ex iniuria bellum 13 ortum erat, crinibus passis scissaque veste, victo malis muliebri pavore, ausae se inter tela volantia inferre, ex

429. 2. hospites hostes: with a play upon the words.

9. ex equo, on horseback, according to the Latin idiom. - eo: i.e. because the horse was more easily frightened. - pelli (sc. eum). pulsum, etc., being put to flight he is pursued, etc. This repetition of a preceding word is a common rhetorical device; cf. 10. 4. — alia: like reliqua, as often in Livy; cf. diis aliis, 7. 3.

10. in paludem: where afterwards was the Forum. - strepitu: the cause of trepidante (frightened).

averterat, etc., the attention of the Sabines, also (as well as the Roman pursuers) was diverted, etc. The pluperfect gives, like the imperfect, the state of things, as if it were, 'there was a lull in the fight because,' etc. Then the new facts are given in the historical presents, followed by a new description in erat.

The effect cannot be seen except by
noticing this interplay of description
and narrative. quidem: opposed
to sed. He, to be sure, escaped,
but in the battle which was then
renewed, the Romans were gaining
the advantage,' etc. - in media,
etc.: i.e. farther to the west. - res
Romana, the side, etc.


13. iniuria: notice the double meaning of the word, wrongs, or injustice. Most Latin nouns have a tendency to express either phase of a complex idea.

crinibus, etc.: cf. sordida veste, 10. I n. victo, etc.: i.e. their natural instincts were overborne by the distressing situation. ex transverso, from the flank; i.e. movement across the direction in which the lines faced.


Xtransverso impetu facto dirimere infestas acies, dirimere 2 iras, hinc patres hinc viros orantes, ne se sanguine nefando soceri generique respergerent, ne parricidio macularent partus suos, nepotum illi, hi liberum proge3 niem. Si adfinitatis inter vos, si conubii piget, in nos vertite iras; nos causa belli, nos vulnerum ac caedium viris ac parentibus sumus; melius peribimus quam sine alteris vestrum viduae aut orbae vivemus.'


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Movet res tum multitudinem tum duces; silentium et repentina fit quies, inde ad foedus faciendum duces prodeunt, nec pacem modo sed civitatem unam ex duabus faciunt, regnum consociant, imperium omne conferunt 5 Romam. Ita geminata urbe, ut Sabinis tamen aliquid daretur, Quirites a Curibus appellati. Monumentum eius pugnae, ubi primum ex profunda emersus palude equum Curtius in vado statuit, Curtium lacum appellarunt.

impetu, a wild rush, so violent that it was like a hostile charge. dirimere, separate; use the present to express the historical infinitive. - iras, the angry strife; as they were engaged, their wrath could be said to be separated.

2. suos: i.e. those of the suppliants, who would bear the stain of blool, if either their fathers the Romans, or their grandfathers the Sabines, should kill the other. - nepotum: genitive of 'material'; Gr. 344.

3. si, etc.: abrupt change to direct discourse.-adfinitatis: referring to the Sabines, who became by the marriage adfines; conubii: referring to the Romans. melius peribimus: a common idiom correspond ing to our 'it is better that,' etc. sine alteris, etc., without one of you (husbands) as widows, or without the other (fathers) as orphans.

4. movet (emphatic), they were touched. silentium: of voice;

quies: of arms. ad foedus, etc.: the emphasis gives the sense, 'then it occurred to them to make a treaty, and the leaders advanced for that purpose.' - regnum, the regal power, by making both Romulus and Tatius kings together (consociant), referring to the persons; imperium, the seat of empire, referring to the government abstractly.

UNION OF THE TWO PEOPLES. 5. tamen, still, inasmuch as the nationality of the Sabines was thus merged, that some compensation might be given them. - - Quirites: according to Livy both peoples were called so. It is more probable that the two words were independent and had nothing to do with Cures, though the name of that town might also be derived from quiris, lance. - monumentum, as a memorial; for case see Gr. 397. f. - Cur tium lacum: cf. VII. 6.

Ex bello tam tristi laeta repente pax cariores Sabinas 6 viris ac parentibus et ante omnes Romulo ipsi fecit. Itaque, cum populum in curias triginta divideret, nomina earum curiis imposuit. Id non traditur, cum haud dubie 7 aliquanto numerus maior hoc mulierum fuerit, aetate an dignitatibus suis virorumve an sorte lectae sint quae nomina curiis darent.

Eodem tempore et centuriae tres equitum conscriptae 8 sunt: Ramnenses ab Romulo, ab T. Tatio Titienses appellati; Lucerum nominis et originis causa incerta est. Inde non modo commune, sed concors etiam regnum duobus regibus fuit.

Post aliquot annos propinqui regis Tatii legatos Lau- 14 rentium pulsant, cumque Laurentes iure gentium agerent, apud Tatium gratia suorum et preces plus poterant. Igitur illorum poenam in se vertit: nam Lavini, cum ad 2 sollemne sacrificium eo venisset, concursu facto inter

6. ex bello, following a war, as often with ex. - repente: modifying the verbal idea implied in ex.

curias: this word, of which the etymology is doubtful, is undoubtedly used of a territorial division of the patricians, with separate sacrifices for each division. Seven of the names have come down to us, some of which, as Faucia, Titia, might seem to Livy to be derived from names of women.

7. hoc: ie. the thirty.

8. centuriae: a hundred men from each tribe; ten (a decuria) from each curia. - Lucerum: the whole origin of this branch is involved in mystery. They were, doubtless, a third stock incorporated with the Romans, but from what quarter is not known. They were probably the last of the three, and were not, like the others, represented in the sacred rites.


14. iure, etc.: i.e. they demanded satisfaction according to the unwritten but generally recognized law observed between nations (gentium) as opposed to the laws of any state (ius civile). This law, of course, protected ambassadors. apud Tatium: the demand was made to him as akin to the guilty parties. - gratia, influence. The word is the abstract of gratus in both senses, grateful to one as for favors and agreeable to one as by means of favors. Here the favor in which Tatius held his kinsmen we may express by their influence with him. plus: i.e. than the justice of the Laurentian cause.

2. illorum: i.e. the kinsmen, of course. - Lavini: see 1. 11. - sollemne, stated; there were close religious ties between the two cities

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3 ficitur. Eam rem minus aegre quam dignum erat tulisse Romulum ferunt, seu ob infidam societatem regni seu quia haud iniuria caesum credebat. Itaque bello quidem abstinuit; ut tamen expiarentur legatorum iniuriae regisque caedes, foedus inter Romam Laviniumque urbes renovatum est.


Et cum his quidem insperata pax

andret mich

pax erat aliud aliud multo propius atque in ipsis prope portis bellum ortum. Fide

themselves nates nimis vicinas prope se convalescere opes rati,

Partidis gent

priusquam tantum roboris esset quantum futurum apparebat, occupant bellum facere. Iuventute armata immissa vastatur agri quod inter urbem ac Fidenas est. 5 Inde ad laevam versi, quia dextra Tiberis arcebat, cum whet of Feald

on account of their supposed relationship. Cf. V. 52. 8; VIII. 11. 15. -concursu facto: i.e. assailed by a mob, or in a riot.


3. minus aegre, etc.: i.e. Romulus was not so indignant as he should have been, being moved either by distrust of his colleague or by his sense of justice. seu, either or, the usual meaning in later Latin. infidam: his distrust is transferred and expressed as a quality of the association, untrustworthy.- bello: i.e. to avenge the murder; for the case, see Gr. 402. quidem: showing that bello is afterwards to be treated as a concession. Latin is full of such formal pointers, which English omits or transfers to another clause. - tamen, but still; opposed to quidem; see note, above.

expiarentur: the guilt on both sides in its religious aspect is cleansed by the religious act of renewing the treaty (see citations under sollemne, 2). There is underlying the whole a reminiscence of an old religious connection of all the peoples of the Latin race,

obscured later by the pre-eminence of Rome.

4. quidem: indicating a connection like: 'With them, to be sure, they had no war, though they had expected one, but from another quarter they did have one.' Fidenates: theirs was an Etruscan city only five and a half miles from Rome, on the same side of the Tiber. - esset: the subjunctive means, before there should be, not before there was; Gr. 592. occupant, make haste... first; i.e. before the Romans should make war on them. - immissa: two participles with a noun are not regular in Latin, but they occur where one is attached to the noun so as to make with it a single idea.

5. laevam. dextra: from the point of view of the army as it marched somewhat southward devastating the country along the Tiber. They would thus find the Tiber on their right hand, and they turned easterly up the Anio towards their left. - cum magna trepi latione, with a great panic. word indicates not necessarily fear, but a hurry-scurry, whether from


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