DANCE OF DEATH. 12107 The Dance of Death. Sold by R. Walton at the Globe on the North side of S. Pauls Church Towards Ludgate. (c. 1720). Folio, ENGRAVED BROADSIDE, (11) in. by 6 in.), containing a Dance of Death series of figures with engraved description. 10s 6d 12108 Le Triomphe de La Mort. GRAVE' D' APRES LES DESSEINS DE HOLBEIN par. W. HOLLAR. (c. 1780). Thirty one engraved plates by Holbein. Sm. 4to, contemporary red morocco, gilt edges. 10s 6d DANCER (JOHN). 12109 Aminta: The Famous Pastoral. WRITTEN IN ITALIAN BY SIGNOR TORQUATO TASSO and translated into English Verse By JOHN DANCER. Together with DIVERS INGENIOUS POEMS. John Starkey, 1660. FIRST EDITION.—Nicomede. A TRAGICOMEDY, Translated out of the French of Monsieur Corneille, By JOHN DANCER. As it was Acted at the Theatre Royal in Dublin. Together with an Exact Catalogue of all the English Stage-Plays printed, till the present Year, 1671. Francis Kirkman, 1671. FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE COMPLETE WITH THE EXACT CATALOGUE. -Agrippa, King of Alba; or, THE FALSE TIBERINUS. As it was several times Acted with great Applause before his Grace the Duke of Ormond, then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, at the Theatre Royal in Dublin. From the French of Monsieur QUINAULT. J. C. for Nich. Cox, 1675. FIRST EDITION. COMPLETE SET OF JOHN DANCER'S DRAMATIC PIECES. The “AMINTA” is an 8vo, inlaid to small 4to to match size of other book. In one volume. Sm. 4to, old calf, rebacked, A VALUABLE COLLECTION. £22 10s Aminta. Dedication to Mr. R. B., To the Reader, Interlocutors, (10) pp.). Poems (pp. 85-134). Nicomede. Dedication to Thomas Earl of Ossory by Fra. Kirkman. Actors (2 pp.). True, perfect and exact Catalogue (16 pp.). Of exceeding rarity with the Catalogue at end. Francis Kirkman who, according to his address to the reader, was an ardent collector and reader of the plays themselves; out of a total of 806 plays which he names, he boasts of the possesion of all but 30 of them!! Besides naming all Shakespeare's own plays, there are several in this list with his name attached, in which he is not known to have had a hand. Agrippa, King of Alba. Dedication to the Lady Mary Cavendish, Prologue, names of Actors, Epilogue (5 pp.). DANCING. 12110 A Satyr Against Dancing. BY A PERSON OF HONOUR. [POEM]. A. Baldwin, 1702. FIRST EDITION. NARCISSUS LUTTRELL'S copy has written on title page the original cost '4d.' and the date ‘18 June 'folio 10 pp., sewn, VERY RARE. £4 14 6d VER 12111 - Another Copy. Ib., 1702. Folio, 10 pp. POEM, sewn. £2 2s DANIEL (THOMAS). 12113 Clackshugh. A POEM IN MILTONIC VERSE. D. Henry and R. Cave, 1755. FIRST EDITION. 4to, 15 pp., sewn. £1 10 FIRST EDITION. 8vo, old half calf, William Herbert & Thomas Park's copy. EXTREMELY RARE, GOOD COPY. £100 Dedication to Sir Edward Dimmock, To his friend Samuel Daniel, N.W. wisheth health, To the Friendly Reader (30 рр.). DANTE ALIGHIERI, 12115 La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri, ILLUSTRATA DI NOTE Da Varj Comentatori Scelte Ed. Abbreviate DA ROMUALDO ZOTTI Dai Torchj Di R. Zotti, 1808, (Vols. 1—3.)—CANZONI Ε. SONETTI DI DANTE ALIGHIERI per la Prima Volta di note illustrate Da Romualdo Zotti Con Una Dissertazione Sulla Divina Commedia, Scritta Da Mr. Merian Dell' Accademia Di Berlino VOLUME QUARTO. R. Zotti, 1809. 4 Vols., 8vo, old calf, D'ANVERS (ARTHUR, LL.B.). £1 1s 12116 A Poem on the Glorious Victory Obtainm'd by The King of Great Britain at the Head of the Allies, OVER THE FRENCH COMMANDED BY MARSHAL NOAILLES, June 16, 1743, near DETTINGEN. By the Reverend Mr. ARTHUR D'ANVERS, LL.B., Chaplain to the Right Honourable RICHARD EARL OF CORK AND BURLINGTON. Dublin, Christopher Dickson, 1743. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, 14 pp., sewn. DARCIE (ABRAHAM). 10s 6d 12117 Annales, The True and Royall History of the famous Empresse Elizabeth Queene of England, France and Ireland, &c. True faith's defendresse of Diuine renowne and happy Memory. Wherein all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne, with such acts and Treaties as past betwixt hir Matle and Scotland, France are exactly described. Printed for Benjamin Fisher, 1625. Engraved title page (See Reproduction) Portraits of Queen Elizabeth and Abraham Darcie. FINE COPY, sm. 4to. wooduct initials and ornaments; original brown calf, gilt paned sides, with medallion portrait of Elizabeth in centres. Enclosed in cloth box case. £21 Engraved title by Vaughan and portrait of Queen Elizabeth, with verses on the back 2 leaves: a-b in fours; dedication to Prince Charles, &c., 2 leaves: "The Author to the Reader," 2 leaves; 1, 4 leaves; 1, 4 leaves; (*), 4 leaves; A, 4 leaves; (a)-(d 2) in fours; (*), 4 leaves; B-Kkk in fours; [B]-[Gg] in fours; A Aaaa-Ffff 2 in fours. With verses to the reader, by Darcie, on the last leaf. The portrait of Darcie, by Delaram, on the concluding page. From an inscription at the top of 1 DARCIE (ABRAHAM). Delaram's print, it appears that Abraham Darcie was a native of Geneva, and the son of Peter Darcie, a lawyer. THIS PORTRAIT IS RARELY FOUND IN THE Translated from P. de Billegent French translation of Camden's latin. DARRELL (WILLIAM). 12118 A Gentleman instructed in the true Principles of Religion, WITH A FULL CONFUTATION OF ATHEISM AND LATITUDINARIANISM. The Second Part. Written for the Instruction of a Young Nobleman. Printed in the year 1707. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, original calf, VERY RARE. DART (JOHN). £2 2s 12120 The Works of Tibullus, CONTAINING HIS FOUR BOOKS OF A VERY SCARCE BOок. For SHAKESPEARE reference see p. XI. £3 3s 121208 The Descent of Man, AND SELECTION IN RELATION TO SEX. By CHARLES DARWIN, M.A., F.R.S., etc. In Two Volumes. John Murray, 1871. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, CLEAN COPY. £3 3s 12120b The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. BY CHARLES DARWIN, M.A., F.R.S., &c. With Photographs and other Illustrations, John Murray, 1872. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original cloth, clean copy. 15s 12120c The Formation of Vegetable Mould, THROUGH THE ACTION OF WORMS, FIRST EDITION. 8νο, 10s 6d 12120d Insectiverous Plants. BY CHARLES DARWIN, M.A., F.R.S., etc. With Illustrations. John Murray, 1875. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original cloth, clean copy. 12s 12120e On Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are fertilised by Insects, and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing. By CHARLES DARWIN, M.A., F.R.S., &c. J. Murray, 1862. FIRST EDITION. Illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, clean copy. 15s 12120f The Power of Movement in Plants. BY CHARLES DARWIN, LL.D., F.R.S., assisted by FRANCIS DARWIN. With Illustrations. DAVENANT (CHARLES). J. Murray, 1880. FIRST 12s 12121 The Songs in Circe. Licensed May 7, 1677. ROGER L'ESTRANGE. 66 WITTES PILGRIMAGE, (by Poeticall Effaies) Through a VVorld of amorous Sonnets, By IOHN DAVIES. Iucunda viciffitudo rerum. AT LONDON, Printed for John Browne, and are to be fold at his shop in DAVIES (JOHN). WITTES PILGRIMAGE. 1605. DAVENANT (CHARLES). is acted at the Duke's Theatre, written by the Honourable SIR CHARLES SEDLEY, Baronet, sold by Richard Tonson at his shop under Grayes-Inn-Gate, next GrayesInn-lane." This of course refers to Sedley's play, but is interesting for its connection with the late quarto Shakespeares. DAVENANT (SIR WILLIAM). 12122 The Epistles of Phalaris, The Tyrant of Agugentum in Sicily. TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY W. D. Richard Badger for George Latham, 1634. FIRST EDITION, 12m0, original calf, VERY RARE. £15 15s Dedication to John Lord Mordant, Earl of Peterborough (8 pp.). DAVIES (JOHN, of Hereford). 12123 Wittes Pilgrimage (by Poeticall Essaies) THROUGH A WORLD OF AMOROUS SONNETS, SOULE-PASSIONS, and other Passages, Divine, Philosophicall, Morall, Poeticall, and Politicall. By JOHN DAVIES. John Browne, 1605. (See Reproduction of title-page). FIRST EDITION. Sm. 4to, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, a few pages stained and insignificant mends in blank margins, FINE COPY, RARE. £85 Verses. Dedication to Lord Philip Herbert, Earle of Mountgomery, Again to the same trulie-noble Earle, The Book of Gratitude. The Author to his Muse, of my selfe (7 pp.). The amatory sonnets in this collection are Davies' most inspired productions. 12124 A Discoverie of the True Causes why Ireland WAS NEVER ENTIRELY SUBDUED, nor brought under Obedience of The Crowne of England, untill the Beginning of his Maiesties happie Raigne. Printed for John Jaggard, dwelling within Temple Bar, at the Signe of the Hand and Star, 1612. FIRST EDITION. THE VERY RARE ISSUE WITH THE ‘“ERRATA '' LEAF ON VERSO OF p. 287. Sm. 4to, original calf. £15 15s | 12125 Nosce Teipsum: or, A Leading-Step to The Knowledge of our Selves AS THE SUREST FOUNDATION TO TRUE RELIGION IN ALL PERSUASIONS. In a brief Discourse of Man's being Made and Undone, in order to his more Happy Recovery. And also of the Original and Nature of Man's Body, and Soul; and of the Faculties, or different ways of the Soul's Operation in the Body. With a brief Discourse of the Lord's Day, and of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By an Unworthy (but Happy) Proselite of Religion and Morality. To which is added A POEM, TREATING OF HUMANE REASON, and the Nature, Original, and Immortality of the Soul; written nigh One Hundred Years Since, by Sir John Davies, Attorney General to Q. Elizabeth, and now herewith reprinted. Edward Brewster, 1689. From the collection of NARCISSUS LUTTRELL, who has written on title 2s. 6d.," his original purchase price, and the date “ 25 Sept.” ،، page |