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convenire, join the army; ad signa consistere, rally round the standards.

Sīlānus, -i, M., M. Silanus, one of Caesar's lieutenants. silentium, -i [silens, pres. p. of sileo, be silent], N., silence, still


Silius, -i, M., T. Silius, a tribune of the soldiers.

silva, -ae, F., a wood, woods, a forest, forests.

silvester (-tris), -tris, -tre [silva], adj., wooded, covered with woods or forests.

similis, -e, adj., like, similar. similitudo, -dinis [similis], F.,

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likeness, resemblance, similarity. simul, adv., at the same time, at once, together, as soon as; simul atque, as soon as; simul simul, both .. and, partly partly. simulacrum, -i [simulo], N., likeness, image, effigy. simulatio. -ōnis [simulo], F., pretense, deceit, false show. simulō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [similis],

I. v. a., (make like), pretend, feign, make a show of.

simultās, -tātis [cf. simul and

similis, like facultas fr. facilis], F., (likeness), rivalry, jealousy, enmity.

sin [si-ne], conj., but if, if however. sincere [sincerus, genuine], adv., honestly, truly, frankly. sine, prep. with abl., without. singillatim [singuli], adv., one at a time, singly, individually. singulāris, -e [singuli], adj., single, one at a time, solitary; singular, extraordinary, unique.

singulī, -ae, -a, distrib. num. adj., one at a time, one by one, one apiece, single, each, separate. sinister, -tra, -trum, adj., left, on the left hand; in F. sing., sc. manus or pars. sinistrorsus


adv., to the left. situs, -tus [sino, put, place], M., situation, position, site.

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socius, -ī, F., partner, associate, comrade; plur., allies. sōl, sōlis, M., the sun. sōlācium (sōlātium), -i [cf. con

solor], N., comfort, consolation. soldurius, -1, M., retainer, follower. soleō, solēre, solitus, 2. v. n., be accustomed, be wont.

sōlitūdō, -dinis [solus], F., loneliness; lonely place, wilderness. sollertia, -ae [sollers, adroit], F., ingenuity, skill, cleverness, adroit

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sonitus, -tūs [sono, sound], M., sound, noise.

sonus, -i [cf. sono, sound], M., sound.

soror, -ōris, F., sister; ex mātre, on the mother's side, i. e., a halfsister.

sors, sortis, F., lot, chance, fate. Sōtiātēs, -um, M. plur., a tribe in Aquitania.

spatium, -ī, N., space, extent, distance; space of time, interval, period, lapse of time. species, -iei [cf. specio, look], F., sight, appearance, show, pretense.

spectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [freq. of | specio, look], I. v. a. and n., look at, regard, have in view, look toward, face, lie toward. speculator, -tōris [speculor], M., scout, spy.

speculātōrius, -a, -um [speculator], of a scout, scouting, spying, reconnoitering, observing. speculor, -ārī, -ātus [cf. specio, look; specula, watch-tower], 1. v. dep., spy out, observe, recon


sperō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [spes], I.

v. a. and n., hope, hope for, expect. spēs, -ei, F., hope, expectation. spiritus, -tus [spiro, breathe], M., breath; spirit, pride, haughtiness,


spolio. -āre, -āvī, -ātus [spolium, booty], I. v. a., strip, despoil, rob, deprive.

spontis (gen.), sponte (abl.), no other cases used; gen. not used in Caesar; F., of one's own accord, voluntarily, willingly; on one's own account, by one's own influence.

stabilio, -ire, -īvī (-i), -ītus [stabilis, firm], 4. v. a., make firm, t make stable, establish.

stabilitās, -tātis [stabilis, firm], F., firmness, steadiness, solidity. statim [sto], adv., on the spot, at once, forthwith, immediately. statio, -ōnis [sto], F., (standing), post, outpost, picket, guard, duty. statuō, -uere, -ui, -ūtus [status], 3. v. a., set up; establish, determine, resolve, decide, judge, pass sentence; consider, hold, think. statūra, -ae [sto], F., stature, height of a man.

status, -tus [sto], M., standing, position, situation, state, condition. stimulus, -i, M., goad, spur, caltrop. | stipendiarius, -a, -um [stipendium], adj., tributary, subject to tribute; as noun, stīpendiārii, -ōrum, M. plur., subjects, tributaries.

stipendium, -i [stips, offering, -pendō], F., tribute, tax.

stīpes, stīpitis, M., trunk of a tree, post, log.

stirps, stirpis, F. (sometimes M.), stock, stem, trunk; race, family, stock.

stō, stāre, stetī, statūrus, I. v. n., stand, be posted; stand by, abide by. strāmentum, -ī [stra-, root of sterno, straw], M., straw, thatch, pack-saddle.

strepitus, -tūs [strepo, make a noise], M., noise, confused sound, din, uproar.

studeō, studēre, studui, no p. p. [cf. studium], 2. v. n., be eager for, strive for, be devoted to, desire, cultivate, apply one's self to. studiōsē [studiōsus, zealous], adv., eagerly, zealously.

studium, -i [cf. studeo]. N., zeal, eagerness, devotion, enthusiasm, fondness; pursuit, occupation. stultitia, -ae [stultus, foolish], F., folly, foolishness.

sub, adv. in comp. and prep., (1) with acc., (of motion toward something) under, close to; (of time) just before, about; (2) with abl., under; before (the eyes); just at, at the foot of (a mountain); (3) in compos., under, from under, up, secretly, in succession, slightly. subāctus, -a, -um, p. p. of subigo.

subdolus, -a, -um [sub-dolus], adj., sly, cunning, wily, crafty. subducō, -ducere, -dūxi, -ductus [sub-duco], 3. v. a., lead up, draw up, haul up (on shore); lead off, withdraw.

subductiō, -ōnis [subduco], F., hauling up (on shore), beaching. subductus, -a, -um, p. p. of

subeō, -īre, -iī, -itus [sub-eo], irr. v. a., go under; undergo, suffer; approach, go up to, encounter. subfodiō (suff-), -fodere, -fōdī, -fossus [sub-fodio], 3. v. a., dig under, stab from below. subfossus, -a, -um, p. p. of subfodio.

sūbiciō, -icere, -iēcī, -iectus [sub- | iacio], 3. v. a., throw under, throw from under; place under, subject, expose to; place near; subiectus, -a, -um, p. p. as adj., situated near, near, adjacent.

subiectus, -a, -um, p. p. of subicio.

subigō, -igere, -ēgi, -āctus [subago], 3. v. a., bring under, subdue, subject, constrain. subitō; see subitus. subitus, -a, -um [p. p. of subeo], adj., (coming up secretly), sudden, unexpected; subito, abl. as adv., suddenly.

sublātus, -a, -um [sub-(t)latus], P. p. of tollo. sublevō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [sub-levo], I. v. a., lift up, lighten, relieve, support, assist, aid. sublica, -ae, F., pile. subluō, -luere, no perf., -lūtus [subluo], 3. v. a., wash, flow at the foot of. subministro (summ-), -āre, -āvī, -ātus [sub-ministro, serve], I. v. a., supply, furnish, provide. submittō (summ-), -mittere, -mīsī, -missus [sub-mitto], 3. v. a., send up, send to help, send as reënforce


submōtus, -a, -um, p. p. of sub


submoveo (summ-), -movēre, -mōvī, -mōtus [sub-moveo], 2. v. a., drive off, remove, dislodge. subruō, -ruere, -rui, -rutus [subruo], 3. v. a., undermine. subsequor, -sequi, -secutus [subsequor], 3. v. dep., follow closely, follow up, succeed.

subsidium, -i [sub-sedeo, sit], N., (sitting near); reserve (troops), support, reënforcement, relief, assistance, help, remedy, resource. subsīdō, -sidere, -sēdi, sessūrus [sub-sido, sit down], 3. v. n., stay behind, remain.

subsistō, -sistere, -stitī, no p. p. [sub-sisto], 3. v. n., stop, halt, make a stand, hold out, hold fast.

subsum, -esse, -fui, -futūrus [subsum], irr. v. n., be under, be near, be close at hand, approach. subtrahō, -trahere, -trāxī, -trāctus [sub-traho], 3. v. a., take away, draw off underneath, remove, esp. by stealth.

subvectio, -ōnis [subveho], 3. v. a., bringing up, transportation. subvehō, -vehere, -vēxī, -vectus [sub-veho, carry], 3. v. a., bring up. subvenio, -venīre, -vēnī, -ventūrus [sub-venio], 4. v. n., come to help, come to support, assist, aid, relieve,

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-ūs [succedo], M., coming up, approach. succido, -cidere, -cīdī, -cīsus [subcaedo], 3. v. a., cut at the bottom, cut down, mow, reap. succisus, -a, -um, p. p. of succido.

succumbo, -cumbere, -cubui, -cubitūrus [sub-cumbo, lie down], 3. v. n., lie down under, sink under, yield, be overcome, give way. succurrō, -currere, -currī, -cursūrus [sub-curro], 3. v. n., run to help, succor, aid, rescue. sudis, -is, F., a stake. sūdor, -ōris, M., sweat; effort, iabor, toil.

Suēba, -ae, F., a Suebian woman. Suēbi (Suēvi), -ōrum, M. plur.,

the Suebi (-vi), Swabians, a large and powerful German nation. Suēbus, -a, -um, adj., Suebian, (Suevian), Swabian. Suessiones, -um, M. plur., a nation of Belgic Gaul about the town now called Soissons.

sufficio, -ficere, -fēcī, -fectus [sub- | supersum, -esse, -fuī, -futūrus [su

facio], 3. v. a. and n., provide, supply; suffice, hold out. suffragium, -i, N., vote. Sugambrī (Sig-), -ōrum, M., a German tribe.

suggestus, -tūs [sub-gero], M., mound of earth, raised platform, tribunal.

sui [gen. N. of suus], sibi, sẽ or sēsē, no nom., himself, herself, itself, themselves; he, she, they; with inter, each other; with cum, written secum; per sē, in or of himself, etc.

Sulla, -ae, M., L. Cornelius Sulla, the great dictator, leader of the nobility and antagonist of Marius. Sulpicius, -i, M., (1) P. Sulpicius Rufus, one of Caesar's lieutenants; (2) Servius Sulpicius Galba, one of Caesar's lieutenants. sum, esse, fui, futūrus, irr. v. n., be; often to be translated there is, there are, etc.; with possess. gen., belong to, be characteristic of, be the duty of, etc. summa, -ae (F. of summus), F., (top), total, sum, whole; general management, control; summa imperī, chief command.

summus, -a, -um, superl. of superus.

sumō, sumere, sumpsī, sumptus [sub-emo, take], 3. v. a., take, take to one's self, get; assume, undertake; expend, spend; inflict (punishment).

sumptuosus, -a, -um [sumptus], adj., expensive, costly. sumptus, -tus [sumo], M., expense. super, adv. in compos. and prep., above, over, beyond, besides. superbe [superbus, proud], adv., proudly, haughtily, arrogantly. superior; see superus. superō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [superus],

i. v. a. and n., surpass, surmount, excel, overcome, conquer, defeat, subdue; survive, remain, be left over. supersedeō, -sedere, -sēdī, -sessūrus [super-sedeo], 2. v. n., sit above, be above; refrain from.

per-sum], irr. v. n., be over and above, remain, survive.

superus, -a, -um, adj., compar. superior; superl. suprēmus or summus; upper, above, higher; superior, -ius, higher, upper, superior; former, earlier, previous; summus, -a, -um, highest, the top of, greatest, chief, most important, supreme; as noun, summum, -ī, top, end.

suppetō, -petere, -petīvī, -petītūrus [sub-peto], 3. v. n., be at hand, be present, be supplied, be in store,

hold out.

supplementum, -ī [suppleo, fill up], N., supply, reënforcement. supplex, -icis, M. and F., suppli


supplicātiō, -ōnis [supplico, entreat], F., prayer; esp. (public) thanksgiving, decreed by the Roman Senate for victories. suppliciter [supplex], adv., in the manner of suppliants, humbly. supplicium, -i [supplex], N., punishment, death penalty, execution. supportō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [subporto], I. v. a., bring up, convey, furnish, supply.

suprā, adv., and prep. with acc., above, beyond, before, previously. susceptus, -a, -um, p. p. of suscipio.

suscipio, -cipere, -cēpī, -ceptus [sub(s)-capio], 3. v. a., take`up, undertake, assume, commence, engage in.

suspectus, -a, -um, p. p. of suspicio.

suspicio, -spicere, -spēxī, -spectus [sub-specio, look], 3. v. a. and n., look from below, look up at, look askance at, suspect; suspectus, -a, -um, p. p. as adj., suspected, mistrusted.

suspicio, -ōnis, F., mistrust, suspicion, imputation, impression, indication.

suspicor, -ārī, -ātus [cf. suspicio], I. v. dep., mistrust, suspect, surmise.

sustentō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [sub(s)- | tento, freq. of teneo], I. v. a. and n., hold up, sustain, hold out against, hold out. sustineō, -tinere, -tinui, -tentus [sub(s)-teneo], 2. v. a. and n., hold up, support, hold out against, endure, withstand, check, stop, pull up, rein in; hold out, make a stand.

sustuli; see tollō.

suus, -a, -um, poss. adj. pron. (reflexive, i. e., referring to the subject of the sentence), his, her, its, their; his own, etc., advantageous; his usual, characteristic; as noun, suī, -ōrum, M. plur., his own people, his own soldiers, his own side; sua, -ōrum, N. plur., his, etc., possessions.

T., for Titus.


tabernaculum, -ī [dimin. of tāberna, hut], N., tent. tabula, -ae, F., a board, writing tablet, list, record, document. tabulātus, -a, -um [tabula], adj., made of boards; as noun, tabulātum, -ī, N., boarding, flooring, floor, story.

taceō, tacere, tacui, tacitus, 2. v. a. and n., be silent; say nothing about, conceal, pass over in silence; tacitus, -a, -um, p. p. as adj., silent.

tacitus, -a, -um, p. p. of taceo. tālea, -ae, F., rod, bar.

tālis, -e, adj., such, of such a kind.

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tam [cf. quam, nam, etc.], adv., so, so much, so very. tamen, adv., nevertheless, yet, still,

tantopere (often written tanto

opere), adv., so earnestly, so greatly, so very much. tantulus, -a, -um [dimin. of tantus], adj., so small, so trifling, so little, so slight. tantum; see tantus. tantummodo [tantum-modo], adv., (so much only), only, merely. tantundem [tantum-dem, like idem], adv., just so much, just so far.

tantus, -a, -um, adj., so much, so great, so important, so small, etc.; tanti, of so great value, worth so much so much (and no more), only so much; tantum, N. acc. as adv, only, merely, only so much.

Tarbelli, -ōrum, M. plur., a tribe in Aquitania, whose name is preserved in Tarbes. tardē [tardus], adv., slowly, late; paulo tardius, rather slowly. tardō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [tardus], I. v. a., delay, check, hinder. tardus, -a, -um, adj., slow, not active, sluggish.

Tarusātes, -ium, M. plur., a tribe in Aquitania, whose name is preserved in Tartas.

Tasgetius, -i, M., a chief of the Carnutes.

taurus, -ī, M., bull. Taximagulus, -i, M., a British chief in Kent.

taxus, -i, F., yew-tree; yew, the poison made from the berries. Tectosagés, -um, M. plur., a branch of the Volcae; their chief town was Tolosa, now Toulouse.

tēctum, -i [N. p. p. of tego], N., roof, house.

notwithstanding, however, at least.tectus, -a, -um, p. p. of tego. Tamesis, -is, M., the Thames river. tegimentum (tegu-), -i [tego], N., tametsi [tamen-etsi], adv., ́ al- covering. though, though.

tandem [tam-dem, like idem], adv., at length, at last; (in questions) pray, pray now. tangō, tangere, tetigī, tactus, 3. v. a., touch, border on.

tegō, tegere, tēxī, tēctus, 3. v. a., cover, thatch, hide, protect. tēlum, -i, N., missile, weapon, dart, javelin, spear.

temerarius, -a, -um [temere], adj., rash, reckless, hasty, heedless.

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