Western Humanities Review, Volume 70University of Utah Press, 2016 - 23 pagine |
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Pagina 130
... essay is part of my research project Fondecyt Regular # 1131136 " Samples y loops en la poesía contemporánea ... Essays on Conceptual Writing ( Montreal : Snare Books , 2011 ) , 6 . 4. Héctor Hernández Montecinos , " La poesía es ...
... essay is part of my research project Fondecyt Regular # 1131136 " Samples y loops en la poesía contemporánea ... Essays on Conceptual Writing ( Montreal : Snare Books , 2011 ) , 6 . 4. Héctor Hernández Montecinos , " La poesía es ...
Pagina 72
... essay evolved from a talk given at the University of Utah's J. Willard Marriott Library , on October 21 , 2015 , and is based on materials from the library's Rare Books and Special Collections Departments . The sources cited below ...
... essay evolved from a talk given at the University of Utah's J. Willard Marriott Library , on October 21 , 2015 , and is based on materials from the library's Rare Books and Special Collections Departments . The sources cited below ...
Pagina 43
... essay . Moreover , I also extend my deepest thanks to Catherine Liu , Michael Szalay , and Richard Godden for their intellectual guidance , professional support , and personal generosity . Finally , I would like to dedicate this essay ...
... essay . Moreover , I also extend my deepest thanks to Catherine Liu , Michael Szalay , and Richard Godden for their intellectual guidance , professional support , and personal generosity . Finally , I would like to dedicate this essay ...
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