Western Humanities Review, Volume 70University of Utah Press, 2016 - 23 pagine |
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Pagina 165
... walk . He lives in a great neighborhood for walks , tree - lined streets and nineteenth- century brownstones . He knows each block by heart , the carved stone doorways and bay windows . But as soon as he steps outside , his body starts ...
... walk . He lives in a great neighborhood for walks , tree - lined streets and nineteenth- century brownstones . He knows each block by heart , the carved stone doorways and bay windows . But as soon as he steps outside , his body starts ...
Pagina 198
... walk around town with his backing band in tow . His favorite places to walk include : cobblestone streets , blind alleys , the edges of European parks , and as I had already discovered - the aisles of freely - flowing supermarkets . Not ...
... walk around town with his backing band in tow . His favorite places to walk include : cobblestone streets , blind alleys , the edges of European parks , and as I had already discovered - the aisles of freely - flowing supermarkets . Not ...
Pagina 204
Stories I Tell Myself He started to walk away , but immediately turned back around . " But , apparently , this is ... walk away . I was walking quickly and using the last of the daylight , so this fact didn't dawn on me until later ...
Stories I Tell Myself He started to walk away , but immediately turned back around . " But , apparently , this is ... walk away . I was walking quickly and using the last of the daylight , so this fact didn't dawn on me until later ...
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aesthetic Alphabets of Creation animals artist asked audience back back back Betty Bourdieu broadcasting Carlos Soto Román Conceptual Trends creative cultural dark ditch parties Elana Levine essay eyes face feel Felipe Cussen Ferguson fiction film fire Franco genre girl Guillermo Galindo hand hear human industry Irvine Ishiguro's James James Franco Jeff says Jim Spagg John Frum Kabbalah kids Latin American Literature Legitimating Television Lewinnek Liberal TV literary lives look Lou Grant machines Museum Netflix never night novel Ozzie palm Peter Cole PINTURA:PALABRA PINTURA:PALABRA poems poet Poetry political Press prestige production programs public-access television Quality TV Queenetta Review Ricardo Cortez Ronnie Rotten Tomatoes Royal Scam singing soap opera social Stephen-Paul Martin stones and sky story suburbs talk tell Temples There's things thirtysomething turn TV as Liberal viewers walk watch words York YouTube