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vexere. Sed querellae, ne tum quidem gratae futurae cum forsitan necessariae erunt, ab initio certe tantae 13 ordiendae rei absint. Cum bonis potius ominibus votisque et precationibus deorum dearumque, si, ut poetis, nobis quoque mos esset, libentius inciperemus, ut orsis tanti operis successus prosperos darent.

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Iam primum omnium satis constat Troia capta in 1 ceteros saevitum esse Troianos; duobus, Aeneae Antenorique, et vetusti iure hospitii et quia pacis reddendaeque Helenae semper auctores fuerunt, omne ius belli Achivos abstinuisse; casibus deinde variis Antenorem cum mul- 2 titudine Enetum, qui seditione ex Paphlagonia pulsi et sedes et ducem rege Pylaemene ad Troiam amisso quaerebant, venisse in intimum Hadriatici maris sinum, Euga- 3 neisque, qui inter mare Alpesque incolebant, pulsis

AENEAS IN ITALY. (Cf. Virg. Aen. V. 827 seq., VII. 25 seq.)

1. iam, well then; forming the transition from the preface.-satis constat, it is sufficiently settled, generally agreed; not necessarily that Livy believed it. Cf. Pref. 6 and 8.

saevitum esse, the Greeks vented their rage; i.e. the others were slain. - duobus: a poetic dative instead of ablative; cf. arcere, depellere. Antenori: cf. Aen. I. 242 seq.

hospitii: Ulysses and Menelaus were entertained by Antenor when they came to demand Helen. This, of course, implies some relation of the kind mentioned.

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2. casibus variis, through various vicissitudes; they were alike spared, but their later destiny was different; cf. Virg. Aen. I. 242 seq. - Antenorem: continuing the story in indirect discourse. — multitudine, a large colony; regularly used of the common people; the population.

Enetum: shorter form for Enetorum. There seems to have been a tribe of this name in Asia. Il. II. 852.

seditione, revolution; such as was common in Athens and many Greek cities. Such disturbances usually produced many exiles.


rege, etc. explaining ducem... quaerebant: cf. II. V. 576. venisse the emphasis may be represented by 'finally landed' or 'immigrated,' as opposed to his wanderings on the way.

3. Euganeis: a tribe once settled about the Italian lakes. They may have been of Italian stock.


Et in quem

Enetos Troianosque eas tenuisse terras. primo egressi sunt locum Troia vocatur, pagoque Troiano inde nomen est; gens universa Veneti appellati. 4 Aeneam ab simili clade domo profugum, sed ad maiora rerum initia ducentibus fatis primo in Macedoniam venisse, inde in Siciliam quaerentem sedes delatum, ab 5 Sicilia classe ad Laurentem agrum tenuisse. Troia et huic loco nomen est. Ibi egressi Troiani, ut quibus ab immenso prope errore nihil praeter arma et naves super

Helbig, Die Italiken in der Poebene. -et, and in fact; as still appears; though, of course, these names may have been given from the story. This is a remark of Livy outside of the indirect discourse.

in quem . . . locum: see Gr. 200. b. primo: i.e. their first landing, though they afterwards conquered the whole country. - Troiano: the name; see Gr. 231. b..

universa, united; i.e. including both stems.

Veneti: the resemblance of name may have been merely an accident giving rise to the story; but such migrations were common in early times, and the story may possibly be true in its main features.

appellati: attracted to the nearest noun; see Gr. 204. b.

4. Aeneam: cf. Antenorem, 2. -ab, from.

maiora: we should expect maiorum; but it is almost a tendency of the Latin, especially in poetry, to make an adjective agree with some subordinate but grammatically leading part of a complex idea. Cf. Aen. VII. 44, maior rerum ordo.

rerum: we should say destiny; but Livy has in his mind the Roman state. Cf. res Romana, 9. I.

fatis: a common idea with the Romans. Cf. Aen. I. 2, III. 182, VII. 123.

Macedoniam: there was a city Enea in this province, perhaps connected with the worship of Venus, to which cult this name Æneas especially belongs. Cf. Aen. III. 17, which probably refers to the same place.

Siciliam: Segesta was very early recognized as a kindred city by the Romans. It is likely that the myth of Æneas was connected with the worship of Venus on Mount Eryx, and perhaps came from that region by way of Cuma to Latium. Cf. Aen. Book V., and Tac. Ann. IV. 43. 6.

Laurentem agrum: this region lies south of the mouth of the Tiber. Its chief city was Laurentum, about fifteen miles southwest from Rome and a little southeast from Ostia. Cf. Aen. VII. 171. tenuisse: sc. cursum, which is often omitted.

5. Troia: the emphasis causes the nominative instead of the more common dative; cf. Troiano, 3. et huic: the name seems to have become attached to several places, probably only through the influence of the myth.; cf. Cic. Att. IX. 13. 6, Troianum (praedium).—ibi: Virgil puts the landing farther north, by the mouth of the Tiber.-ut quibus: explanatory of the Trojans' predatory excursions; in the characteristic relative construction, 2

esset, cum praedam ex agris agerent, Latinus rex Aboriginesque, qui tum ea tenebant loca, ad arcendam vim advenarum armati ex urbe atque agris concurrunt.

Duplex inde fama est: alii proelio victum Latinum 6 pacem cum Aenea, deinde adfinitatem iunxisse tradunt; alii, cum instructae acies constitissent, priusquam signa 7 canerent, processisse Latinum inter primores ducemque advenarum evocasse ad conloquium; percunctatum deinde qui mortales essent, unde aut quo casu profecti domo quidve quaerentes in agrum Laurentem exissent, post- 8 quam audierit multitudinem Troianos esse, ducem Aeneam filium Anchisae et Veneris, cremata patria

favorite one with Livy; properly, as persons to whom,' etc., as men would naturally do,' etc.

Latinus: see Aen. VII. 45. — urbe: i.e. Laurentum. The ancient commonwealths consisted of an oppidum, a fortified city which was the centre and citadel, and the ager, as much land—usually ten or a dozen miles across-as could be cultivated and defended by operations from the city. In case of invasion, the persons and property were taken into the city for security, and the country abandoned, or else the militia was rallied to repel the invaders.

- Aborigines: it is uncertain whether this has a real or only a popular Latin etymology. It may have been a tribe, but was supposed to mean the original inhabitants of Italy.

6. inde, from that point.—proelio: the emphasis gives the force, 'Some say there was an actual battle; others, that only the lines were formed,' etc.-adfinitatem: i.e. by the marriage with Lavinia.

7. inter primores, to the front; among those who fought in the first. line.

mortales: used by Sallust and later writers for homines. The use of the word at all adds a little emphasis to the question, like 'what manner of men they were,' or 'who the strangers were.' unde... domo: i.e.'where was their home, and by what chance they had come away from it?' Vnde domo are often used together, but here domo is connected also with quo casu.aut: we should expect et; but the Latin often presents questions, like negatives, disjunctively; so quid


This form of expression gives a peculiar force to a question, like 'Who are you, or why have you left your homes (any way, whoever you are)? We don't know you, nor have you any business to be away from home, nor at any rate to be making depredations on our land.' So Aen. I. 369.

8. audierit: in direct discourse, audivit, and the tense is retained (Gr. 336. B. a). — multitudinem: i.e. the people in general; cf. 2. n. Troianos: answer to qui mortales and unde; cremata : answer to quo casu; sedem: answer to quidve quaerentes. patria,

domo profugos sedem condendaeque urbis locum quaerere, et nobilitatem admiratum gentis virique et animum vel bello vel paci paratum, dextra data fidem futurae 9 amicitiae sanxisse. Inde foedus ictum inter duces, inter exercitus salutationem factam, Aeneam apud Latinum fuisse in hospitio. Ibi Latinum apud penates deos domesticum publico adiunxisse foedus filia Aeneae in 10 matrimonium data. Ea utique res Troianis spem adfirmat tandem stabili certaque sede finiendi erroris. II Oppidum condunt, Aeneas ab nomine uxoris Lavinium appellat. Brevi stirpis quoque virilis ex novo matrimonio fuit, cui Ascanium parentes dixere nomen.

native city; the fatherland of the ancients was their city.condendae urbis the dative might have been used, depending on the verbal idea. - sedem, locum: referring to domo profugos and to patria chiastically. It is of the greatest assistance to remember, in reading Latin, that it is a very formal language, and proceeds by antitheses and ideas regularly matched, not always in exact form, but always in substance. The best way to be sure what a Latin expression means is to see what it is opposed to.

very uncertain; perhaps the Romans didn't know themselves. Their name is evidently connected with penes, penitus, penus, so that they represent the gods of the inner family life of the Romans.

10. ea res: the marriage. - utique, fully; properly, at any rate, however doubtful the hope might have been before, but implying that there was some. adfirmat, confirmed; the original meaning, for which usually confirmo is used.

stabili, permanent, likely to

last nobilitatem, the fame; i.e. as being the well-known Trojans and Æneas. — animum, their spirit, as shown by their conduct, intrepid, but not malicious nor savage.

fidem: only a pledge; the treaty follows afterwards. sanxisse : used like our sealed, made it binding by the hand-shaking; a very old form of promise.


9. foedus: a formal treaty, with religious ceremonies (ictum). — salutationem, mutual greetings. Cf. salve, salutem dicere.

penates: the gods of the household. Exactly what they were is

(objective); certa, secure, about which they had no distrust (subjective). The Latin is very fond of presenting the two sides or phases of an idea in a way that seems to us tautological.

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