Livy, Books I. and II., Volume 1Ginn, 1891 - 270 pagine |
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Risultati 1-5 di 41
Pagina xiii
... actions , especially the more pathetic and the more noble . His moral tone is lofty , without any trace of hypocrisy or cant . If an event or situation is to be depicted , he knows how to seize upon precisely the point of view which ...
... actions , especially the more pathetic and the more noble . His moral tone is lofty , without any trace of hypocrisy or cant . If an event or situation is to be depicted , he knows how to seize upon precisely the point of view which ...
Pagina xvii
... action a growth of the times : e.g. , ubi dixisset , I. 32. 13 ; si adesset , II . 58. 7 . s . The more free use of the infinitive instead of clauses . See I. 4. 9 . See II . 40. 7 . t . The indicative with quamvis , forsitan , etc. u ...
... action a growth of the times : e.g. , ubi dixisset , I. 32. 13 ; si adesset , II . 58. 7 . s . The more free use of the infinitive instead of clauses . See I. 4. 9 . See II . 40. 7 . t . The indicative with quamvis , forsitan , etc. u ...
Pagina 11
... action of iunxit . unt . - 4. adversus , to meet . - tanti belli terrorem , so formidable an enemy.— belli : almost concrete in Latin , re- ferring to the combined force arrayed against him . The whole , by the use of adversus and by ...
... action of iunxit . unt . - 4. adversus , to meet . - tanti belli terrorem , so formidable an enemy.— belli : almost concrete in Latin , re- ferring to the combined force arrayed against him . The whole , by the use of adversus and by ...
Pagina 17
... action of praebuisse by lowering the dugs . - - mitem : where we should expect - an adverb ; cf. serae , Pref . 11 . magister : i.e. the king's shepherd . regii : the emphatic position is explained by the fondness of the Latin for ...
... action of praebuisse by lowering the dugs . - - mitem : where we should expect - an adverb ; cf. serae , Pref . 11 . magister : i.e. the king's shepherd . regii : the emphatic position is explained by the fondness of the Latin for ...
Pagina 22
... action to the time of vertuntur . The Latin in order to make a unit Ibi in turba of the circumstances takes an arbi- trary point of time , and refers the rest of the statements to that . tempore ... praecepto , from the priority of time ...
... action to the time of vertuntur . The Latin in order to make a unit Ibi in turba of the circumstances takes an arbi- trary point of time , and refers the rest of the statements to that . tempore ... praecepto , from the priority of time ...
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ablative according account action afterwards apparently Aricia arma Aurunci became belli bello bellum body called case castra character Circus Maximus city clause common construction consul consules course deinde dictator different doubt early effect emphasis emphatic enemy esset Etruria Etruscis expression fact first force form general given gives great haud hence hostes hostium Ianiculum idea implied inde indirect discourse Iovis Iuppiter kind king later Latin Latium Lavinium less Livy Livy's made make making meaning means mentioned merely mind name neque notice Numa occa omnibus opposed order originally patres patrum people perhaps place plebs position power present probably prope properly purpose reason reference referring regem regular religious right Romam Romans Rome Romulus Sabines Sabini same see Gr seems senate sense sine state story subject take tamen Tarquinius their thought Tiberim time times tion urbem used usual VEII Volsci Volscos whole word words
Brani popolari
Pagina 115 - ... pateret soli. Hoc spatium quod neque habitari neque arari fas erat, non magis quod post murum esset quam quod murus post id, pomerium Romani appellarunt; et in urbis incremento semper quantum moenia processura erant tantum termini hi consecrati proferebantur.
Pagina 5 - Hoc illud est praecipue in cognitione rerum salubre ac frugiferum, omnis te exempli documenta in inlustri posita monumento intueri; inde tibi tuaeque rei publicae, quod imitere, capias, inde foedum inceptu, foedum exitu, quod vites.
Pagina 77 - Ad haec Albana pubes inermis ab armatis saepta in variis voluntatibus communi tarnen metu cogente silentium tenet. Turn Tullus ' Metti Fufeti ' inquit, ' si ipse discere posses fidem ac foedera servare, vivo tibi ea disciplina a me adhibita esset : nunc, quoniam tuum insanabile ingenium est, at tu tuo supplicio doce humanum genus ea sancta credere, quae a te violata sunt. Ut igitur paulo ante animum inter Fidenatem Romanamque rem ancipitem gessisti, ita iam corpus passim distrahendum dabis.
Pagina 36 - Accepti obrutam armis necavere, seu ut vi capta potius arx videretur, seu prodendi exempli causa, ne quid usquam fidum proditori esset.
Pagina 3 - ... ego contra hoc quoque laboris praemium petam, ut me a conspectu malorum, quae nostra tot per annos vidit aetas, tantisper certe, dum prisca illa tota mente repeto, avertam omnis expers curae, quae scribentis animum etsi non flectere a vero, sollicitum tarnen efficere posset.
Pagina 47 - Cum perfusus horrorе venerabundus adstitissem, petens precibus, ut contra intueri fas esset, 'abi, nuntia/ inquit, 'Romanis 7 caelestes ita velle, ut mea Roma caput orbis terrarum sit; proinde rem militarem colant sciantque et ita posteris tradant nullas opes humanas armis Romanis resistere posse.
Pagina 143 - Dant ordine omnes fidem; consolantur aegram animi avertendo noxam ab coacta in auctorem delicti: mentem peccare, non corpus, et unde consihum afuerit, culpam abesse. „Vos" inquit „videritis, quid illi debeatur; ego me etsi peccato absolvo, supplicio non libero; nee ulla deinde impudica Lucretiae exemplo vivet.
Pagina 147 - Liberi iam hinc populi Romani res pace belloque gestas, annuos magistratus, imperiaque legum potentiora a quam hominum peragam. Quae libertas ut laetior esset, proximi regis superbia fecerat. Nam priores ita regnarunt ut haud immerito omnes deinceps conditores partium certe urbis, quas novas ipsi sedes ab se auctae 3 multitudinis addiderunt, numerentur.
Pagina 197 - Certamen consulibus inciderat, uter dedicaret Mercuri aedem. Senatus a se rem ad populum reiecit: utri eorum dedicatio iussu populi data esset, eum praeesse annonae, mercatorum collegium instituere, sollemnia pro pontifice iussit suscipere.
Pagina 23 - Romulo se ostendisset, utrumque regem sua multitude consalutaverat : tempore illi praecepto, at hi numero avium regnum trahebant. inde cum altercatione congressi certamine irarum ad caedem vertuntur; ibi in turba ictus Remus cecidit. vulgatior fama est ludibrio fratris Remum novos transiluisse muros; inde ab irato Romulo, cum verbis quoque increpitans adiecisset, 'sic deinde, quicumque alius transiliet moenia mea/ interfectum.