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Of the following derivative forms, those which occur most

rarely have been sometimes omitted:

NOUNS : Feminines in a, from nouns in us, er (M.);

Feminines in -trix, trīcis, from nouns in -tor, tōris (M.);
Diminutives in -olus, -ulus, -ellus;

Verbals in -mentum, i (N.), equivalent to forms in -men, inis;
Verbals in -antia, -entia (F.), from the present, denoting quality,
Verbals in -tor (M.), -trix (F.), from the supine stem, denoting agent;
Verbals in -tus, ūs (M.); -tūra, æ, -tio, -ōnis (F.), from the supine
stem, denoting condition or act.

ADJECTIVES: Possessives in -ānus, -ius, -īlis, derived from nouns ;
Patrials or locals in -as (ātis), -ensis, -īnus;

Verbals in -bundus, corresponding nearly in signification with the present participle;

Secondary forms in -ārius, -icius, and -īvus.

ADVERBS, regularly formed from adjectives: as from

cārus: carē, carius, carissimē ;

fortis: fortiter, fortius, fortissimē.

VERBS: Inceptives in -sco; also, Compounds with the following prefixes, when their meaning is not otherwise altered:

ā, āb, away: as, aufĕro, abstŭli, ablātum, take away.
ad, to, towards: as affero, attŭli, allātum, bring.

ante, before: as, antefĕro, prefer; antecello, excel.
circum, around, about: as, circummunio, to wall around.
con, together: as, confero, collātum, bring together, compare.
dē, down, utterly: as, dēspicio, look down on, despise.

dī, or dís, asunder: as, dīdūco, draw apart; disjungo, unbind.
ē, ex, out: as, effĕro, extuli, ēlātum, carry forth, uplift.
in, with Nouns or Adjectives, not: as, infinītus, boundless.

in, with Verbs, in, on, or against: as, infĕro, illātum, bear against.
inter, into or to pieces: as, interrumpo, interrupt.

ně, něc, not: as, nèqueo, cannot; něcõpīnātus, unlooked-for.

ob, towards: as, offero, offer; obvěnio, meet.

per, prae, very: as, permagnus, very great; præclārus, glorious.

rě, red, back or again: as, refero, report; rědeo, return.

sē, apart: as, sē-păro, part; sē-cerno, put aside.

sub, under or in low degree: as, subdõlus, crafty; suffĕro, endure. super, on or in place of: as, superfundo, pour over.




Of California

NOUNS. -M. masculine; F. feminine; N. neuter; c. common; D. doubtful.
VERBS. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, signify the Conjugations. In those of the 1st and 4th, where
only one form is given, the conjugation is regular, like amo or audio. In the others, the
Perfect termination is given, and usually that of the Supine Stem oniyas rego, xi, ct--
instead of the ending in um. When compound verbs are divided by a hyphen, the conjugation
may be found under the simple form. -A. active; N. neuter; P. passive

PROPER NAMES. -k. king; q queen; f. father; m. mother; s. son; d. daughter;
dist. district; prov. province; mt. mountain;-myth. signifies that the name belongs to
Mythology. The dates are usually those of birth and death: as, Hannibal, B.C. 247-183.
Unusual forms of inflection are given in parenthesis; cognate words in brackets.
Words marked † are Greek. Forms given with hyphen occur in compounds.
Vowels not marked, and not long by position, are to be reckoned short.

The References are to the Sections or Tables of the "Manual Latin Grammar."

A, the prænomen Aulus.

ā, ab, from, by, since, on the side of. [ab-, away, apart, completely. abactus, [abigo,] driven away. abacus, i, M, desk, reckoning-board. abaliēno, I, estrange, alienate, transfer, withdraw.

abavus, i, M., gr. gr. grandfather. abdico, I, deny, abdicate, resign. abdīco, xi, ct-, 3, refuse assent. abditus, a, um, hidden, secret. abdo, didi, dit-, 3, to hide, remwe. abduco, xi, ct-, 3, lead away, withdraw, degrade.

abeo, ii (īvi), it, 4, depart, ́ vanish, abandon, end, change. abequito, I, ride away. aberro, I, wander, stray. abfore, [sum,] be away. abhinc, since, henceforth. abhorreo, ui, 2, shrink, abhor, differ. abiegnus, a, um, of fir. abiens, euntis, [eo,] departing. abiēs, etis, F., fir-tree, fir-wood. abigo, ēgi, act-, [ago,] 3, drive away. abitus, ū3, M., departure, outlet. abjectus, a, um, downcast, mean, abject.

abjicio, jēci, ject-, [jacio,] 3, cast

away, cast down, abandon. abjūdico, I, give sentence. abjungo, nxi, nct-, 3, unyoke, part. abjuro, I, deny on oath. ablātus. [aufero,] carried off. ablēgo, 1, send away.

ablūdo, si, sum, 3, differ.

abluo, ui, ūt-, 3, wash away, cleanse. abnego, 1, deny, refuse. abnormis, e, out of rule.

abnuo, nui, nūt- (nuit-), 3, deny, refuse, reject, forbid.

aboleo, ēvi (ui), it-, 2, check, abolish, remove.

abolesco, ēvi, 3, wither, decay. abolitio, ōnis, F., annulling. abolla, æ, F., robe, cloak. abōminor, I, deprecate, hate, detest. aborigines, um, M., primitive colonists, first inhabitants.

aborior, ortus, 4, set, disappear. abortus, ūs, M., abortion.

abrādo, si, sum, 3, scrape off, shave.

abripio, ui, rept-, 3, drag away, squander.

abrogo, 1, repeal, annul.

[blocks in formation]

abruptus, a, um, broken, steep; N., bottom, depth. abs, from.

abscedo, cessi, cess-, 3, depart, escape, desist.

abscessus, ūs, M., departure. abscido, cidi, cis-, (cædo,) 3, cut off.

abscindo, scidi, sciss-, 3, send away.

abscīsus, a, um, cut off, abrupt. abscondo, didi, dit-, 3, hide, lose sight of.

absens, tis, (absum,) absent. absimilis, e, very unlike. absinthium, i, N., wormwood. absisto, stiti, 3, depart, desist, cease. absolūtus, a, um, complete. absolvo, vi, ūt-, 3, acquit, discharge. absorbeo, ui, 2, suck in, swallow. absque, without, but for.

abstergeo, si, sum, 2, wipe clear or away.

absterreo, ui, it-, 2, frighten away. abstersus, a, um, wiped off. abstinentia, æ, F., abstinence, restraint.

abstineo, ui, tent-, 2, hold away, abstain, refrain.

abstraho, xi, ct-, 3, draw away, abstract, release.

abstrūdo, si, sum, 3, thrust away, conceal.

abstrūsus, a, um, concealed, reserved, difficult.

absum, esse, fui, to be absent, distant, different, unfit. [stroy. absumo, mpsi, mpt-, 3, waste, deabsurdus, a, um, absurd, stupid. abundantia, æ, F., abundance. abundē, in abundance.

ab-undo, I, abound, overflow. abusque, from as far as.

abūtor, ūsus, 3, abuse, consume, take advantage.

Abydus, i, F., a town in Asia, on the Hellespont. ac=atque, and, as. tacacia, æ, F., thorn.

Academia, ae, F., Academy, a gymnasium near Athens. tacanthis, idis, F., goldfinch. tacanthus, i, M., bear's-foot, thorn. Acarnan, ānis, C., of Acarnania (W. dist. of central Greece). accedo, cessi, cess-, 3, approach, advance against, be added, befall. accelero, 1, hasten.

accendo, di, sum, 3, kindle, inflame. accenseo, ui, īt- (ens-), 2, reckon among.

accensus, i, M., attendant, recruit. accepto, I, receive.

acceptus, a, um, acceptable. accerso, īvi, ītum, 3, fetch, send for. accessio, ōnis, F., approach, in


accessus, ūs, M., approach. accido, cidi, (cado,) 3, fall upon, befall, happen.

accido, cidi, cis-, (cædo,) 3, cut short or into.

accingo, nxi, nct-, 3, gird, equip. accio, 4, summon.

accipio, cepi, cept-, (capio,) 3, get, receive, undertake.

accipiter, tris, M., hawk.

accīsus, (accido,) cut off, ruined. accītus, ūs, M., summons. acclāmo, 1, shout, applaud. acclīnis, e, leaning on. acclino, 1, lean forward. [cending. acclīvis, e, (-us, a, um,) steep, (asacclivitas, ātis, F., acclivity, ascent. accola, æ, C., neighbor.

accolo, ui, cult-, 3, dwell near. accommodo, 1, suit, fit, conform. accommodus, a, um, suitable. accresco, crēvi, crēt-, 3, increase, grow to, be added.

accubo, ui, it-, 1, sit or lie (at table). accūdo, di, sum, 3, to hammer out. accumbo, cubui, cubit-, 3, lie near. accumulo, I, heap up.

accūrātus, a, um, exact; careful. accūro, I, care for.

accurro, cucurri, curs-, 3, run towards.

accursus, ūs, M., concourse.

accusatio, ōnis, F., accusation.

accūsātor, ōris, M., accuser. accuso, I, accuse, inform against. acer, eris, N., maple.

acer, cris, cre, keen, eager, vigorous, acerbē, bitterly, sharply.

acerbitas, ātis, F., bitterness, harsh


acerbo, I, to embitter.

acerbus, a, um, bitter, harsh, sad. acernus, a, um, of maple. acerra, æ, F., censer, incense-box. acervātim, in heaps.

acervo, I, to heap up. acervus, i, M., heap, pile. acesco, acui, 3, to turn sour. acētum, i, N., vinegar.

Achæmenes, is, first k. of Persia. Achaicus (-æus), a, um, Greek. achātes, æ, M., agate.

Achelōus, M., a river of N. Greece. Acheron (uns), tis, M., a river in Hades.

Achilles, is, ea, champion of Greece in the Trojan war. Achīvus, a, um, Grecian. ācidus, a, um, sour, sharp, tart. acies, ēi, F., edge, sight, line-of-battle, keenness.

tacīnaces, īs, M., Persian sword. acinus, i, M. (um, N.), grape-berry or


acipenser, eris, M., sturgeon. aclis, idis, F., dart. aconītum, i, N., wolf's-bane. acquiesco, ēvi, ēt-, 3, come to rest. acquiro, sīvi, sīt-, 3, gain, get, add. acrimōnia, æ, sharpness, pungency. ācriter, (ācer,) eagerly, keenly. †acroāma, atis, N., music or recitation; a musician.

Acrisius, myth. father of Danae. Acroceraunia, the mt. boundary of Macedonia and Epirus. acta, æ, F., shore, breaker. Acteon, Ŏnis, myth. gr.-son of Cadmus, torn by his own hounds. Actē, ēs, F., (coast-land) Attica. actio, ōnis, F.,( ago,) action, acting, suit at law.

Actium, i, N., promont. of Epirus, scene of Antony's defeat, B. C. 31.

actor, ōris, M., driver, actor, agent. actuārius, a, um, for driving, rowing, swift.

actus, a, um, driven; N., deed. actus, ūs, M., impulse, act, deed. actūtum, at once.

aculeus, i, M., sting, prickle. acumen, inis, N., edge, point, keen


acuo, i, ūtum, 3, to sharpen, rouse. acus, ūs, ubus, F., needle, pin. acūtē, sharply.

acūtus, a, um, sharp, pointed, violent, keen, sagacious.

ad, to, towards, near, for, at, according to, besides.

[ad-, near, towards, in addition. adactus, (adigo,) driven. adæque, in like manner. adæquo, 1, make equal, compare. adāgium, i, N., proverb. adamantēus (inus), a, um, hard as steel.

†adamas, antis, M., tempered steel. adamo, 1, begin to love. [cover. adaperio, ui, tum, 4, to open, unadaquor, I, to get water.

adaugeo, xi, ct-, 2, increase, devote. adaxim=adēgerim, (perf. subj. of adigo, drive). [adc-, see acc-. addecet, it is fit.

addenso, I, (A.), eo, 2, (N.), thicken. addico, xi, ct-, 3, to favor, doom, devote, yield, adjudge.

addictus, a, um, devoted; M., a bondsman.

additus, (addo,) joined.

addo, didi, dit-, 3, to add, give, join. addubito, I, incline to doubt. addūco, xi, ct-,3, lead along, bring

towards, induce, contract. adductus, a, um, strained, severe. ad-edo, 3, bite at, eat up. ademptus, (adimo,) taken away. adeo, to that degree, so, so far, truly. ad-eo, 4, to approach, visit, attack, undertake, undergo. adeps, ipis, D., fat.

adeptus, (adipiscor,) having attained.

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