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†camēlus, i, .M, camel. Camēna, æ, F., muse, song. camera, æ, F., vaulted roof. Camers, tis, of Camerium, a town of Umbria.

camillus, i, M., -a, æ, F., priest's


Camillus, M. Furius, the Dictator,

who rescued Rome from the Gauls, B.C. 389.

camīnus, i, M., forge, fire-place. Campania, æ, F., the dist. of S. W. Italy, near Naples. Campănus (-icus), a, um, Campanian, of Campania.

† campē, ēs, F., a crooked turn. campester, tris, tre, of the plain, level; N., a wrestler's apron. campus, i, M., plain, field, level surface; C. Martius, an open field at Rome, outside the N. wall, where elections were held. camurus, a, um, crooked. canālis, is, M. F.; -liculus, i, M.;

-a, æ, F., channel, gutter, groove. canārius, a, um, of dogs. cancelli, ōrum, M., lattice, crossbars, railings of court-house. cancello, I, make crosswise. cancer, cri (ceris), M., crab. cande-facio, 3, (P. -fĩo), to make white.

candēla, æ, F., candle, taper. candēlābrum, i, F., candlestick. candeo, ui, 2, (-esco, 3), be white, gleam, glitter, glisten. candico, I, to be whitish. candidātus, i, M., candidate (clad in white).

candidus, a, um, glistening white, clean, fair, sincere, open. candor, ōris, M., whiteness, purity, splendor.

cāneo, ui, 2, to be white or hoary. cānesco, 3, grow hoary. cāni, ōrum, M., gray hairs. canicula, æ, F., whelp, dog-star. canīnus, a, um, currish, of a dog. canis, is, (g. pl. um), C., dog. canistra (-tella), ōrum, N., basket. cānities, ēi, F., hoariness, old age.

canna, æ, F., cane, reed. cannabinus, a, um, of hemp. † cannabis, is, im, F., hemp. Cannæ, ārum, a town of Apulia, where the Romans were defeated by Hannibal, B.C. 216 [pugna Cannensis].

cano, cecini, cant-, to sound, sing, play, recite, blow (as signal). † canon, ōnis, M., rule, model. † canonicus, a, um, regular. Canōpus, i, M., a coast town of Lower Egypt.

canor, ōris, M., melody, clang. canōrus, a, um, melodious, singsong. Cantabria, æ, F., coast-dist. of N. Spain, on the Bay of Biscay. cantāmen, inis, N,, charm, incantation.

cantatio, ōnis, F., music, song. cantator, ōris, M.; -trix, īcis, F., singer.

canteriātus, a, um, underpropped. canterīnus, a, um, of a horse. canterius, i, M., gelding (horse); trellis, lattice-work.

cantharis, idis, F., beetle, Spanish fly.

cantharus, i, M., jug, tankard, pot. canthus, i, M., wheel-tire.

canticum, i, N. (-tilēna, æ; F.), song, ballad.

canticus, a, um, musical. cantio, ōnis, F., singing, song. cantito, i, to sing often.

Cantium, i, N., Kent, in S. E. Britain, the dist. nearest Gaul. canto, I, sing, chant, declaim, praise in song, declare, enchant.

cantor, ōris, M.; -trix, trīcis, F.,

singer, poet, actor, eulogist. cantūrio, 4, to sing, chirp. cantus, ūs, M., singing, playing, song, prophecy, incantation. cānus, a, um, gray, hoary. canusina, æ, F., fine-web garment. Canusium, i, N., a town of Apulia. capacitas, ātis, F., capacity, large


Capaneus, ei, a chief at Thebes, struck with lightning by Jupiter.

capax, acis, apt to seize, capable of holding, apt, fit, capacious. capēdo, inis, F., bowl, cup. capella, æ, F., kid, she-goat. Capēna, æ, F., an Etrurian town. caper, pri, M., he-goat. capero, I, to frown, wrinkle. capesso, īvi, īt-, 3, seize, take in hand, lay hold, resort.

Caphāreus, ei, M., a promont. of Euboea.

capillaceus, a, um, hair-like. capillāmentum, i, M., -ātio, ōnīs; -atūra, æ, F., hair, fibre.

capillaris, e, of the hair. capillātus, a um, hairy. capillor, I, to be hairy. capillōsus, a, um, full of hair. capillus, i, M., [caput,] hair. capio, cēpi, capt-, 3, take, seize, rob, ruin, select, receive, attain. capis, idis, F., cup, can. capistro, I, to muzzle, halter. capistrum, i, M., halter, muzzle. capitālis, e, of the head, capital, eminent, deadly.

capitium, i, N., [capio,] boddice. capito, ōnis, M., big-head. Capitōlīnus, a, um, of the Capitol. Capitōlium, i, M., citadel, capitol, temple of Jupiter on the central hill of Rome.

capitulum, i, N., capital, little head. † capo, ōnis, M., a capon. Cappadocia, æ, F., E. district of Asia Minor.

Cappadox, ŏcis, Cappadocian. capparis, is, im, M., caper. capra, æ, F., she-goat. caprārius, i, M., goatherd. caprea, æ, F., doe, wild goat. Capreæ, the I. Capri, near Naples. capreolus, i, M., buck, chamois; stay or prop, tendril.

capricornus, i, M., the Goat (constellation).

caprificus, i, F., wild fig.

caprigenus, a, um, of the goat breed.

caprile, is, N., goat-pen. caprimulgus, i, M., goat-milker.

caprinus, a, um, of goats.

capripēs, pedis, goat-footed, (satyr). capsa, æ, F., box, chest. capsānius, i, M., a slave who took charge of budgets. capsula, æ, F., band-box. captātio, ōnis, F., catching at. captator, ōris, M., snatcher, legacyhunter.

captio, ōnis, F., catch, deceit, sophism, mischief.

captiōsus, a, um, captious, crafty. captīvitas, ātis, F., captivity, capture, (of eyes) blindness.

captivus, a, um, captured; M. F., prisoner.

capto, I, catch at, strive after, allure. captūra, æ, F., catching, prey, gain. captus, [capio,] taken.

captus, ūs, M., grasp, capacity, handfull.

Capua, æ, F., the chief town of Campania, 20 miles N. of Naples. capulāris, e, near the grave. capulo, I, pour off; catch. capulus, i, M., um, i, N., coffin, handle, hilt.


caput, itis, N., head, chief, top, summit; of rivers, the source mouth; life.

Capys, yos, father of Anchises. carabus, i, M., crab, kayak (boat). caracalla, æ, F., Gallic mantle. carbasus (-eus), a, um, flaxen. carbasus, i, F.; pl. N., a, ōrum, linen, canvas, curtain, sail.

carbo, ōnis, M., coal, charcoal. carbōnārius, i, M., collier. carbunculus, i, M., small coal, carbuncle.

carcer, eris, M., dungeon, prison; pl. barriers (of race-course. carcereus (-ārius), a, um, of a prison. +Carchedonius, a, um, of Carthage. carchēsium, i, N., cup, goblet. †carcinoma, atis, N., a foul ulcer. cardiacus, a, um, of the stomach. cardinālis, e, pivotal, chief. cardo, inis, M., hinge, pivot, beam, tenon, pole (of heavens).

carduēlis, e, linnet, thistlefinch.
carduus, i, M., thistle.
cārē, dear, at high cost.
cārectum, i, N., growth of sedge.
†carēnum, i, N, boiled grape-juice.
careo, ui, it- 2, to lack, be without,
devoid or deprived of.
cārex, icis, F., sedge.

Caria, æ, S. W. district of Asia

caries, em, e, F., rottenness, decay.
carīna, æ, F., keel, ship, nutshell;
pl., a district in Rome.
carīnātus, a, um, keel-formed.
cariōsus, a, um, rotten, mellow.
cāritas, ātis, F.. dearness, high
price, esteem, love.

carmen, inis, M., song, tune, poem,

oracle; card, for wool or flax. Carmenta, æ, mother of Evander, an Arcadian prophetess. carmino, I, to charm, card (wool). carnārius, a, um, of flesh; M.,

butcher; N., flesh-hook, larder. carnifex (-ufex), ficis, M., execu

tioner, murderer, knave. carnificina, æ, F., headsman's office, torment, place of torture. carnifico, I, behead, mangle. carnōsus, a, um, fleshy, gross. carnufex carnifex, knave. caro, carnis, F., flesh. caro, ui, 3, to card wool. Carpăthus, i, F., an island of the Ægean, near Rhodes. carpentārius, i, M., cartwright. carpentum, i, N., chariot, waggon. carpīnus, i, F., horn-beam. carpo, psi, pt-, 3, pluck, gather, tear away, open, pass, divide. carptim, in bits, piecemeal. carptūra, æ, F., sucking, gathering. carrāgo, inis, F., barricade of carts. carrüca, æ, F., covered waggon. carrus, (-ulus), i, M., cart, waggon. Carthago, āginis F. (Karthago), Carthage.

cartilāgo, inis, F., gristle, cartilage. cārus, a, um, dear, costly, precious. Caryātides, um, maidens of

† caryon, i, M., a nut.
†caryōta, æ, (-tis idis), F., date.
casa, æ, F., cottage, tent.

caseus, i, M. (um, N.), cheese.
casia, æ, F., cinnamon.

Casilinum, i, N., a town near

Casīnum, i, N., a colony in Latium.
caso, I to reel, tumble.

Caspium mare, the Caspian sea.
Cassandra, æ, d. of Priam, a pro-
phetess, slain by Clytemnestra.
cassē, in vain.

casses, ium, M., hunting-net.
cassida, æ, F., helmet.

Cassiopē (-ēa), æ, wife of Cepheus.
cassis, idis, F., helmet (of brass).
cassīta, æ, F., crested lark.
Cassiterides, um, F., the Scilly Is.
S. W. of Britain.

Cassius, C., chief conspirator
against Cæsar, d. at Philippi,
B.C. 42; Cassiāni, his partisans.
casso, I, to destroy, annul.
cassus, a, um, vain, void, devoid.
Castalia, æ, F., a fountain of Par-

nassus, sacred to Apollo.
castanea, æ, F., chestnut.
castē, purely, uprightly.
castellānus, a, um, of the castle or
fort; M., holders of the castle.
castellātim, in detached forts.
castellum, i, N., fort, castle, citadel.
castēria, æ, F., forecastle.
castīgātē, briefly, closely.
castīgātio, ōnis, F., chastisement.
castīgātor, ōris, M., reprover.
castīgātus, a, um, confined, slender.
castigo, I, to chastise, chide, check.
castitas, ātis; -mōnia, æ, F., chas-
tity, purity.

† castor, oris, M., beaver.
Castor, oris, myth. son of Tynda-
rus and Leda; twin-br. of Pollux.
castra, ōrum, N., camp.
castrensis, e, of the camp.
castro, I, to cut, prune, enfeeble.
castrum, i, N., castle, fortress.
castus, a, um, chaste, pure, holy,

Carya in Laconia, serving Diana. | casula, æ, F., cottage.

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cāsus, ūs, M., fall, chance, mishap, end, occasion, calamity, death. Catabathmos, i, M., coast-dist. of Africa, W. of Egypt. † cataclysmos, i, M., deluge. †catadromus, i, M., tight-rope. †catamītus, i, M. (Ganymedes), an effeminate or lascivious person. † cataphractes, æ, F., scale-armor. †cataphractus, a, um, in mail. †cataplus, i, M., fleet, landing. †catapulta, æ, F., a military engine for throwing arrows, &c. †cataracta, æ, F.; (-es), M., cataract, portcullis, floodgate. tcatascopus, i, M., scout, spy-ship. †catasta, æ, F., stage, scaffold. †catastrōma, atis, N., deck. tcatax, acis, limping, lame. catē, sagaciously, skilfully. catēja, æ, F., barbed dart. catellus, i, M.; -lla, æ, F., whelp, puppy, small chain.

catēna, æ, F., chain, fetter.

catēnātio, ōnis, F., band, clamp. catēnātus, a, um, chained, joined. caterva, æ, crowd, troop, band, com


catervātim, in troops.

†cathedra, æ, F., chair, seat. † cathetus, i, F., plumb-line. †catholicus, a, um, universal. Catilina, æ, L. Sergius, head of the conspiracy, B.C. 63. catillo, I, to lick dishes. catillo, ōnis, M., glutton. Catina, æ, F., Catania, in Sicily. catīnus (-illus), i, M., dish, bowl, pot. Cato, M. Porcius, the censor, B.C. 232-147; the younger, enemy of Cæsar, B.C. 93-45, d. at Utica. catōmus, i, M., between the shoulders. †catōnium, i, N., the lower world. catulus, i, M., puppy, whelp, cub. catus, i, M., tom-cat.

catus, a, um, shrill, shrewd, wise. Caucasius, a, um, of the Caucasus. Caucasus, i, M., the mts. between the Black and Caspian Seas. cauda, æ, F., tail.

caudeus, a, um, wooden.

caudex (cōdex), icis, M., stock, log, boat, book (of thin tablets). caudicālis, e; -cārius (-ceus), a, um, of trunks of trees.

Caudīnus, a, um, of Caudium, a

Samnite town; furcæ Caudinæ a defile famous for a defeat of the Romans, B.C. 321. caulæ, ārum, F., sheep-fold, passage. caulis, is, M., stalk, stem, cabbage. Caunus, i, F., a town of Caria. caupo, ōnis, M., innkeeper, huckster. caupōna, æ, F., tavern, landlady. caupōnius, a, um, of an inn. caurus (cōrus), i, M., N. W. wind. causa (caussa), æ, F., cause, rea

son, occasion, pretence, excuse; (abl.), for the sake of.

causārius, a, um, discharged for sickness, invalided.

causia, æ, F., wide-brimmed hat. causidicus, i, M., advocate, pleader. causor, I, plead, discuss.

† causticus, a, um, caustic, burning. causula, æ, F., petty cause. cautē, cautiously.

cautēla, æ, F., precaution.
cauterio, I, to brand, burn.

† cautērium, i, N., branding-iron.
cautes, is, F., crag, sharp rock.
†cautim, warily.

cautio, ōnis, F., care, caution, foresight, security, bail.

cautor, ōris, M., care-taker, surety. cautus, [caveo,] cautious, secure, wary; N. pl., securities. cavaticus, a, um, living in caves. cavea, æ, F., cave, stall, cage, coop, spectators' seats, theatre.

caveo, cāvi, caut-, 2, beware, take heed, provide, get bail.

caverna, æ, F., cavern, vault, hold. cavilla, æ, F., cavil, scoff, jest. cavillātio, ōnis, F., jeering, raillery. cavillator, ōris, M., jester. cavillor, I, to taunt, jest. cavitas, ātis, F., hollowness. cavo, I, to make hollow.

cavus, a, um, hollow; N., hole, cave. Caÿstros (us), i, a river of Lydia, frequented by swans.

Cecropius, a, um, Athenian. Cecrops, Ŏpis, myth. founder of Athens, emigrant from Egypt. cedo, cessi, cess-, 3, yield, give way, succeed, befall, become. cedo, cedite (cette), give, tell. cedrus, i, F., cedar, juniper. cēlator, ōris, M., concealer. cēlātum, i, N., secret. celeber, bris, bre, abundant, populous, famous, solemn, festive. celebratio, ōnis, F., concourse, festival, commendation.

celebrātus, a, um, customary, fre

quent, brilliant, famous.

celebritas, ātis, F., multitude, re

nown, pageant.

celebro, I, to resort, celebrate, perform, practise, solemnize, praise. celer, eris, ere, swift, fleet, hasty ; pl. light-horse (patrician), knights. celerē, swiftly.

celeripes, pedis, swift-footed. celeritas, ātis, F., swiftness, speed. celeriter, swiftly, immediately. celero, I, to hasten, quicken. †celes, ētis, N., race-horse. Celeus, ei, myth. k. of Eleusis, taught agriculture by Ceres. †celeusma, atis, M., boatswain's call. cella (-ula), æ, F., closet, storehouse,

shrine, cell, hut, private room. cellārius, a, um, of a store-room; M., steward; N., pantry. cēlo, I, to hide, conceal, cover. celox, ōcis, swift; F., boat, cutter. celsē, on high.

celsitudo, inis, F., loftiness. celsus, a, um, high, lofty, haughty. Celta, ārum, people of W. Europe; also, of centr. and S. Gaul. Celtibēri, ōrum, people of middle Spain.

cēna ccena, supper.

censeo, ui, um, 2, estimate, think,

vote, decide, count, reckon. censio, ōnis, F., assessing, taxing, punishing.

censor, ōris, M., censor, one of two magistrates having in charge morals and rank; critic.

censōrius, a, um, of the censor; of the rank of censor.

censuālis, e, ratable; pl. recorders. censum, i, N., wealth, possessions. censūra, æ, F., office of censor, judgment, reproof, severity. census, [censeo,] registered, reckoned, taxed.

census, ūs, M., valuation, register, reckoning, wealth.

†centaurēum, i, N.; ia, æ, F., a kind of gentian.

† Centaurus, i, M., Centaur, a wild people of Thessaly; a myth. creature, half man half horse. centēnārius, a, um, of a hundred. centēni, by the hundred, 100 each. centēsimus, a, um, the hundredth, I per cent a month. centies, a hundred times. centimanus, i, M., hundred-handed. cento, ōnis, M., patchwork, skullcap.

†centrum, i, N., centre, heart-wood. centum, a hundred.

centumgeminus, a, um, hundredfold.

centumviri, ōrum, M., Board of 100, for civil suits.

centunculus, i, N., rag, patch, saddle-cloth, bind-weed.

centuplex, icis, hundredfold. centuria, æ, F., a century, division (of a hundred), company; one of .193 classes of the people, according to property.

centuriātim, by centuries, (companies).

centuriātus, a, um, divided or classed by hundreds; comitia centuriāta, the vote by centuries, to elect the higher officers or decide important policies,the highest political tribunal of Rome.

centuriātus, ūs, M., centurion's office, division by centuries. centurio, ōnis, M., centurion (captain of 100).

centurio, I, to divide by hundreds.

centussis, M., sum of 100 asses.


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