CEZ (245. PASQUIER. A History of My Time, Memoirs of 246. PATTERSON (CHARLES B.) The Measure of a Man. Post 8vo, cloth. (5 copies.) N. Y. 1904 E mory ✓ 247. PAYNE (JOHN HOWARD). Clari; or, The Maid Lond. [circa 1830] 20 H Lond. 1858 i ✓ 248. PEPYS (SAMUEL). Diary and Correspondence.../ ✔ 249. PERFUMES. The Book of Perfumes. (History, √ 251. "PHIZ." Sir Guy de Guy: a Stirring Romaunt. ✓ 253. PICTURESQUE AMERICA; or, The Land We N. Y. [1872] ✔ 254. PLANCHÉ (J. R.) The Extravaganzas. Edited by Lond. 1879 ✔255. PLATONISTS. The Hymns of Orpheus, transl. 256. PLUMMER (MARY W.) Verses. FIRST EDN. Limited to 300 copies. 12mo, boards, uncut. ✓ 257. POOLE (JOSHUA). The English Parnassus; or, A Help to English Poesie. Containing a Collection of all the Choicest Rhythming Monosyllables, Epithets and Phrases, etc. FIRST EDN. With bookplate of R. Le Gallienne. Small 8vo, original calf (rebacked, lacks front., a reproduction of which is inserted). Lond. 1677 Contains selections from all the most eminent books by the Elizabethan poets and dramatists-Jonson, Heywood, Shakespeare, Quarles, Chapman, Carew, Spenser, and many others. Scarce. ✓ 258. POTTERY. A Guide to Pottery, Porcelain, etc. By Hy. G. Bohn. Numerous plates, some finely colored, and marks and monograms. Post 8vo, original cloth. 259. The Soft Porcelaine of Sèvres. torical Introduction by Edouard Garnier. quarter morocco. Lond. 1876 With an His Folio, three Lond 1892 Superbly illustrated with 50 large full-page colored plates representing 250 subjects, after the originals in the most celebrated private and public collections. The plates are delicate and exquisite in the extreme. ✓ 260. PRINTING. The Literature of Printing. A Cata- Printers' Marks. A Chapter in the History of With author's A. L. S. inserted. Bost. 1902 263. RAPHAEL. Cartoons of, engraved by G. Greatback from the originals at Hampton Court EL Palace. 7 steel plates (margins of few plates slightly stained). Loose in cloth portfolio. Folio. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. ✔ 264. REPRESENTATIVE ACTORS [Clark Russell], Lond. [1872]; Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft, on and off the Stage, Lond. 1889; English Songs [Barry Cornwall], Bost. 1844; An Actor Abroad [Leathes], Lond. 1880; and others. 6 vols. ✓ 265. RIDPATH LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL LITERATURE. Edited by Dr. J. C. Ridpath. Portraits and other illusts. ROYAL EDITION DE LUXE. 25 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt top edges. N. Y. 1900 268. RITSON (JOSEPH). A Dissertation on Romance and Minstrelsy: to which is appended the ancient metrical Romance of Ywaine and Gawin. 4to, paper, uncut. 269. Edinburgh: Goldsmid, 1891 Large Paper. One of only 100 copies so issued. uncut. Large Paper. One of only 100 copies so issued. ↓ 270. ROBERTS (CHAS. G. D.) Earth's Enigmas. FIRST EDN. 12mo, buckram, uncut. Bost. 1896 Presentation inscription from author to R. 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Edinburgh, 1892-95 oards, uncut. ✓ 280. SCOTT (WILLIAM BELL). ! en Lond.: J. & R. Tonson, &c., 1765 JOHNSON'S FIRST EDITION. A presentation copy from Bishop / 283. ✓ 284. Lond.: Bell, 1875 Dramatic Works. Revised Text, with Notes ✓ 286. 1826; Zoological Lectures, 2 vols., 163 plates, royal 8vo, 1809. A complete set of this "very valuable and judicious work," ✓ 288. SHELLEY (A Biography) [Jno. Addington Sy-✓ Rhif son]; Mark Twain's Autobiography, FIRST EDN., illusts.; and others. 24 vols. 1 289. SHERIDAN (GEN. P. H.) The Life of: its Romance / and Reality. By F. A. Burr and R. J. Hinton. Numerous 290. SIX MONTHS IN THE SANDWICH ISLANDS ✓ 291. SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). Works. Etched front. to New each vol. 12 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt. N. Y. 1902 1292. SOME LONDON THEATRES, Past and Present ✓ ✓ 293. SONGS OF THREE CENTURIES, Edited by Whit- ✔ 294. SPORTING. The Sportsman's Gazetteer and Gen-✓ eral Guide. By Chas. Hallack. (On the game animals, birds and fishes of North America.) Portrait and maps. Thick post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1877 ✔ 295. - The Eighth Duke of Beaufort and the Badmin-✓ ton Hunt, by T. F. Dale, portraits and other illusts., Westminster, 1901; The Gambling World, by Rouge et Noir, illusts, N. Y. 1898. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Ken CEL ✔296. - Sport in Europe. Edited by F. G. Aflalo. 297. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). Dr. Jekyll and ✓ Mr. Hyde. Illust. by Charles Raymond Macauley. ONLY 150 COPIES PRINTED ON IMPERIAL JAPAN VELLUM. 8vo, half roan, uncut. AN EXQUISITE VOLUME. N. Y. 1904 ✓ 298. 299. STEWART (DUGALD). The Collected Works. Edited by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. In 10 vols. and supplementary volume, containing full Index. 11 vols. in all. Portrait of Stewart. 8vo, half calf. Fine set. Edinburgh, Lond. 1840 |