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319. WAGNER (CHARLES). By the Fireside, and My Appeal to America.

and boards.

2 vols. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1904-5

✓ 320. W[ALKER] (G.), Anglo-Tyrannus, or The Idea of a Norman Monarch, represented in the parallel Reignes of Henrie the Third and Charles King of England, Lond. 1650; A True Copy of that Sermon preached at St. Paul's by Thos. Cheshire, 1641; and 7 other English Political Tracts of the time of Charles I. and Queen Anne. Small 4to. (As a lot.) 1641-1709

321. WALKS IN ROME [Hare], N. Y. 1871; The Seer ✓ [Leigh Hunt], 2 vols., Bost. 1864; Many Thoughts of Many Minds [Southgate], Lond. 1863; and others. 6 vols.

322. WALLACE (ALFRED R.) Island Life; or, The
Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras.
Library edn. Illust.
Illust. 8vo, cloth.
N. Y. 1881

323. WATSON (WILLIAM). The Eloping Angels: a ✓ Caprice. FIRST EDN. 12mo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1893

A. L. S. from the author inserted, with numerous clippings and portraits, and a poem addressed to Watson by Thomas Hutchinson, written by Mr. Hutchinson on two blank leaves.

324. The Prince's Quest (with bookplate of R. Le Gallienne), Lond. 1893; For England, N. Y. 1903. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth.

325. WHITE (GILBERT), The Natural History of Selborne; The Complete Angler, by Walton, with woodcuts (bookplate of R. Le Gallienne). 2 vols. 16mo, half cloth, paper labels, printed on French hand-made paper.

N. Y. 1903
326. WHITTIER (J. G.) The Tent on the Beach;
Among the Hills.
FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth.
Bost. 1867-69


Maud Muller, illusts.; Mabel Martin, illusts.

Bost. 1872-76

2 vols. 8vo, cloth. ✓ 328. WILKES (CHAS., U. S. N.). Narrative of the U. S. V Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. (Atlas only.) 4to, full black morocco gilt, gilt edges. Phil. 1844

The atlas is scarce and is often wanted to complete sets. Contains Track Map, Map of the Antarctic Continent, of the Feejee Group, of the Oregon Territory, and of the southern portion of Hawaii.

329. WOOLMAN (JOHN, of Mount Holly, N. J.) Serious Considerations on Various Subjects of Importance. 12mo, original sheep.

N. Y. 1805

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330. WORDSWORTH. Some Wordsworth Finds? Introduction by Jas. Medborough. Post 8vo, half vellum, Lond. 1895


One of 500 copies issued. Bookplate of R. Le Gallienne.

√331. YEATS (W. B.)

The Shadowy Waters. Small
Lond. 1900

4to, original cloth, uncut.

First edition. With envelope autographed by the author, and portrait inserted from Thos. Hutchinson's collection.

332. YESTERDAYS WITH AUTHORS [Fields], Bost. ✓ 1885; Poems of Poe, N. Y. 1881; Poetical Works of Pope, illust. by Gilbert, Lond. 1851; and others. 8 vols. cloth,

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Conditions of Sale

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II: Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in the catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly.

: Goods purchased at the sales must be removed from the premises within one week; in default of which the Auctioneer will reserve the right of re-selling them at the cost of the purchaser.

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