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The Banner of the Constitution.

Condy Raguet. Vol. 2 (Dec., 1830-Nov., 1831). half calf.

Edited by

Folio, old Phil. 1831

The editor took an active part in the War of 1812.


261. -Boston Daily Advertiser and Patriot. lished by Nathan Hale, Jr. Vol. 42, Saturday, June 13, 1835, to Thursday, Dec. 31, 1835 (Nos. 13,514 to 13,685). Bound in one vol. Large folio, boards, sheep back.


Bost. 1835

Long and important series of the issues of this leading Boston periodical. Believed to be perfect. Four of the earliest numbers in the volume are misprinted—“13,5124” instead of 13,514; 13,5125" instead of 13,515, etc.

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Columbia Centinel ("Appointed to Publish the Laws, etc., of Massachusetts "). Edited by Benj. Russell. Saturday, Jan. 2, 1813, to Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1813 (Nos. 2,999 to 3,102, lacking Nos. 3,000, 3,002, 3,012, 3,025, 3,059, 3,077, 3,080, 3,090, 3,100, 3,101, and small portions of three leaves cut or torn away). In one vol. Large folio, boards, sheep back. Bost. 1813


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Among the more important issues are those of Jan. 9, containing "The Carrier's Wish,' a two-column versified description of the War, with reference to Decatur, Jones, and Hull; Wed., March 3, official account of the capture of the British frigate "Java" by the Constitution; March 24, capture and destruction of the British brig of war "Peacock" by Capt. Lawrence's "Hornet "; Sat., June 5, and Sat., June 12, British attack on Sackett's Harbor; Wed., Sept. 29, "Great Naval Victory on Lake Erie," Commodore Perry's capture of the British Squadron; Wed, Oct. 20, and Wed., Oct. 27, Army Operations in the Michigan Country "; Sat., Nov. 13, "War on the Canada Border," etc.

The Indian interest of the volume is very remarkable, the issues of Sept. 11, Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 11, and Dec. 29 describing at much length the serious troubles with the Creek Indians in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. These issues give vividly the leading incidents in the Creek War, and are Indian items of extraordinary importance.

✓ 263. "The Washington Tragedy; Shooting of Philip Barton Key by Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, of New York" (occupying nearly three columns of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Saturday, March 12, 1859). Folio, pp. 16. N. Y. 1859

Interesting. Contains, among other illustrations, "the scene of the tragedy"; portraits of Mrs. Sickles, her husband, and Key; inquest on Key's body, etc.

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264. "The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly News Letter," Thursday, March 3, 1774; "The Massachusetts Centinel," Wed., May 3, 1786; and "Columbia Centinel," Sat., Feb. 4, 1792. (3 pieces.) Folio. (3) Bost. 1774-1792

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Interesting. The "Massachusetts Gazette" contains the rare advertisement of Henry Knox (later famous in the American Revolution), whose "London Book Store was situated "a little to the southward of the Town-House, in Cornhill," and who Imported and constantly kept for Sale an Elegant, Valuable & Large Assortment of Books."

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265. National Intelligencer. Vol. 21, Sat., Jan. 1, 1820, to Sat., Dec. 30, 1820 (Nos. 2,981 to 3,144, lacking 20 Nos.; No. 3,042 in duplicate; Nos. 2,972 and 2,978 of Vol. 20 bound in). Bound in one vol. Large folio, boards, sheep back. Washington: Gales & Seaton, 1820 Interesting series of the issues of this prominent Washington journal, including all the important numbers published during 1820. A number of the more important issues possess strong Indian interest, notably No. 3,020, April 1, 1820, which contains the Treaty between the United States of America and the Chippewa nation of Indinns, made and concluded on the twentyfourth day of September. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, at Saganaw, in the territory of Michigan, by a Commissioner on the part of the United States, and certain Chiefs and Warriors of the said nation," which President Monroe accepted, ratified, and confirmed on March 25, 1820.


NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. Vol. 22, Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1821, to Sat., Dec. 29, 1821 (Nos. 3,145 to 3,274, lacking 32 Nos.). Bound in one vol. Large folio, boards, sheep back. Wash. : Gales & Seaton, 1821 Among the more important issues included in this volume are several notable Indian items, No. 3, 150, Sat., Jan. 13. 1821, contains the "Treaty of friendship, limits, and accommodation between the United States of America and the Choctaw nation of Indians, at the Treaty Grounds in said nation, near Doak's Stand, on the Nathez Road, by Commissioners on the part of the said United States, and the Mingoes, Head Men, and Warriors of the said nation of Indians," and the "Treaty between the United States of America and the Wea tribe of Indians, at Vincennes, in the state of Indiana, by a commissioner on the part of the said United States, and certain Chiefs, Warriors, and Head Men of the said tribe of Indians." No. 3,152, Thursday, Jan. 18, 1821, contains the Treaty between the United States of America and the Kickapoo tribe of Indians, at Edwardsville, in the state of Illinois, by commissioners on the part of the said United States, and the principal Chiefs and Warriors of the said tribe of Indians."

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The most important issue in this interesting volume is No. 3,168, Sat., Feb. 24, 1821, which gives in full the Treaty between Spain and the United States, in which "His Catholic Majesty cedes to the United States, in full property and sovereignty, all of the territories which belong to him situated to the eastward of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida."


267. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. Vol. 23, Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1822, to Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1822 (Nos. 3,275 to 3,401, lacking 55 Nos.); Vol. 24, Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1823, to Tuesday, May 6, 1823 (Nos. 3,404 to 3,461, lacking 24 Nos.); Vol. 26, Thursday, June 15, 1825, to Thursday, Dec. 29, 1825 (Nos. 3,764 to 3,847, lacking 61 Nos.). Bound in one vol. Large folio, boards, sheep back.

Wash. Gales & Seaton, 1822-1825

Long and interesting series, including many important numbers issued during 1822, 1823, and 1825. No. 3,313, Sat., March 30, 1822, is a fine Indian item, as it gives in full the "Treaty between the United States of America and the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Pottawatamie tribes of Indians, made and concluded on the 29th day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, at Chicago, in the state of Illinois, by commissioners, on the part of the United States, and certain chiefs and warriors of the said tribes,” which President Monroe accepted, ratified, and confirmed on March 25, 1822.

The issue of Thursday, April 4, 1822 (No. 3,315), gives the full text of the important "Act for the Establishment of a Territorial Government in Florida,” the “Territory Ceded by Spain to the United States, known by the name of East and West Florida." A most attractive Lafayette item is No. 3,800, Sat., Sept. 10, 1825, describing at length "the final departure of the illustrious Lafayette from Washington," giving the complete text of John Quincy Adams' farewell address to the distinguished French patriot.

268. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. Vol. 27, Thursday, Jan. 5, 1826, to Sat., Dec. 30, 1826 (Nos. 3,850 to 4,003, lacking 123 Nos.); Vol. 28, Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1827, to Sat., April 14, 1827 (Nos. 4,004 to 4,048, lacking 13 Nos.). Bound in one vol. Large folio, boards, sheep back.

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Wash. : Gales & Seaton, 1826-1827 Many of the most important issues included in this interesting volume refer to the recently ceded territory of East and West Florida." The first issue, under date of Jan. 5, 1826, gives in full the very important Treaty of Fort Jackson," including the complete Correspondence between the Department of War and Generals Pinckney and Jackson, and all the instructions given to the said Generals Pinckney and Jackson, relating to the Treaty with the Creek Indians.' Among the other fine Indian items to be found in this volume is No. 3,893, Sat., April 15, 1826, which contains a very interesting communication relative to "The Florida Indians-and Our Indian Relations." NATIONAL JOURNAL. Vol. 2, Thursday, May 26, 1825, to Sat, Nov. 12, 1825 (Nos. 206 to 278, lacking 45 Nos.)... Vol. 3, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1825, to Tuesday, June 6, 1825 (Nos. 279 to 362, lacking 55 Nos.)... Vol. 4, Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1826, to Thursday, April 19, 1827 (Nos. 550 to 612, lacking 19 Nos.). Bound in one vol., large folio, boards, sheep back. Wash. Peter Force, 1825-1827 Containing many important issues of this noted Washington journal, edited and published by Peter Force, the historian.


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270. NEW-JERSEY GAZETTE (THE). Nos. 65 to 129, comprising the issues of Mar. 3,31; June 2-30; Aug. 11, 25; Sept. 15, 29; Oct. 6,27; and Nov. 10, 1779; Mar. 29-Apr. 19; May 17-31; and June 14, 1780. In all 23 Nos., stitched, uncut (small piece cut from one No. ; small part of one Supplement torn away).

Trenton, N. J.: Printed by Isaac Collins, 1779-1780

Interesting series of this rare journal, each issue containing Revolutionary news of extreme importance. Several numbers contain references to Washington, the issue of Mar. 3, 1779, describing the notable celebration of "the anniversary of our alliance with France," at which General Washington and the principal officers of the army" were present. Other issues contain interesting matter relating to the Indians, the issue of June 23, 1779, referring to the Oneidas, Turcaroras, Caghnawagas, and the Onondagas.


271. Vol. 2, Jan. 11, 1828, to July 4, 1828 (Nos. 54 to 104, lacking Nos. 60, 96, and 99; No. 61 in duplicate)... Vol. 3, July 8, 1828, to July 14,1829 (Nos. 1 to 92, old series, lacking Nos. 24, 49, 71, 72, 85, and 86; and Nos. 274 to 287, new series, lacking Nos. 276, 280, and 282-286).... Vol. 4, July 24, 1829, to Oct. 30, 1829 (Nos. 290 to 318, lacking Nos. 291, 293, 294, 310, and 311). Vol. 5, Nov. 3, 1829, to Dec. 22,1829 (Nos. 319 to 333, lacking No. 326). Bound in 2 vols. Large folio, boards, sheep backs. N. Y. 1828-1829


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Interesting series of this prominent New York newspaper, founded and edited by M. M. Noah. Contains the rare issue, No. 274, Friday, May 29, 1829, when the Enquirer" passed into the possession of James Watson Webb (proprietor of the 'Morning Courier ") and Daniel E. Tylee, and its name was changed to "Morning Courier and New York Enquirer."


272. NEW YORK EVENING POST. No. 2,000, Friday, March 2, 1821, to No. 2,130, Tuesday, June 4, 1822, lacking 25 Nos. Bound in one vol. Large folio, boards, sheep back. N. Y. 1821-1822

Containing, among other interesting issues, the very scarce No. 2,054, Friday, September 7, 1821, which gives a lengthy description of the New York Theatre (opened for the first time on this date), together with the first engraved "View of the Interior of the Park Theatre," engraved by Lansing, from a drawing by J. R. Smith.

NEW YORK SUN (THE). Friday, Dec. 1, to
Sunday, Dec. 31, 1876. Folio, sewed.
N. Y. 1876

Describing in detail the Hayes-Tilden Presidential contest, the disastrous Brooklyn Theatre fire, the "Railroad Horror" at Ashtabula, O., etc. Laid in are two pages from the N. Y. World of Jan. 18, 1893, with excellent portrait and long and interesting biographical sketch of President Hayes.

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274. Friday, Dec. 1, to Saturday, Dec. 30, 1876. Folio, sewed. N. Y. 1876. Extremely useful to students of American politics or to writers on this subject, fully one-half of the Nos. devoting considerable space to the Hayes-Tilden contest. The Brooklyn Theatre fire and other important occurrences are also de

scribed in detail.

Advertiser, Feb. 28, 1801; Morning Chronicle, Mar. 25,
1807; The Public Advertiser, July 11, 1808; New York
Spectator, Nov. 11, 1809; American Citizen, Dec. 25, 1809;
Republican Watch-Tower, June 1, 1810; The New York
Journal, Aug. 4, 1810; and New York Gazette and General
Advertiser, July 2, 1819. 8 pieces, folio, as issued. (8)


N. Y. 1801-1819

An excellent opportunity to secure specimens of these rare old New York papers. The Spectator of Nov. 11, 1809, has an interesting account of "The Wyoming Massacre"; the Amer ican Citizen of Dec. 25, 1809, contains an advertisement of the first edition of Irving's "Knickerbocker New York," probably the first time it was advertised for sale, and the other journals all contain interesting matter.

PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE (THE). From No. 1984, Jan. 1, 1767, to No. 2088, Dec. 29, 1768, inclusive, with many Supplements. In one vol. Folio, in original binding, boards, with sheep back and label.

Phil. David Hall and William Sellers, 1767-1768 Long and important series, including all the original issues of this famous jonrnal for 1767 and 1768, together with the rare Supplements, as published. Contains the original publication of John Dickinson's famous Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies," printed in 12 Letters, Dec. 3, 1767, to Feb. 18, 1768. The issue of June 4, 1767, contains " Remarks on the Report of the Board of Trade of Feb. 9, 1764," by Benjamin Franklin, dated London, Mar. 11, 1767. Nos. 2072 to 2088, Sept. 8 to Dec. 29, 1768, contain the important series of papers entitled "The Anatomist," dealing with the leading political and religious affairs of the American Colonies. Several numbers of "The Anatomist" contain important references to the Indian tribes in New York. No. 2044, Feb. 25, 1768, begins with the very interesting Message to the Governor from the Assembly, dealing with Indian troubles in Pennsylvania, and giving a detailed account of "Indian Dissatisfactions," and the various "cruel Massacres" of Indians in the interior of the State.

277. RICHMOND ENQUIRER. Vol. 24, Jan. 19, 1828, to May 6, 1828 (Nos. 79 to 116, lacking 2 Nos.); Vol. 25, May 9, 1828, to May 8, 1829 (Nos. 1 to 118, lacking 4 Nos.); Vol. 26, May 15, 1829, to Dec. 29, 1829 (Nos. 2 to 78, lacking 8 Nos.). Bound in 2 vols. Large folio, boards, sheep backs. Richmond, Va., 1828-1829

Interesting series of this leading Southern journal.

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