Immagini della pagina

190. LIFE OF GEN. GRANT [Dana], 1868; The Records of Living Officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps [Hamersly], 1870; The Illustrated Life of Washington [Headley], 1859; and others. 10 vols.

191. LIFE OF HENRY WILSON [Russell], 1876; Memoirs of Cumberland [Flanders], 1856; Reminiscences of Winfield S. Hancock, 1887; and others. 10 vols.

192. LINCOLN. History of President Lincoln's Administration, with Sketch of His Life. By H. J. Raymond. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1864

193. Life of Abraham Lincoln, with His Messages, Proclamations, Letters, etc. By Joseph H. Barrett. Portrait and views of places connected with Lincoln's career. 8vo, sheep. Cinn. 1865

194. Abraham Lincoln Memorial Card, issued at the time of his death, consisting of a tombstone bearing inscription, embossed in white on a black ground.

[1865] 195. Life and Public Services of. By H. J. Raymond. Portrait and illusts. 8vo, cloth. FINE COPY.

N. Y. 1865

196. Raymond (H. J.) The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, together with His State Papers. Portrait and other illusts. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. [1865]

197. The Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln (in New York City). By D. T. Valentine. Portrait and views. Imp. 8vo, cloth.

N. Y. 1865

198. - Bancroft (Geo.) Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the House of Representatives, Feb. 11, 1866. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Wash. 1866

199. Lincoln Anecdotes of, and Lincoln's Stories. Edited by J. B. McClure. Portrait and illusts. 8vo, half calf. Chicago, 1879

200. LITERATURE. Handbook of Universal Literature, by Anne C. Lynch Botta, Boston, 1877; Studies in Early English Literature, by E. W. Washburn, N. Y. 1884. Together 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth.

201. LONGFELLOW (H. W.) Tales of a Wayside Inn. FIRST EDN. 12mo, half crushed levant. Bost. 1863





Another copy in cloth.

Kéramos and Other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo,
Bost. 1878

Kavanagh, FIRST EDN. (poor); Haliburton's Sam Slick in Search of a Wife, 1855; Travellers and Outlaws [Higginson]; and seven others. Together 10 vols. Crown Svo, cloth.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

205. LONGFELLOW AND EMERSON. Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson by the Massachusetts Historical Society. Portraits. 4to, original white cloth, gilt top edges. Bost. 1882

Includes Addresses by Oliver Wendell Holmes.

206. [LOWELL (R. T. S.)] The New Priest in Conception Bay. FIRST EDN. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1858 207. LOTOS LEAVES: Stories, Essays, and Poems by Members of the Lotos Club. Illusts. Small 4to, original cloth, gilt (binding little worn).

Lond. 1875 Contributions by Wilkie Collins, Mark Twain, Brander Matthews, etc.

208. LOVE-LIFE (THE) of Dr. Kane. Portrait and facsimiles. 12mo, cloth (faded). N. Y. 1866

209. MACHIAVELLI (NIC.) History of Florence and

of the Affairs of Italy from the Earliest Times to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent. With Introduction by Prof. H. A. Rennert. Portrait and other plates, the former in two states, one being colored. 8vo, Persian calf extra, gilt top edge.

N. Y. The Cambridge Library of Law Classics, privately printed [1901]

210. MADAME RECAMIER, by Madame M***, Lond. 1862; Pierrette [H. de Vere Stackpoole]; Downing's Country Houses; and seven others. Together 10 vols. 8vo, etc., cloth.

211. MAGAZINES. A collection of Magazines, Atlantic Monthly, Harper's and others., half bound and in cloth, some in poor condition. 85 vols. (Not returnable.)

212. MAN. Wood (Rev. J. G.) The Uncivilized Races; or, Natural History of Man, with additions by an Eminent American Traveler. Over 700 illusts. 2 vols. small 4to, sheep. Hartford, 1870

213. MANSFIELD'S LIFE OF GEN. W. SCOTT [1846]; Life of John Q. Adams [Seward], 1849; Memoir of the Life and Services of John C. Fremont [Bigelow], 1856; and others. 10 vols.

214. MAUD MULLER [Whittier], 1867; The Story of the Great March [Nichols], 1865; Paul Fane [Willis], 1857; and others. 10 vols.

215. MCCLELLAN (GEN. GEO. B.) 2 A. L. S. 1 p. each 8vo, 1861 and 1881. (2)

The first letter is to Gen. Sickles regarding the writer's victory at Ft. Hatteras...." The expedition to North Carolina....resulted in a brilliant success....Among the prisoners are Com. Barron, Col. Thompson, Col. Bendford, Chief of Ord....and a number of other officers. Butler is here. Terms of Surrender unconditional....

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

216. MEDITERRANEAN. The Picturesque Mediterranean: Its Cities, Shores, and Islands. Numerous woodengravings by J. MacWhirter, J. Fulleylove, etc. 2 vols, 4to cloth. N. Y. [189-]

217. MEXICO. Evans (Col. Albert S.) Our Sister Republic; a Gala Trip Through Tropical Mexico in 1869-70. Numerous engravings. 8vo, cloth.

218. MICHIGAN IN THE WAR. ertson, Adjutant-General. Portrait.

Hartford, Conn., 1870 Compiled by John RobRoyal 8vo, half roan. Lansing, 1882

219. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, some odd. 40 vols. 220. MODERN (POLITICAL) BATTLES OF TRENTON [Sackett], 1895; The History of the Netherlands [Grattan], 1831; The Life of Napoleon, 1827; and others. 10 vols.

221. MOLIÈRE. Œuvres. Nouvelle Édition revue sur les plus anciennes impressions et augmentée. Par M. Eugene Despois. 3 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark blue crushed levant, Paris, 1876


Fine Library Edition.

222. MURPHY (ARTHUR), Dramatist and author of a Life of Garrick. A. L. S. 10 pp, 4to, 1777. To Mr. Shepherd, giving evidence in the divorce case of Lord and Lady Montfort. 223. MUSICAL COMPOSITION. Theory and Practice of. By A. B. Marx. Transl., with additions. Illust. 8vo, cloth, N. Y. [1854]

224. NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE. Life of, with a Preliminary View of the French Revolution. By Sir Walter Scott. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut (spotted and portrait defective). Phil. 1827

225. NAPOLEON AND HIS MARSHALS. By J. T. Headley. Numerous portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth (stained).

N. Y. 1846

226. NAPOLEON AND HIS ARMY; Coppée's Life of Grant: The Peerage of Poverty [Paxton Hood]; Cassell's Book of Sports; and others. Together 10 vols. 8vo, etc., cloth.

227. NATURAL HISTORY. Cuvier (Baron). The Animal Kingdom Arranged in Conformity with its Organization. From the French by Dr. H. McMurtrie. Plates. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth (spotted). N. Y. 1831

228. NEW JERSEY. Scheyichbi and the Strand; or, Early Days Along the Delaware. (Romantic Adventures of Pioneers, etc., etc.) By E. S. Wheeler. Illusts. 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy from author. Phil. 1876


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229. NEW YORK. The Hawkins Zouaves (9th N. Y. V.); Their Battles and Marches. By J. E. N. Whitney. Post 8vo, cloth (somewhat faded).

N. Y. 1866 History of the State of New York. Illusts. Crown 8vo, cloth.


N. Y. 1871 New York and Its Institutions, 1609-1872. By Rev. J. F. Richmond. Numerous illusts. 8vo, cloth.


N. Y. 1872

232. NEW YORK REGIMENT. Chronicles of the Twentyfirst Regiment New York State Volunteers, April 15, 1861, to May 18, 1863. By J. Harrison Mills. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Buffalo, 1887

233. NOJOQUE; a Question for a Continent [H. R. Helper]; Our Honeymoon and Other Comicalities, from "Punch," 1859; The Mollie Maguires and Detectives [Pinkerton]; and seven others. 10 vols, crown 8vo, cloth.

234. NORSK, LAPP AND FINN; or, Travel Tracings from the Far North of Europe. By Frank Vincent, Jr. Fronts. and map.. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1881


Her Statesmen, Generals and Soldiers. By Whitelaw Reid. Illusts. 2 Cinn. 1868

vols. thick royal 8vo, sheep (broken).

236. OLD NOVEL. [Hook (Dr. Jas.)] Pen Owen. FIRST EDN. 3 vols. crown 8vo, original boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1822

237. OLIVER GOLDSMITH [Washington Irving]; Star Papers [H. W. Beecher]; Resources and Prospects of America [Sir S. M. Peto]; The Walking Doll [Kerr]; and others. Together 10 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth.

ism. 8vo, cloth.

238. PAINE (PROF. MARTYN). Physiology of the Soul and Instinct, as distinguished from MaterialN. Y. 1872 239. PALLISER (SIR HUGH), distinguished British Admiral at Quebec). A. L. S. 4 pp, 4to, 1788, to the Duke of Buckingham, urging the necessity of the Smalls Light House.

240. PENNSYLVANIA. The Delaware Water Gap. Its
Scenery Legends and Early History. By L. W. Brodhead.
Colored view.
Phil. 1870

12mo, cloth.

241. PENN DOCUMENT. Indenture relative to the sale of certain land lying above the Falls of Delaware River in the township of Amwell, containing the conditions of purchase on the part of one Thomas Newman from JOHN, THOMAS, and RICHARD PENN, Proprietarys and Governors-in-Chief of the

Province of Pennsylvania. Written on parchment and duly signed and sealed for the Penns by Thomas Penn; endorsed by John Reading, Council for Province of New Jersey. May 24, 1737.

The land consisted of 5,000 acres, and the price paid was £50, 16s. ($254).

242. PENNSYLVANIA FISHERIES. Report of the State Commissioners of Fisheries for the year 1895. Colored and other plates of fishes, etc. 8vo, cloth. 1896

243. PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. History of the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment, from August 22d, 1861, to September 30th, 1864. By W. W. H. Davis, late Colonel. Portraits and views.. 8vo, original cloth (binding faded). Phil. 1866 Presentation copy from the Author, with inscription.

244. PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOLS. A Manual of Directions and Plans for Grading, Locating, Constructing, etc., Common School Houses. Edited by T. H. Burrowes. Illusts. Imp. 8vo, cloth; and another. (2 pieces.)

245. PEOPLE'S CYCLOPEDIA of Universal Knowledge. By Dr. W. H. De Puy, assisted by a corps of special contributors. Numerous colored maps and over 3,000 engravings. 3 vols. imp. 8vo, original half morocco. N. Y. 1881-82 246. PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings of the Committee appointed Sept. 14th, 1793, by the Citizens of Philadelphia to attend to the sufferings of the afflicted with the malignant fever. 8vo, original boards (two nail-holes through first few leaves). Philadelphia, 1848


Five hundred copies printed by order of the City Council from the original manuscript.

Another copy.

248. PICTORIAL LIFE OF FRANKLIN, illust., 1847; Everett's Life of Washington, 1860; Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin, fronts., Bost. 1858; and others. 10 vols.

249. PICTORIAL LIFE OF WASHINGTON [Frost]; Hume and Smollett's History of England; Career of LouisPhilippe [Jobson]; and seven others. Together 10 vols. 8vo, cloth, etc.

250. PICTURESQUE AMERICA; or, the Land We Live In. A Delineation by Pen and Pencil of the Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Water-Falls, etc., etc, and other Picturesque Features of Our Country. Edited by William Cullen Bryant. With an extensive series of fine steel plates by eminent American artists. Six divisions, royal 4to, original cloth. (Sold as two vols.) N. Y. 1872 Fine copy of the original edition with superior impressions of the fine plates.

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