! 138. COLERIDGE (HARTLEY). Lives of Illustrious Worthies of Yorkshire, etc. Portrait. 8vo, cloth (covers WWW somewhat faded). Lond. 1735 139. COLORADO. Report upon the Colorado River the West, explored 1855-8 by Lieut. J. C. Ives, under the direction of the Office of Explorations and Surveys. Maps, plates of views, etc., some colored. 4to, original cloth. Wash. 1861 140. COLORADO. Geological and Geographical Atlas of, and portions of Adjacent Territory. By F. V. Hayden. Numerous colored and other maps. Folio, cloth. n. p, 1877 ✔ 141. COLUMBUS. The Life and Voyages of Christopher ✓ Columbus. By Washington Irving. Portrait. 2 vols. post (wh svo, half calf, gilt. Phil. 1892 ✔ 142. CONFEDERATE PORTRAITS. Military Records ✓ A complete Roster of Generals, Lieut. Generals, and Major- √ 143 CONQUERING THE WILDERNESS, or History of √ the Pioneer Heroes of America [Triplett], illust, 1895; Libby Life, Prison Life in Richmond, Va. [Cavada], 1865; Favorite Poems [Lowell], 1877; and others. 10 vols. ✔ 144. CONTES DE GIL BLAS. Numerous illusts. by Caram d'Ache, Comba, Gorguet, and Myrbach. Svo, half blue morocco, gilt top edge, with original pictorial wrapParis [189-] pers preserved. Three volumes of stories contributed by Catulle Mendès, Joseph Montet, Armand Silvestre, etc. √145. COOPER (SAMUEL-Adjutant-General and Inspector-General of Confederate Army). 1798-1876. Three Letters signed, all in reference to the discharge of one John Fitzpatrick. Each 1 page 4to. Washington, Nov. 20-29, 1854. 146. COPE (CYPRIAN). Arabesques: a Perspective. Royal 8vo, original cloth. Lond. 1899 Miscellaneous essays by a traveller, including one giving his views on Mormonism. ✔ 147. COURT LIFE. Louise de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, 1649-1734: Society in the Court of Charles II. χρ Preface by Mrs. G. M. Crawford. Portraits, facsimiles, etc. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1888 ✓ 148. COURT MEMOIRS. Memoirs of Madame de Rému. ✔ 149. Memoirs of the Court and Aristocracy of Aus-/ tria. By Dr. E. Vehse. Transl. from the German. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edition limited to 500 copies. Lond. 1896 ✓ 150. COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH [Longfellow], 1859; Evangeline [Longfellow], illusts,, 1893; Tennyson's The Holy Grail, 1870; The Last Tournament, 1872; and 2 others. Together 6 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. ✓ 151. COWPER (WILLIAM). Private Correspondence of, with several of his most Intimate Friends. Now first published. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf (rebacked with cloth). Lond. 1824 152. CRAWFORD (FRANCIS MARION). Ave-Roma-v Immortalis; Studies from the Chronicles of Rome. FIRST EDN. Richly illust. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1898 ✔ 153. CRAZY BOOK-COLLECTING; or, Bibliomania. V 155. CRUIKSHANK. Charles Dickens' Songs, collected by T. Dibdin. Plates by George Cruikshank. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 30 old engraved portraits of British Naval Commanders, and engravings of medals, etc., mounted on margins, reverse of Cruikshank's plates, etc. 12mo, original cloth (binding loose). Lond. 1854 ✔ 156. The Spirit of Despotism, 1821; The Political Showman-at Home!, 1821; The Northern Excursion of Geordie, 2 parts; The Royal Letter-Bag, 1820; "Non mi ricordo!" 1820; Buonapartephobia, with portrait of Napoleon, after David, on title; and other tracts, with woodcuts and colored plates by George Cruikshank. In 1 vol. 8vo, old sheep (binding broken and cut down in places). 157. Vol. I. (all issued) of My Sketch Book. Numerous highly characteristic illusts. by G. C. Oblong, 4to, cloth. Lond. (reprint) ✔ 158. CRUIKSHANK. New Year's Day, by Mrs. Gore, ✔ 160. CUBA. Gan-Eden; or, Pictures of Cuba. Post 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1854 ✔ 161. CURIOUS. [Beresford (Jas.)) The Miseries of ✓ 162. CURTIS (GEORGE TICKNOR). A. L. S., 2 pp. ✓ 163. DALY (AUGUSTIN). Woffington: a Tribute to the Actress and the Woman. Full-page plates, 1KL portrails, scenes, facsimiles, etc. Second edn. 4to, deco rated cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Fine copy. Privately printed. Troy (N. Y.) [1891] ✓ 164. DANA (JAMES DWIGHT). The Life of Dana. By (wh Daniel C. Gilman. Illust. 8vo, cloth. N Κρε 1 Nur Ν. Υ. 1899 ✓ 165. DANCE OF DEATH. Der Todten-Dantz, wie J 166. DANCING. By Mrs. Lilly Grove and others. (Bad-✓ ✔ 167. N. Y. 1898 : / 168. DANISH-FRENCH GRAMMAR. Kursus paa 100✓ Www Timer i Fransk en Lærebog i det Franske Sprog, af Kapt. N. J. Libe. Crown 8vo, half bound. Kobenhavn, 1895 τρε ✓ 169. DANTE. Facsimile of one of the earliest Portraits✓ representing Dante wearing a "tabard." 32mo, printed on 4to sheet of Japan vellum. ONLY 6 THUS PRINTED, AND EACH SIGNED BY THE ARTIST, WHO MADE THE DRAWING FROM THE ORIGINAL. 1 170. DARLEY. Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, designed and etched by T. O. N. Y.: American Art Union, 1848-49 ✓ 171. D'ARTAGNAN. Memoirs of Monsieur D'Artagnan.v Translated by Ralph Neville. Illust. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Limited to 500 copies. Bost. 1903 ✓ 172. DASHES OF AMERICAN HUMOR [Howard Paul],✓ illust. by Leech, N. Y. 1853; Longfellow's Poems, Collected edn., 2 vols., Bost. 1865; The World, by Adam Fitz-Adam, 4 vols. 12mo, calf, Lond. 1761; and others. 15 vols. ✔ 173. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). La Lutte pour la Vie. Pièce en cinq actes, six tableaux. EDITION ORIGINALE. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top edges. Paris, 1890 ✔ 174. DAVIDS. View of Echo Place, the Residence of Thaddeus Davids, New-Rochelle. Oblong folio, tinted lithograph by Hayward. Small margins (spotted). ✔ 175. DAVIDSON (JOHN). The Last Ballad, and other Poems. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 ✔ 176. DEATH'S DOINGS. Original Compositions in Prose and Verse. With 30 full-page plates by R. Dagley. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers (not original-foxed and some margins repaired). Bost. 1328 (177. DEKOCK (CH. PAUL). Scenes of Parisian Life. Transl. by E. M. Norris. Etchings, etc., by Wm. Glackens. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top edge. Norwood, Mass. [1904] PW Zo ✓ 178. DEMPSTER (WM. RICHARDSON [1809-71]-Mu- / sician). A. L. S., 1 page, 4to, in reference to the concerts at Pittsburgh, etc., dated from Pittsburgh, April 7, 1846. ✔179. DEVIL. The Foot-Prints of Satan; or, The Devil in History. By Rev. H. Read. Illusts. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. 1872 1 180. DICKENS (CHARLES). Miscellaneous lot of Books by, and relating to, Charles Dickens, including some early American editions. Together 18 vols. 12mo, etc. 1837-72 181. The Household Narrative of Current Events, 1850-1855 inclusive. Conducted (and with original contributions) by Charles Dickens. 6 vols. royal 8vo, original Lond. 1850-55 In Jail with Charles Dickens. By A. Trumble.✓ cloth. ✓ 182. FIRST EDN. Folding fronts. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1896 ✓ 183. DICKENS. Old Lamps for New Ones, and other MA Sketches and Essays hitherto uncollected. Edited by F. G. Kitton. FIRST EDN. Facsimile. Post 8vo, cloth. N.Y.1897 / 184. Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil, including Anecdotes and Reminiscences collected from his Friends and Contemporaries. By Fredk. G. Kitton. Numerous fine portraits, etc. Folio. COMPLETE WITH SUPPLEMENT, in 18 parts as published, original wrappers. Lond. 1889–90 185. The Life of Dickens. By John Forster.✓ PW Library edn. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt Lond. 1874, etc. tops. ✓ 187. DICTIONARY. Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum 188. Havniæ, 1814 Finsket-Svenskt Lexikon af Elias Lönnrot. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half bound (name on titles). Helsingfors, 1874-80 ✓ 189. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Four French Women: MadMemoiselle De Corday, Madame Rowland, Princess De Lamballe, Madame De Genlis. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. N.Y.,n.d. ✓ 190. DOCUMENTS AND AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, ✓ relating to Baltimore Ironworks (Sept. 4, 1770); A Murder committed in Halfmoon Co., Albany (April 24, 1751); and others. Folio and 4to. Phr ✔ 191. DORÉ. Cassell's Doré Gallery, containing 250 fine Facsimiles of Doré's most famous work and including selections from the Doré Bible, Milton, Dante's Inferno, and Paradiso, Don Quixote, etc., etc. With Memoir, Critical Essay and Descriptive Letterpress by Edmund Ollier. Thick folio, morocco back, gilt edges. Fine copy. N. Y. [recent] ✓ 192. DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY. Macready's Reminiscences and Selections from his Diaries and Letters. Edited by Sir Frederick Pollock. Best edn. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1875 193.- Edwin Forrest, the Actor and the Man. Critical and Reminiscent. By Gabriel Harrison. Character portraits. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. Large Paper copy. Only 200 copies privately printed. Brooklyn, 1889 194. DRAMATIC SCENES [Barry Cornwall], illust.,✓ 1857; In Black and White, and The Phantom 'Rickshaw [Kipling], First English edns., paper; and others (some imp. and in poor state). 20 vols. (As a lot.) |