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464. OLD FURNITURE. The Cabinet Dictionary of all terms used in the Cabinet, Chair und Upholstery Branches, with directions for Varnish-making, Gilding, etc., etc. By T. Sheraton. 76 full-page and folding (should be 88) copperplates exhibiting various styles of furniture. 8vo, (new) half morocco, gilt top. J465 OLD POETRY. The Hermit of Warkworth [by

Lond. 1803

Bishop Percy], Lond. 1775; The Scottish Village, by Mrs.
Cowley, Lond. 1786; Sympathy, a Poem [by Saml. Jackson
Pratt], Lond. 1781. Together 3 vols. 4to, unbound.

✔ 466. ORIGIN OF THE ERIE CANAL, Rome, N. Y. 1870;'
Parker's (N. H.) Illustrated Handbook of the Great West,
maps and illusts., 1869; Mammoth Cave, by H. C. Hovey,
illusts., Cinn. 1891; and others (pamphlets). (About 50
pieces, as a lot.)

F. Edward Hulme.
specimens on each).
(Original edn., with


Suggestions in Floral Design. By With 52 finely colored plates (several Royal 4to, original cloth, gilt edges. brilliant impressions of the colored Lond. [ca. 1879]

Ancient and Modern Ornament. 120 plates from the best masters (several specimens on some). Loose in cloth portfolio, with ties.

N. Y. 1887

469. OUR ORIENTAL MISSIONS, China, Japan, India, etc. [Kingsley, etc.], 1870; The Life and Letters of Eliz. Prentiss, 1882; and others. 15 vols.

✓470. PAINE (T. O.) Solomon's Temple, including the

Tabernacle, First Temple, House of the King, etc., etc. Numerous illusts. Royal 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1870 471. PAINE (TOM). The Age of Reason [Part I.], Paris, 1794; The Age of Reason, Part II., FIRST EDN., Lond. 1795. Together 2 vols. 8vo, old calf (binding dilapidated).

Both vols. generously interleaved with fine old paper-four blank leaves to each printed one.

✓ 472. PAMPHLETS. History of Andover Center, N. H.,
Haverhill, 1901; The Town of Hampstead, N. H., Haver-
hill, 1884; Sketch of Chesterfield, N. H., 1902; Historical
Sketch of North Londonderry, 1902; Historical Sketch of
Hampton, 1901; Epsom, 1885; etc. 8vo, wrappers. (17)
473. PAPACY (THE). Histoire De La Papauté. Saint-
Pierre, Persecutions, Moyen Age, Renaissance. Par l'Abbé
Em. Castau. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf.
Paris, 1873-76

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1 474. PARIS KNOWN AND UNKNOWN. By Wm. Walton. 10 COLORED MAPS of the city and environs, and many beautiful illusts., some IN COLORS, by the best modern artists. 3 vols. folio, complete in 25 Parts, as issued, in 2 portfolios. Phil. 1901

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475. PARSONS (A. R.) New Light from the Great ✓ Pyramid. The Astronomico-Geographical System of the Ancients Recovered and Applied to the Elucidation of History, Ceremony, Symbolism, etc. Illust. Thick 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1893

✔ 476. PAULDING (J. K.) Slavery in the U. S. FIRST 16mo, cloth (cutting pasted on title and name).




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N. Y. 1836

Literary Life of Paulding. By his Son. FIRST ✔ Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1867 An Act for the Recovery of Debts and Demands not exceeding One Hundred Dollars before the Justice of the Peace and for the Election of Constables, etc. 8vo, half morocco, with the original covers preserved, uncut, pp. 19. Phil. 1804

479. Journal of Proceedings of the Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, from 1871 (the first) to 1898 (the twentyseventh). Bound in 9 vols. 8vo, half roan. Phil. 1872-98 ✓ 480. PERSIAN TALES. The Epic of Kings. Stories retold from Firdusi by Helen Zimmern, with Prefatory Poem by Edmund W. Gosse. FIRST EDN. LARGE PAPER COPY, WITH PROOFS OF THE TWO ETCHINGS BY ALMATADEMA. Royal 4to, original buckram, gilt top edge.

Lond. 1882

481. PHARMACY. Elements of Vegetable Histology for the Use of Students of Pharmacy. By D. Base. 62 illusts. 8vo, cloth.

Balt. 1905 The Story of

/ 482. PHILIPPINES. Halstead (Murat).
the Philippines. Profusely illust. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt

[blocks in formation]

Chicago, 1898

485. [PHILIPS (KATHERINE).] Letters from Orinda to Poliarchus [Sir Chas. Cotterel]. Portrait of Orinda by Vandergucht. 12mo, old paneled calf (spotted and back joint of binding broken). Lond. 1705

Joseph Knight's copy, with bookplate and autograph.

Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs.
Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda. To which is added
M. Corneille's Tragedies of Pompey and Horace, with
several other Translations. Portrait. 8vo, old panelled
Lond. 1710

Portrait, library interior, bookplate of Joseph Knight, by
W. Bell Scott.

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487. PHILISTINE (THE). A Periodical of Protest. Vols. 8 to 21. 14 vols. 16mo, complete, in original wrappers. Dec., 1898; Nov., 1905.

✓488. PHOTOGRAPHY. The St. Louis Photographer,
1883-'84; The Philadelphia Photographer, 1883-'84; The
Photographic Times, 1883-'84, all illust with photo plates;
A Dictionary of Photography, edited by T. Sutton and G.
Dawson. Together 7 vols. Royal 8vo and 12mo, cloth.
✓ 489. PICTORIAL HISTORY of our War with Spain
[White]; Encyclopædia of the Arts and Sciences; Reports
of Juries of the Great [London] Exhibition of 1851; and
another. Together 4 vols. 4to, etc.

Dana, Gibson, and other eminent artists. Folio. 32 (should
be 50) in original wooden covers).
N. Y. [1898]

The Story of Jesus,

by Louisa T. Craigin. 100 full-page engravings from the
designs of Alexandre Bida and many expository engravings
in the text. 2 vols. 4to, original cloth, gilt edges. N. Y.,n.d.

492. PICTURESQUE AMERICA; or, The Land we Live
In. Profusely illust. 4to, complete in 48 parts, original
N. Y.: Appleton, n. d.

493. PICTURESQUE EUROPE: a Delineation by Pen and Pencil of the Scenery, etc., of Great Britain and the Continent. Edited by Bayard Taylor. Numerous engravings by the best artists. Royal 4to, complete in 60 parts, original wrappers. N. Y.: Appleton, n. d.

494. PICTURESQUE PALESTINE, Sinai and Egypt. By the most eminent Palestine Scholars and Explorers. With Introduction by Dean Stanley. Numerous entirely original engravings on steel and wood from sketches made on the spot by Harry Fenn and J. D. Woodward. Royal 4to, complete in Parts, except the last two, original wrappers. N. Y. [188-]

495. PILGRIM MEMORIAL, illust., Bost. 1866; Discourse on the Life and Character of Sir Walter Raleigh [J. M. Harris], Balt. 1846; Original Papers relating to the Siege of Charleston (S. C), 1780, 1898, and others. phlets. (About 50 pieces, as a lot.)


✔ 496. [POE (E. A.)] The American Review. Vol. 1 for
1845. Svo, half calf (broken).
N. Y. 1845

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Contains the first printed form of Poe's celebrated poem
The Raven."

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497. POE (E. A.) The Raven and other Poems. Crown 8vo, original green cloth, uncut (binding and interior waterstained, and fore-margins of 4 leaves damaged by careless cutting). Lond. 1846

✓ 498.

FIRST ENGLISH_EDITION, being the original of New York, with a substituted title bearing London imprint.

The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum. With 7 illusts. and a cover design by William T. Horton, and some account of the author by Vincent O'Sullivan. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond. Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1899

499. POEMS, Sacred, Passionate and Humorous, of N. P. Willis, N. Y. 1844; G. W. Bethune's Lays of Love and Faith, 1848; Poems by Amelia, 1845; Doten, Poems from the Inner Life; and 6 others. Together 10 vols. Crown Svo, etc., cloth.

/ 500.

Longfellow's Miles Standish; Whittier's SnowBound; Lytton's Lost Tales of Miletus; Tennyson's Enoch Arden, and Idylls of the King; and 3 others. Together 8 vols. 12mo, original cloth.


Memoir and Poems of Margaret Davidson [Irving]; E. B Browning's Lady Geraldine's Courtship; Sinclair's Book of Gems; Readings in English Poetry; and 6 others. Together 10 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. ✓502. POLITICAL TRACTS. Examination of the Principles and Conduct of the two B―rs, Lond. 1749; Letter to the Author of Examination of Principles, etc. [1749]; Conduct of the Two B―rs Vindicated, 1749; Tryal [BurPlesque] of J— P[ercival], called E[arl] of E―[gmont] [1749]. Together in 1 vol. Crown Svo, half sheep.

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The two brothers were Henry Pelham and the Duke of Newcastle, who were supreme in Parliament 1746-49. Walpole wrote very highly of the first-named tract.

✓ 503. POPE (ALEX.) Works. Complete.
6 vols. 12mo, calf.

Lond. 1788

E. L. and W. J. Youmans.
Illusts. Together 14 vols.

Vols. 1 to 12 and Supplements.
8vo, half morocco, gilt.

N. Y., May, 1872-April, 1878

505. PORTRAITS. Ames (Joseph). A Catalogue of English Heads; or, an Account of about Two Thousand Prints, describing what is peculiar on each. 8vo, old half binding (broken).

Lond. 1748

One of the early collections of portraits formed by Nicholls, the eminent antiquary.

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506. PORTRAITS. A Catalogue of a Genuine and Extensive Collection of English Portraits sold by auction by Mr. Richardson. The prices realized neatly added in manuscript. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lond. [1800] Sir Wm. Musgrave's magnificent collection. The sale occupied 31 days.

507. The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans, with Biographical Sketches by Celebrated Authors. With a large number of fine portraits. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. Phil. 1865

508. A Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters (1830-1838). Edited by Wm. Bates. 83 portraits engraved after drawings by Daniel Maclise. 4to, original cloth (loose in covers). Lond. [1873]

509. Catalogue of the Hampton L. Carson Collection of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, La Fayette and other Engraved Portraits; also Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Complete in 5 Parts, with facsimiles of Portraits. The Washington section, with prices. 4to, original wrappers. Phil. 1903

✓510. PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ETC. A large collection
(several hundred) of Steel Portraits of Civil War Generals,
and other eminent contemporary personages, American
Views (mainly steel), process reproductions of facsimiles of
famous paintings, Portraits of Theatrical Celebrities, Battle
Scenes, etc., etc. (As a lot.)

✓511. POTTERY. The Bric-a-Brac Hunter; or, Chapters
on Chinamania. By May H. B. Hall. Front.
Front. Post 8vo,
cloth, uncut.
Phil. 1875

512. POTTERY: Pottery, How it is Made, its Shape and
Decoration, with Bibliography. By Geo. W. Nichols. 42
illusts. Post 8vo, limp boards.
N. Y. 1878

513. POULTRY. The Poultry World. For the Fancier, Family, and Market Poulterer. Vols. 1 to 4. Numerous illusts. 4 vols in 3. 4to, half morocco, gilt, wrappers and advertisements bound in. Hartford, Conn., 1872-75

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514. PREHISTORIC AMERICA. Amérique Préhistorique, par le Marquis de Nadaillac. 219 engravings. Royal 8vo, half morocco (chafed). Paris, 1883

515. PRESCOTT (W. H.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. Portraits, map and facsimile. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1845

✓ 516.

Life of. By Geo. Ticknor. Portrait (with 9 others laid in). Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut (somewhat rubbed). Bost. 1864

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