/517. PRESCOTT (W. H.) Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Portraits. Post Svo, half red morocco, gilt Phil. [1875] Portraits. Post Svo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. / 519. PRESIDENTS OF THE U. S. (THE). Phil. [recent] Their Memoirs 12 steel por N. Y. 1849 The Print Collector: an Introduction to the Knowledge necessary for forming a collection of Ancient Prints. By J. Maberly. Edited, with Notes, an Account of Etching, etc., by Robert Hoe, Jr. Thick square 8vo, original cloth. N. Y. 1880 ง 521. PRIOR (JAMES). Life of Edmond Malone, Editor✔ of Shakespeare, with selections from his Manuscript Anecdotes. Portrait. 8vo, cloth (cover soiled). Lond. 1860 522. PROHIBITED BOOKS. Censvra Generalis contra errores, quib' recentes hæretici sacram scriptoram asperserunt. Emblem of the Inquisition on title. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL, LIMITED TO 100 PRIVATELY PRINTED COPIES. Vellum. Pinciæ, 1554; N. Y.: De Vinne Press [190-] Published by the Inquisition against all heretics and apostates in Spain and other realms. 523. Cathologus Librorü, qui prohibetur mandato Illustrissimi & Reuerend. D. D. Ferdinandi de Valdes Hispalen. Arms of de Veldes on title. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL; ONLY 100 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. 8vo, original vellum. Valladolid, 1557; N. Y.: De Vinne Press [190-] The Inquisitor-General's Index. containing many interesting entries, especially under the heading of Romances. 524. Catalogi Librorum Reprobatorum & prelegendorú ex indicio Academiæ Louaniensis. Royal Arms of Spain on title. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION; LIMITED TO 100 PRIVATELY PRINTED COPIES. 8vo, vellum. Pinciæ, 1551; N.Y.: De Vinne Press [190-] An Index compiled by the authorities of Louvain University, and published by order of the Inquisition. 525. Catalogus Librorvm Reprobatorvm ex iudicio Academiæ Lovaniensis. Royal Arms of Spain on reverse of title. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL; LIMITED TO 100 PRIVATELY PRINTED COPIES. 8vo, vellum. Toleti, 1551; N. Y.: De Vinne Press [190-] The official Index of the Inquisition is appended to the Lou vain list. 526. PUBLIC MEN AND EVENTS from the commencement of Mr Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1853. By Nathan Sargent. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (hole rubbed in margin of first leaf). Phil. 1875 527. PUNCH. The History of "Punch," by M. H. SpielPortraits and other illusts., chiefly from "Punch. mann. Original buckram, gilt top edge. 528. N. Y. 1895 UEEN OF TEARS (A). Carolina Matilda, Queen Britain and Ireland. By W. W. Wilkins. Full-page portraits and views. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1904 ✓529. RABELAIS. The Works of Francis Rabelais. Transl. by Urquhart and Motteux. Portraits 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth. (Bohn's Extra Vols.) Lond. 1863 530. The Works of. Illusts. by Gustave Doré. Thick post 8vo, cloth. Lond. Chatto, n. d. ✓531. RANDOLPH (JOHN) of Roanoke. Life, by Hugh A. Garland. Portraits. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. 532. READ (T. B.) The House by the Sea. FIRST EDN. 12mo, cloth. 533. N. Y. 1851 A Poem. Phil. 1855 Sylvia; or, The Last Shepherd: a Dialogue; and other Poems. FIRST EDN. Crown 8vo, original cloth (spotted in places). 11 534. Phil. 1857 Wagoner of the Alleghanies, Phil. 1862; Hazel Blossoms [J. G. Whittier], illusts., Bost. 1875. FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 535. RELIQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY [Percy], 1839; The Parson's Horn-Book, pt. 2, illust., Dublin, 1831; Life of Victor Hugo [Marzials], 1888; and others. 10 vols. 536. RÉMUSAT. Memoirs of Madame de Rémusat, 18021808. Transl. by Mrs. C. Hoey, etc. Thick post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1880 537. RICE (CALE YOUNG). David: a Tragedy. Imp. 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut. Limited to 250 copies. N. Y. 1904 ✓ 538. RIDDELL FAMILY. History of the Ancient Ryedales and their Descendants in Normandy, Great Britain, and America, 860 to 1884. (Genealogies and Biographies of the Families of Riddell, Riddle, Ridley, etc.) By G. T. Ridlon. Numerous portraits, colored views, etc. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. Manchester, 1884 539. RIIS (JACOB A.) How the Other Half Lives: W Studies among the Tenements of New York. Illust. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1890 540. RILEY (JAS. WHITCOMB). Afterwhiles. FIRST 12mo, cloth. EDN. ✓ 542. Indianapolis, 1888 Rhymes of Childhood. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. With leaf containing author's autograph signature inserted. With leaf containing author's autograph signature inserted. 543. RIVES (AMÉLIE, i. e., Mrs. Chanler). Five A. L. S., mostly in reference to her stories, 3 and 4 pp. 8vo; and "The Story of a Heart, by Amélie Rives," typed on 10 folio pages, with corrections by the author, 1888-1889; (6 pieces.) etc. 544. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Journal of a Tour in the ✓ 545. No. 311 of 519 copies issued. Democracy: an Address Delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham. By J. R. Lowell. Post 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. No. 451 of 500 copies issued. 1902 546. ROCHESTER (N. Y.). Sketches of Rochester; with Incidental Notices of W. New York: a collection of Matters designed to illustrate the Progress of Rochester, etc. By Henry O'Reilly. Map and illusts. Post 8vo, original cloth (some pp. soiled). Rochester, 1838 ✓ 547. Another copy (lacking map, few pp. and plates). 548. ROMAN AND MEDIEVAL ART [Goodyear], illust., 1893; A Day in Ancient Rome [Shumway], illust., 1885; The Chautauqua Movement [Vincent], 1886; and others. 10 vols. ✓549. ROSEBERY (LORD). His Life and Speeches. By Thomas F. G. Coates. Best edn. With numerous illusts. 2 vols. thick 8vo, buckram, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1900 550. ROYCROFT. The Essay on Walt Whitman. By Robert Louis Stevenson. With portrait on Japanese vellum paper, and hand-illumined initials. 8vo, full ooze calf. E. Aurora, 1900 ✓ 551. Shakespeare's Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut. E. Aurora, 1902 ✓ 552. A Message to Garcia. Being a Preachment by Elbert Hubbard. Portraits, printed on Japan vellum, title in red and black within vine border. 16mo, original ooze calf. Roycroft Press, 1903 PW www ✓ 553. RUSH (JACOB). Charges and Extracts of Charges on Moral and Religious Subjects; with the Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature respecting Vice and Immorality. 12mo, half sheep. N. Y. 1804 554. SABBATH BELLS Chimed by the Poets, illust., 1870; Lyra Americana; Verses of Praise from American Poets, 1865; Hymns of the Ages, series 3 (com. plete in itself), 1865; and others. 10 vols. 555. SACRED BOOKS OF THE EAST (THE). Translated by Various Oriental Scholars and Edited by F. Max Müller. First series. Vols. 1 to 3 inclusive. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1879 Caleb (Rob't). More or, Wonders of the Invis / 556. SALEM WITCHCRAFT. An Historical Sketch V J557. SANSCRIT LITERATURE. ✓558. SAUNDERS (FRED'K). Festival of Song. A 559. SAUR IMPRINT. Robert Barclay's Apologie oder ✔ Bertheidigungs-Schrift der wahren Christlichen Gottesgelahrheit. Thick post 8vo, original sheep (one cover loose, otherwise a sound copy). Germantown: Christoph Saur, 1776 560. SCHILLER'S FRENCH REVOLUTION, 2 vols. (in German); Kennedy's Corn in the Blade; Shakespeare's Bones [C. M. Ingleby]; and 15 others. Together 19 vols. 12mo, etc. ✓ 561. SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Summary Narrative of an Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi in 1820: Lovh resumed and completed by the discovery of Lake Itasca in 1832. 8vo, half calf. Phil. 1855 562. SCIENCE. Tyndall on Light; Dibble's Vagaries of Sanitary Science; Dana's Manual of Geology; Martin's The Human Body; and 7 others. Together 11 vols. 8vo, etc., cloth. 563. SCUDERY (M. DE). Alaric, ou Rome Vaincuë. Poëme Heroïque. Frontispiece, portrait of Christine of Sweden, and 10 copper-plates of Events described in the poem. 12mo, old half binding (little stained). A La Haye, 1685 ✓ 564. SEVENTH REGIMENT. The Knapsack: a Daily Journal of the Seventh Regiment New Armory Fair. Vol. ( I. (all issued). Illust. with portraits of Civil War Generals, etc., etc. Folio, cloth (worn). /56 N. Y. 1879 565.History of the 7th Regiment, 1806-1889. By Col. Emmons Clark. Extensively illust. 2 vols. thick royal Crh svo, half calf, gilt. N. Y. 1890 ✓566. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeare. A Biography. By Chas. Knight. Facsimile auto's and numerous illusts. Svo, cloth. / 567. Lond. 1851 The Life and Genius of. By Thos. Kenny. ✓ 568. The Merchant of Venice, as produced at the This memorial edition is said to have been limited to 500 copies, most of which were destroyed at the burning of the theatre shortly after the publication. ✓ ✓569. SHAKESPEARE. Much Ado About Nothing, as 570. SHAKESPEARE AND THE RIVAL POET. Shakespcare as a Satirist, and proving the Identity of the Patron and Rival of the Sonnets. By A. Acheson. Portrait. Post 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut. N. Y. 1903 572. SHELLEY (PERCY B.) A Proposal for putting Reform to the Vote. Facsimile of the original MSS. With an Introduction by H. Buxton Forman. Small 4to, boards, uncut. Shelley Society. Limited to 500 copies. Lond. 1887 ✓ 573. An Appreciation, with an Illustrated BibliogFacsimiles on Japanese (Limited to 150 copies.) N. Y.: Privately printed, 1903 |