√497. POE (E. A.) The Raven and other Poems. Crown 8vo, ✓ FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, being the original of New York, with a substituted title bearing London imprint. ✔ 498. The Raven, The Pit and the Pendulum. With 7 illusts. and a cover design by William T. Horton, and some account of the author by Vincent O'Sullivan. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1899 499. POEMS, Sacred, Passionate and Humorous, of N. P. Willis, N. Y. 1844; G. W. Bethune's Lays of Love and Faith, 1848; Poems by Amelia, 1845; Doten, Poems from the Inner Life; and 6 others. Together 10 vols. Crown 8vo, etc., cloth. / 500. Longfellow's Miles Standish; Whittier's SnowBound; Lytton's Lost Tales of Miletus; Tennyson's Enoch Arden, and Idylls of the King; and 3 others. Together 8 vols. 12mo, original cloth. /501. - Memoir and Poems of Margaret Davidson [Irving]; E. B Browning's Lady Geraldine's Courtship; Www Sinclair's Book of Gems; Readings in English Poetry; and 6 others. Together 10 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. ✓ 502. POLITICAL TRACTS. Examination of the Principles and Conduct of the two B—rs, Lond. 1749; Letter to the Author of Examination of Principles, etc. [1749]; Conduct of the Two Brs Vindicated, 1749; Tryal [Bur(PE lesque] of J P [ercival], called E- [arl] of E-[gmont] [1749]. Together in 1 vol. Crown 8vo, half sheep. The two brothers were Henry Pelham and the Duke of Newcastle, who were supreme in Parliament 1746-49. Walpole wrote very highly of the first-named tract. ✓ 503. POPE (ALEX.) Works. Complete. Copper-plates. Am 6 vols. 12mo, calf. Lond. 1788 ✓ 504. POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY. Conducted by✓ Www E. L. and W. J. Youmans. Vols. 1 to 12 and Supplements. 505. PORTRAITS. Ames (Joseph). A Catalogue of English Heads; or, an Account of about Two Thousand PH Prints, describing what is peculiar on each. 8vo, old half binding (broken). Lond. 1748 One of the early collections of portraits formed by Nicholls, the eminent antiquary. J www PW Cork 506. PORTRAITS. A Catalogue of a Genuine and Extensive Collection of English Portraits sold by auction by Mr. Richardson. The prices realized neatly added in manuscript. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lond. [1800] Sir Wm. Musgrave's magnificent collection. The sale ocсиpied 31 days. 1507. J508. 509. Lond. [1873] Catalogue of the Hampton L. Carson Collection of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, La Fayette and other Engraved Portraits; also Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Complete in 5 Parts, with facsimiles of Portraits. The Washington section, with prices. 4to, original wrappers. Phil. 1903 ✓ 510. PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ETC. A large collection ' (several hundred) of Steel Portraits of Civil War Generals, and other eminent contemporary personages, American Views (mainly steel), process reproductions of facsimiles of famous paintings, Portraits of Theatrical Celebrities, Battle Scenes, etc., etc. (As a lot.) ✓ 511. POTTERY. The Bric-a-Brac Hunter; or, Chapters on Chinamania. By May H. B. Hall. Front. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phil. 1875 ✔ 512. POTTERY: Pottery, How it is Made, its Shape and Decoration, with Bibliography. By Geo. W. Nichols. 42 illusts. Post 8vo, limp boards. N. Y. 1878 ✓ 513. POULTRY. The Poultry World. For the Fancier, ✓ SCARCE. √514. PREHISTORIC AMERICA. Amérique Préhis-✓ torique, par le Marquis de Nadaillac. 219 engravings. Royal 8vo, half morocco (chafed). Paris, 1883 PW Zo ✓ 515. PRESCOTT (W. H.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. Portraits, map and facsimile. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Ν. Υ. 1845 ✓ 516. Life of. By Geo. Ticknor. Portrait (with 9 others laid in). Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut (somewhat rubbed). Bost. 1864 √517. PRESCOTT (W. H.) Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. Portraits. Post 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. Phil. [1875] Portraits. Post Their Memoirs 518. Life of. By Geo. Ticknor. 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. / 519. PRESIDENTS OF THE U. S. (THE). and Administrations. By Edwin Williams. 12 steel portraits. Thick 8vo, cloth. Ν. Υ. 1849 ✔520. PRINTS. The Print Collector: an Introduction to the Knowledge necessary for forming a collection of Ancient Prints. By J. Maberly. Edited, with Notes, an Account of Etching, etc., by Robert Hoe, Jr. Thick square 8vo, original cloth. N. Y. 1880 ✓ 521. PRIOR (JAMES). Life of Edmond Malone, Editor✓ of Shakespeare, with selections from his Manuscript Anecdotes. Portrait. 8vo, cloth (cover soiled). Lond. 1860 522. PROHIBITED BOOKS. Censvra Generalis contra • errores, quib' recentes hæretici sacram scriptoram asperserunt. Emblem of the Inquisition on title. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL, LIMITED TO 100 PRIVATELY PRINTED COPIES. Vellum. Pinciæ, 1554; N. Y.: De Vinne Press [190-] Published by the Inquisition against all heretics and apostates in Spain and other realms. 523. Valladolid, 1557; N. Y.: De Vinne Press [190-] The Inquisitor-General's Index, containing many interesting entries, especially under the heading of Romances. ✔524. An Index compiled by the authorities of Louvain University, and published by order of the Inquisition. 525. - Catalogus Librorvm Reprobatorvm ex iudicio Academiæ Lovaniensis. Royal Arms of Spain on reverse of title. FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL; LIMITED TO 100 PRIVATELY PRINTED COPIES. 8vo, vellum. Toleti, 1551; N. Y.: De Vinne Press [190-] The official Index of the Inquisition is appended to the Lou vain list. Nur 526. PUBLIC MEN AND EVENTS from the commencement of Mr Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the close of Mr. Fillmore's Administration, in 1853. By Nathan Sargent. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (hole rubbed in margin of first leaf). Phil. 1875 √ 527. PUNCH. The History of “Punch,” by M. H. Spiel- √ mann. Portraits and other illusts., chiefly from "Punch." Original buckram, gilt top edge. Ν. Υ. 1895 ✓ 528. Q ✓ 529. RABELAIS. The Works of Francis Rabelais. Transl. by Urquhart and Motteux. Portraits 2 vols. post 8vo, original cloth. (Bohn's Extra Vols.) ↓ 530. Lond. 1863 V The Works of. Illusts. by Gustave Doré. Thick fo post 8vo, cloth. Lond.: Chatto, n. d. ✓ 531. RANDOLPH (JOHN) of Roanoke. Life, by Hugh Phil. 1855 Sylvia; or, The Last Shepherd: a Dialogue; and✓ other Poems. FIRST EDN. Crown 8vo, original cloth (spotted in places). Phil. 1857 ✔534. - Wagoner of the Alleghanies, Phil. 1862; Hazel Blossoms [J. G. Whittier], illusts., Bost. 1875. FIRST EDNS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. ✓ 535. RELIQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY [Percy], 1839; The Parson's Horn-Book, pt. 2, illust., Dublin, 1831; Life of Victor Hugo [Marzials], 1888; and others. 10 vols. ✔ 536. RÉMUSAT. Memoirs of Madame de Rémusat, 18021808. Transl. by Mrs. C. Hoey, etc. Thick post 8vo, cloth. Ν. Υ. 1880 537. RICE (CALE YOUNG). David: a Tragedy. Imp. 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut. Limited to 250 copies. Ν. Υ. 1904 ✓ 538. RIDDELL FAMILY. History of the Ancient Ryedales and their Descendants in Normandy, Great Britain, and America, 860 to 1884. (Genealogies and Biographies of the Families of Riddell, Riddle, Ridley, etc.) By G. T. Ridlon. Numerous portraits, colored views, etc. Thick royal 8vo, cloth. Manchester, 1884 ✓ 539. RIIS (JACOB A.) How the Other Half Lives: hwW Studies among the Tenements of New York. Illust. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1890 ✔ 540. RILEY (JAS. WHITCOMB). Afterwhiles. FIRST Indianapolis, 1888 With leaf containing author's autograph signature inserted. ✓ 542. Armazindy. FIRST EDN. Front. 12mo, cloth. Indianapolis, 1894 With leaf containing author's autograph signature inserted. 543. RIVES (AMÉLIE, i. e., Mrs. Chanler). Five A. L. S., mostly in reference to her stories, 3 and 4 pp. 8vo; Ow and "The Story of a Heart, by Amélie Rives," typed on 10 folio pages, with corrections by the author, 1888-1889; etc. (6 pieces.) Www. 544. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Journal of a Tour in the No. 311 of 519 copies issued. ✔545.- - Democracy: an Address Delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham. By J. R. Lowell. Post 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. No. 451 of 500 copies issued. 1902 ✔546. ROCHESTER (N. Y.). Sketches of Rochester; with Incidental Notices of W. New York: a collection of Matters Rochester, 1838 Another copy (lacking map, few pp. and plates).✓ 548. ROMAN AND MEDIEVAL ART [Goodyear], illust., 1893; A Day in Ancient Rome [Shumway], illust., 1885; The Chautauqua Movement [Vincent], 1886; and others. 10 vols. ✓ 549. ROSEBERY (LORD). His Life and Speeches. (wh By Thomas F. G. Coates. Best edn. With numerous illusts. 2 vols. thick 8vo, buckram, gilt tops, uncut. Phr Lond. 1900 / 550. ROYCROFT. The Essay on Walt Whitman. By Robert Louis Stevenson. With portrait on Japanese vellum paper, and hand-illumined initials. 8vo, full ooze calf. E. Aurora, 1900 ✔ 551. - Shakespeare's Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut. E. Aurora, 1902 ✔552. A Message to Garcia. Being a Preachment by Elbert Hubbard. Portraits, printed on Japan vellum, title WWW in red and black within vine border. 16mo, original ooze calf. Roycroft Press, 1903 J |