Immagini della pagina

254. [SEWALL (SAMUEL)]. Phænomena quædam Apocalyptica ad aspectum Novi Orbis configurata, or some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth, Second edn.; The Fountain Opened, or The Admirable Blessings plentifully to be dispensed at the National Conversion of the Jews, by Sam'l Willard, Third edn. Small 4to, sewed, pp. 64 (lacks title, first leaf, and pp. 17-24 of an Appendix; from p. 33 to the end nibbled by mice). [Bost. 1727]

255. SLAVERY. Alton Riots. A Narrative of the Riots at Alton, in connection with the Death of the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. By Rev. Ed. Beecher. Crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 139 (leaves water-stained, and one torn across). Slavery riots. Alton, Ill., 1838

256. Bledsoe (Albert T.) An Essay on Liberty and Slavery. By A. T. Bledsoe, Prof. in the Univ. of Virginia. Crown Svo, cloth. With George Bancroft's bookplate.


Phil. 1856

Cairnes (J. E.) The Slave Power: its Character, Career, and Probable Designs. Being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American Contest. Second edn. 8vo, cloth, pp. 171. N. Y. 1862

258. Gurley (Ralph R.) Life of Jehudi Ashmun, late Colonial Agent in Liberia. With an Appendix, containing Extracts from his Journals, etc., and a brief Sketch of Rev. Lott Cary. Portrait. 8vo, old calf (skinned). With book-label of the MAO Society. Wash. 1835

259. Kemble (Frances Anne). A Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation, 1838-39. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1863

260. SMITH (JOHN). The Duty, Advantages and Pleasure of Public Worship: a Sermon at the Dedication of the Meeting-House in the Vicinity of Dartmouth College, Dec. 13, 1795. 8vo, sewed, pp. 14.

Hanover, N. H.: Dunham & True, 1795 261. SPANISH-AMERICA. Leyes y ordenances nuevamente hechas por su Magestad pa la governacion de las Indias y buen trata miento y conseruacion de los Indios. Con privilegio imperial. Small folio, 13 leaves. Engraved title, and last four leaves in excellent facsimile.

Alcala de Henares: Joan de Brocar, 1543

262. SPARKS (JARED). Memoir of Jared Sparks. By Brantz Meyer. Portrait. 4to, paper, pp. 36 (lacks front wrapper). Only 50 copies printed for the author.

[Balt. 1867]

263. STAMP ACT. Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies, in Opposition to the Tyrannical Acts of the British Parliament, held at New York, October 7, 1765. [Compiled by John Cotton, Clerk.] 8vo, original paper wrappers, pp. 59. N. Y. 1845 The Journal of the First American (or Stamp Act) Congress, first published in 1812 in Niles' National Register, the MS. having been sought for for many years without success.

264. STANTON (EDWIN M.) Life and Public Services of Edwin M. Stanton. By Geo. C. Gorham. Portraits, maps and facsimiles. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.

Bost. 1899 265. STORRS (RICHARD S.) The Early American Spirit, and the Genesis of It: an Address before the N. Y. Historical Society. 8vo, cloth, gilt, pp. 71. N. Y. 1875

266. TANGUY DE LA BOISSIÈRE (C. C.) Observations on the Dispatch written Jan. 16, 1797, by Mr. Pickering, Secty. of State of the U. S. of America, to Mr. Pinkney, Minister Plenipotentiary of the U. S. near the French Republic. Transl. by Samuel Chandler. 8vo, sewed, pp. 50. Phil. Moreau de Saint-Mery, 1797

267. TERNAUX-COMPANS (H.) Voyages, Relations et Memoires originaux pour servir a l'Histoire de la Découverte de l'Amerique. The two Series complete, in 20 vols. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1837-41

Apparently George Bancroft's copy, one of the volumes having his autograph on wrapper. This valuable collection of French translations of the narratives of the early voyages to America include many that were never before published. Among the narratives are Ixtlilxochitl's History of the Ancient Kings of Tezcuco; The First Voyage of Nicolas Federman, 1557, Magellan's Voyage to Brazil, 1576; Hans Staden's Voyage, 1557; Xeres' New Castile, 1547; Ulrich Schmidel's Voyage, 1554, by Hulsius; The Commentaries of Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca, 1555; Cibola's Voyage, 1540; Oviado and Balboa's Histories; Velasco's Kingdom of Quito; etc.

268. THATCHER (PETER). A Sermon preached to the Society in Brattle Street, Boston, Nov. 14, 1790. . . on the Death of James Bowdoin, late Governor of the Commonwealth. Svo, sewed, pp. 31, uncut.


Bost. I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1791 269. TILDEN (SAMUEL J.) The Writings and Speeches of Samuel J. Tilden, 1833-1848. Edited by John Bigelow. N. Y. 1885

2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut.

270. TRACEY (URIAH). To the Freemen of Connecti

cut. Address, Sept. 6, 1803.

8vo, unbound, pp. 16. Litchfield (Conn.), 1803

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Privately printed. Autograph of Henry Strong, on 'Federal



[blocks in formation]

of the Proceedings of the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, at their Session at Rutland, in October, 1794. Roswell Hopkins, Clerk. Small 4to, sewed, pp. 229, entirely uncut (lacks title).

[Bennington: A. Haswell, printer, 1794]

272. VERRAZANO. MURPHY (HENRY C.) The Voyage of Verrazano: a Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America. Illusts. and 5 maps, including Verrazano's. 8vo, paper, pp. 198, uncut (binding loose). (Auto. presentation copy to James Lenox.)

N. Y.: Privately printed, 1875

A very limited issue was made.

273. VIRGINIA. BANCROFT (GEORGE). Proceedings of the First Assembly of Virginia, 1619. With Note by George Bancroft. 8vo, paper, pp. 30. Reprinted from the collections of the N. Y. Hist. Society. [N. Y. 1857]

274. BYRD (WILLIAM). The Westover Manuscripts, containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina; A Journey to the Land of Eden, A.D. 1733; and A Progress to the Mines, written from 1728 to 1736, and now first published, by Wm. Byrd, of Westover. 8vo, original boards, with paper label, pp. 143.


Petersburg (Va.): Privately printed, 1841 CAMPBELL (CHARLES). History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia, 1492-1782. Thick 8vo, cloth.

Phil. 1860

276. — [CAMPBELL (J. W.)] The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as represented by Themselves. Added a Vindication of the said Representation. 8vo, sewed, pp. 64 (lacks title). [Lond. 1733]


FORREST (W. S.) Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Norfolk and Vicinity, including Portsmouth and adjacent Counties, for 200 Years; also Sketches of Williamsburg, Hampton, Suffolk, Smithfield, etc., with descriptions of objects of interest in Eastern Virginia. By Wm. S. Forrest. View of the City Hall (Norfolk). 8vo, cloth. Phil. 1853

278. UNIVERSITY OF VA. Early History of the University of Virginia, in the Letters of Thomas Jefferson and Joseph C. Cabell, hitherto unpublished. With Historical Sketch and Biographical Notice of Mr. Cabell, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth. Richmond, 1856


279. WAR OF 1812. AR OF 1812. DWIGHT (THEODORE). of the Hartford Convention, with a Review of the Policy of the U. S. Government which led to the War of 1812. (With Appendix giving Biographical Sketches of the Members of the Convention.) 8vo, original cloth, with paper label. N. Y. 1833

280. MARYLAND. Muster Roll of Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry, Sept. 12 and 13, 1814. Particulars of the Battle, Official Correspondence, Discharge of Troops, etc. (Memoranda of the Defense of Baltimore, etc.) Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 96. Balt., n. d.


281. PORTER (PETER A.) A Brief History of Old Fort Niagara [to 1825]. Portrait and views. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 84, uncut. Niagara Falls, Privately printed, 1896 Sullivan (George). Speech at the late Rockingham Convention, with the Memorial and Resolutions and Report of the Committee of Elections. Second edn. 8vo, sewed, pp. 30, uncut. Exeter, Mass.: Printed at the Constitutional Press by E. C. Beals, n. d.

283. WAR WITH ALGIERS. A Short Account of Algiers and of its Several Wars . . . with a concise View of the Origin of the Rupture between Algiers and the United States. With Appendix containing letters from American captives. Second edn. Map. 8vo, sewed, pp. 50.

Phil. for Mathew Carey, 1794

284. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Lossing (Benson J.) Washington and the American Republic. Numerous steel portraits and plates (8 missing). 3 vols. royal 8vo, in the original 34 Parts (a few of the first numbers water-stained). (As 3 vols.) N. Y. 1870

285. Moore (Geo. H.) Washington as an Angler, with Extracts from his Diary, 1787-89. Square post 8vo, cloth, pp. 15. N. Y. 1887 Of very limited issue, privately printed for the author. 286. Morris (Gouverneur). An Oration upon the Death of General Washington, delivered at the request of the Corporation of the City of New York, on Dec. 31, 1799, and published by their request. 8vo, sewed, pp. 24, uncut. N. Y.: John Furman, 1800

287. Pickell (John). A New Chapter in the Early Life of Washington, in connection with the Narrative History of the Potomac Company. In 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1856 288. The Dedication of the Washington National Monument. With Orations by Robt. C. Winthrop and John W. Daniel, Feb. 21, 1885. Portrait of Washington. Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 122. Wash. 1885


Life and Memorials of

Daniel Webster. From the New York Daily Times. [By Gen. S. P. Lyman.] 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth. (Appleton's Library.)

290. WESLEY (JOHN). can Colonies. New edn.


N. Y. 1853

A Calm Address to our Ameri12mo, paper, pp. 23.

Printed by Robt. Hawes [1775]

291. WEST (SAMUEL). sity, in which the true Nature of Liberty is Stated and Defended. By Samuel West, pastor of the Church in NewBedford. 8vo. boards, cloth back, pp. 54, entirely uncut. Autograph of James Winthrop on title.

Essays on Liberty and Neces

Bost. Samuel Hall, 1793

292. [WHITFIELD (C.) AND SLEE (I.)] Two Discourses on the Keeping of the Commandments of Zion's King, the Only Evidence of Love to Him [by I. Slee]; and Ananias's Reprehension and Exhortation to Saul (a Sermon delivered at the Baptism of the Rev. I. Slee by C. Whitfield). 8vo, boards, cloth back, pp. 62, with leaf of advertisement.

Phil. for Thos. Dobson, 1789

293. WIGGLESWORTH (EDWARD). An Enquiry into the Truth of the Imputation of the Guilt of Adam's first Sin to his Posterity. Being the Substance of several Private Lectures in Harvard College. 8vo, sewed, pp. 90.

Bost. J. Draper for D. Henchman, 1738 294. [WILLIAMS (DAVID).] Lessons to a Young Prince by an old Statesmen on the Present Disposition in Europe to a General Revolution. With Reflections on the French

Revolution by Edmund Burke. 5 plates, showing different "political constitutions in a mode entirely new." 8vo,boards, cloth back, pp. 68. Printed; N. Y., Repr., 1791 Bears autograph on title, James Taylor to J. Knapp," both early American pioneers.


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295. WILLISTON (NOAH). A Sermon Preached at the Ordination of the Rev. David Howe Williston, Pastor of the Church in Tunbridge, June 16, 1793. By his Father, Pastor of the Church in West-Haven, Conn. 8vo, boards, cloth back, pp. 37 (leaf of errata pasted on the reverse, slight damage to half title). Hanover: Josiah Dunham, 1794 Rare Bears presentation inscription from David Williston to the Rev. A. Parish.

296. WINTHROP (JOHN). Life and Letters of John Winthrop, 1630-1649. By Robert C. Winthrop. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1867

297. WISCONSIN. Biographical History of Clark and Jackson Counties. With portraits of the Presidents, and biographies and portraits of prominent citizens, with personal history of many of the Early Settlers, etc. 4to, full morocco (rubbed), gilt edges. Chicago, 1891

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