298. WITCHCRAFT. Moore (Geo. H.) Notes on the History of Witchcraft in Massachusetts, pp. 32; Supplementary Notes on the same, pp. 25; Final Notes on the same, pp. 120; and Bibliographical Notes on the same, pp. 31. 4 pamphlets. 8vo, paper, uncut, mainly published by the author. Cambridge, 1883, '84, '85 and '88 299. WOLCOTT (OLIVER). Sermon at the Funeral of Oliver Wolcott, Governor of Connecticut, who died Dec. 1, 1797. By Azel Backus, Pastor of the Church in Bethlem. 12mo, each sheet inlaid to small folio, pp. 23. Ad Litchfield: T. Collier [1797] 300. WOLFE (GEN. JAMES). Sabine (Lorenzo). dress before the N. E. Historic-Genealogical Society, 1859, the 100th anniversary of the death of Gen. Wolfe, with notes and documents. 8vo, paper, pp. 100. Bost. Pub. for the Society, 1859 301. WOOD (WILLIAM). New-England's Prospect, being a true, lively and experimental Description of that part of America, commonly called New England, etc. Third edn. 8vo, sewed, pp. 126 (should be 128), uncut (title ragged, and a few fragments of the final leaf laid in). Lond., printed, 1639; Bost., repr., Thos. & John Fleet, 1764 With Introductory Essay, 18 pp., and notes by the editor. This edition is said to be much more rare than the original London edition. 302. WYOMING. The Valley of Wyoming: its History, Poetry, and Indian Eloquence. By A Native of the Valley. Post 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1866 303. Reports of the Proceedings of the Wyoming Commemorative Association, on the Anniversaries of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming for Years 1882-1888. (Articles on "Names of those connected with the Massacre, ""The Flight from Wyoming," etc.) 8vo, paper, pp. 54. [Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1900] 304. ZENGER (JOHN PETER). The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New-York, Printer, who was lately Try'd and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government. With Pleadings and Arguments on both sides. Small 4to, sewed, pp. 32 (title cut down), otherwise uncut. Lond. J. Wilford, 1738 : Conditions of Sale I: TERMS CASH. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be immediately re-sold. II: Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in the catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. III: Goods purchased at the sales must be removed from the premises within one week; in default of which the Auctioneer will reserve the right of re-selling them at the cost of the purchaser. IV: Bids will be faithfully executed by the Auctioneer and used only in competition. All unlimited bids should come through Agents. Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. |