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and turns it in one direction or another. No line in a pattern may be ignored, nor is any one to be added without careful consideration of the part it is going to play in conditioning the rhythm of the design. No spot even is quiescent. The eye travels to each spot in turn, that it may establish rhythmic relations between such spot or mass and other


The designer thus has it in his power to make the observer look where he will in his pattern. He can lead the eye from one line to another and from one mass to another, he can give strength and simplicity by emphasizing the elements that bind together and support the form and can give interest by felicitous rhythms and smooth transitions. Conversely, he can cause discomfort by forcing the eye to make abrupt changes, and positive dissatisfaction by leaving it to wander aimlessly in a maze of unrelated forms.

A problem in design may be stated. with the precision of a problem in geometry. The secret of successful class-room teaching lies in this specific definition and in the systematic development of the steps to the problem's solution. These steps should include first, the introduction of the decorating mass into the space; second, the division of this mass into elements; third, the refinement of these elements, and fourth, their translation into "subject matter" or conventionalized forms.

Good illustrative matter must be presented to pupils if they are to evolve good designs. Example counts for much in such practice. The illustrations offered must relate specifically to the problem to be solved. These examples should be analyzed by the pupils under the teacher's direction, that their structural and decorative features may be understood, seen and the limits of desirable variations determined.

[blocks in formation]


THIS paper is tentative and it is designed to call attention to the mental attitude of a large class of teachers after they have been regularly employed in school work, and have practically ceased to study educational problems seriously, or to widen their spheres of knowledge by systematic methods of culture. It is assumed that teachers who cease to strive after higher ideals in self-improvement, are moving with an accelerated velocity down an intellectual incline. This furnishes the background for submitting some reflections on the composition of the teaching force of the United States. In his last report the Commissioner of Education gives the whole number vi public school teachers employed as 449,287. Of this number 117,035 are men, and 332,252 are women. The same table shows that during the last twenty-two years the percentage of male teachers had steadily decreased throughout the country from 42.8 per cent. to 26 per cent. and that the annual decrement of male teachers in the five great divisions into which our country is geographically

subdivided, is about 5,000, and the annual increment of female teachers is 15,000. In 467 cities included in the report of the committee on salaries, tenure, and pensions of public school teachers in the United States, page 53, it is shown that the number of teachers employed was 84,042 exclusive of supervisors, and that only 8.6 per cent. of the entire number employed in high and elementary schools were men, but deducting 2,921, who are principals, from the total, leaves 5.6 per cent. of male teachers in these high and elementary schools. These partial statistics are introduced for the purpose of calling attention to the character of the teaching force to be influenced by any system that may be devised for their professional improvement. It is my conviction that there is no marked difference between the sexes in regard to any innate or acquired disposition to study thoroughly educational problems, or to strike out on new lines of investigation. In a rough sort of a way, I am inclined to the belief that not more than twenty per cent. of either sex now engaged in educational work, is willing to do much in the direction of either persistent study along special lines or professional reading. By this I do not affirm that eighty per cent. of the teachers do not read, but that their reading is of that patchy, scrappy, miscellaneous species that contains neither information nor much literary culture. The disinclination of a majority of teachers to engage seriously in new channels of thought, unless under pressure of a present, powerful stimulus, is well known. Consequently this negative factor has to be reckoned with in all calculations connected with an investigation of this kind.

When "Teachers' Reading Circles" were first outlined in several of the states and courses of study rather formidable were recommended, covering three or four different lines of work, it was very

generally believed that a plan had been hit upon that would materially raise the general level of the professional efficiency of the teaching force of the country, and thus widen their spheres of knowledge in many directions. In the practical application of this elaborate scheme, it soon became apparent that those who should have accepted it most enthusiastically, rejected it or were indifferent, while the younger and more enthusiastic teachers were incalculably benefited.

There is another class not so numerous as the first, that had their minds set in another direction. They are the "degreehunters" who are specializing. They are high school and elementary teachers who are looking forward to something better than they now have and are striving each summer at normal schools, colleges and universities to improve themselves in certain branches of study in order to receive higher salaries. Work of this kind has great value academically, but in general it does not lead very far in the direction of professional study, and consequently contributes little expert teaching. The knowledge acquired is chiefly technical and narrow, and it leads into closed alleys rather than out into the open. Yet there are some exceptions. My observation in watching high school teachers who have taken work along special lines is, that it narrows rather than broadens their vision of educational questions generally. As a class these teachers give much less thought to scientific methods. of study pertaining to the acquisition of knowledge than any other class of teachers. They are drill-masters who continue to fit subjects to boys and girls, rather than fit boys and girls to subjects. Their methods are in an advanced microscopic stage. In hardly any sense can they be classified as students of education, but they are excellent drill sergeants.

If eighty per cent. of teachers cease to

read systematically after they have been once thoroughly installed as teachers, the question is, How can they be induced to fall into studious habits of reading and investigating educational problems? A temporary stimulus may be imparted by having a graduated course of study, the pressure of which is in some manner connected with an advance in salary. A purely financial stimulus is a low motive for real teaching. But there is a tendency inherent in some minds, while working at a project that is irksome at first, to become interested in the kind of work which was so distasteful at the beginning. This change is produced by a different viewpoint. However, there should be nothing compulsory connected with any scheme for the professional advancement of teachers, but it should be of such a nature as would enable one to pull himself upward by self-exertion.

A danger to be guarded against in the use of all factitious stimuli, is the shortness of the time occupied in preparation for advancement. Many never look ahead very far. The near and the present they see. In general, the minimum salary should be large enough to allow those who reach it and feel inadequate to further exertion, to rest there and vegetate, having their thoughts undisturbed by visions of future examinations; but for those progressive spirits, actuated by a great desire to do much better work and to cultivate their minds to the greatest possible extent, a way should be left wide open through which to advance in proficiency each year.

By a well-known law in operation among skilled laborers, it is a recognized fact that the best workers always lift up to a certain level those who have not will power enough to lift themselves. The strong workers help the weak ones to better salaries. A method of dividing teachers into groups for the study of special subjects has been quite successful

in some cities. Frequently one enthusiastic teacher in a school of twenty or thirty teachers will inspire from one-half to three-fourths of the entire body. Sporadic efforts are generally shortlived. Enthusiasm is contagious, but it is not equal to well-directed, persistent discipline. A disciplined mind counts everywhere.

If the superintendent of a system of schools, or the principal of a school, is studiously inclined, the teachers, as a body, can be put in the right attitude. toward professional advancement. The superintendent or principal' must be a leader, one who can persuade others to enlist under his banner. The organization of the workers, first into a compact body of those who really mean to improve, will produce a marked effect on the laggards.

I have made it a point whenever I read a new book, or an old one that I found to be helpful, to call the attention. of principals and teachers to it publicly, and to speak briefly of the leading thoughts it presented. I have tried to create a desire for knowledge first which some of the teachers would endeavor to gratify. In all that is done, the taste of each individual must, to some extent, be consulted. He should be urged to go out and browse in such pastures as seem most inviting to him. Next to one's professional reading, after thoroughly informing himself in regard to the subject matter which must be taught and its connection with other related subjects, he should study most thoroughly the principles of education and the history of the processes by which each mind made its discoveries. To secure the best results each one should pursue some subjects that are quite remote from his daily routine of work. The mind that is not continually making some new acquisitions is decreasing in power as well as in mental alertness.



So much progress has been made in lighting, heating, ventilating, and seating schools that these former scapegoa's for the mistakes of teachers and supervisors no longer serve their ancient useful purpose. There is a decline in the physical condition of children from September to June even in the best built and equipped schools.

The following are submitted explanations as possible causes:

1. Failure to make proper use of schoo! equipment.

2. Faulty postures in sitting (especially while writing) and in standing and walking (especially while books).


3. Lack of provision for out-of-door play.

4. Lack of freedom from restraint indoors.

minimum of sources of worry (such as examinations, tests, marks, rules and regulations, and arbitrariness or nervousness in teachers), provision in the program for rest periods and alternation of work, preparation of teachers to detect symptoms of eye and ear defect, spinal curvature or indications of disease, to test where it is desirable, and to adapt method to such physical defects as cannot be removed, and, finally, positive gymnastic exercises.



I RECENTLY visited public school 3, Brooklyn, and with the principal walked rapidly through almost every primary classroom in the building. My presence had not been announced to the teachers so far as I know. The object of the visitation was to observe the carriage of the

5. Methods productive of worry and pupils at the desk, and the way in which confusion.

6. Over-stimulation due to failure to provide rest periods or proper alternation of the harder and the easier work.

7. Failure to adapt method to individuals lacking normal physical develop


Important suggestions are: Abundant time for free play in the open air winter and summer and in daylight, more short vacations rather than one long vacation, better knowledge of school equipment by teachers, more attention to postures (sitting, standing, and writing), plays, games, out-of-door observation, free constructive work, adaptation of the child's instinctive forms of expression, necessity of making important forms of reaction habitual and not merely suggested, essential healthfulness of clear and definite method and straightforward discipline in avoiding confusion, the reduction to the

they walked and stood. I also saw the pupils come in and out of the assembly. I have seen many schools in which great attention was paid to posture. My visit to this school was unique, because I failed to observe a single child sitting or standing in a distinctly bad position. I did not observe a single child rea ling with the book flat on the desk and the head bowed over it. The books were held up, the necks were straight, the carriage of the bodies was erect and manly, distinctly military in its charac ter. The carriage of the girls was graceful and gracious. This shows that the physical effects of the school desk can be successfully fought, even under the trying conditions of large city schools, without further teaching of physical training than that which can be given by the regular grade teachers, and even without an adequate gymnasium. It is

accomplished in this school through the intelligent and constant activity of the principal and the heads of the departments, who recognize the fact that the children are in the formative period in life, that the roundness of the chest and the erectness of the spine maintained during school life will be carried throughout life; who understand that boys and girls will not only be healthier and more effective all through life if the effects of the school desk are counteracted than if they are not, and who intelligently apply their physical training to this end.

Mere physical exercise will not secure good carriage. Constant and intelligent watchfulness, plus physical exercise, will alone accomplish the result. School gymnastics must be aimed at this one thing -the school desk.

In fighting the school desk two things are to be kept in mind: the sitting still, and the tendency to bad position. The other general results in physical training ought to be largely secured through plays and games.

If the physical training in the schools should so result that a large fraction of all the boys graduating and becoming men shall be strong in body, erect and vigorous in carriage, and all the girls shall be vigorous, graceful, and gracious, it will be a great service in solving one of the most difficult problems of our age, namely the adjustment of city conditions so that they shall be favorable. to child life.

[blocks in formation]

Because they are unnecessary in high schools; because they are factional and stir up strife and contention; because they form premature and unnatural friendships; because they are selfish; because they are snobbish; because they dissipate energy and proper ambition; because they set wrong standards of excellence; because they are narrow; because rewards are not based on merit but on fraternity vows; because they inculcate a feeling of self-sufficiency in the members; because they lessen frankness and cordiality toward teachers; because they are hidden and inculcate dark lantern methods; because they foster a feeling of self-importance; because high school boys are too young for club life; because they foster the tobacco habit; because they are expensive and foster habits of extravagance; because of the changing membership from year to year making them liable to bring discredit and disgrace to the school; because they weaken the efficiency of, and bring politics into the legitimate organizations of the school; and because they detract interest from study.

Secret fraternities are especially condemned in public schools, which are essentially democratic, and should not be breeding places for social differentiation. The committee believes that all legitimate elements for good, both social, moral and intellectual, which these societies claim to possess can be better supplied to the pupils through the school at large in the form of literary societies and clubs under the sanction of the faculties of the schools.

The service you render is incalculable, because of the very fact that by your lives you show that you believe ideals to be worth sacrifice, and that you are splendidly eager to do non-remunerative work if this work is of good to your fellow men. -President Roosevelt.

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