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smiling prospect is seen from the upper windows of the kind not to despise at once those persons in the middle house, well-fed cattle abound in the yard, and numerous ranks of life who may chance to be torn from their signs of rural industry are scattered every where around. station, and placed for a few hours in their company, My journey hither the day before yesterday was even though they do conduct themselves tediously and delightful, and still more so the conversation I had awkwardly. At home, and among their own affairs, with my friends on my arrival, accompanied as it was they are probably active and intelligent, conversational, with the prospect of a week's unrestrained enjoyment and pleasing; while, in a new order of things, they beneath their hospitable roof. But, as the farmer would know as little how to conduct themselves as rightly says, “thistles spring up among the finest would the most accomplished courtier if he were sudwheat;" so from one rosy week I must subtract five denly transported from a German castle into the palace thorny hours, and these I am about to describe to you. of the Emperor of China. Some such thoughts as these Yesterday morning the secretary of the prince called passed confusedly through my head as I stood before upon my friend, to speak with him, in the name of his these two gentlemen; but my thoughts did not help to master, concerning the measurement of some land. restore my composure, for I judged, perhaps unjustly, When that business was concluded, the polite gentle that they were not likely to bear this in mind. Their man turned to me, addressed me by name, (for he had coolness and my warmth, their composure and my already heard of me and my village,) and inquired if agitation, formed so striking a contrast, that I became he had the honour of speaking to the author of the more and more silent and disheartened. Twice did I moral tales and the work on education. "The prince attempt to collect my scattered thoughts, but failed. knows you, and has more than once mentioned you in All that I said, even that which I uttered with warmth, terms of admiration," said he, in reply to my affirma- appeared to me constrained and empty, pointless and tive answer to his question; and then, after many flat, because it was accompanied with the feeling of friendly assurances, he departed. internal restraint; and so I lost all self-satisfaction, without which a man can seldom contribute to the satisfaction of others.

Directly after dinner I received a short note from him, stating that he had told the prince of my being here, that his royal highness expressed a wish to make my acquaintance, and if I would be at the castle by three o'clock, the sentinel would conduct me to his (the secretary's) room, and he would introduce me to the prince. There was not much more than an hour left for me to dress, and to think over the part which I had to perform. I felt very anxious to support my literary character with dignity, and at the same time to converse with the freedom and familiarity of a private gentleman. That the prince would speak of my writings was certain. I therefore thought over a number of important subjects, from which I drilled a whole regiment of ideas, which I proposed to pass in review before the prince as an entertainment worthy of the kind attention he had showed me. My toilet was finished before my ideas were satisfactorily arranged, and I set out more sleek, well brushed, and whitely powdered, than I had been for a long time, while the farmer's eldest son, who accompanied me to the castle, could scarcely keep up with my rapid strides.

When we arrived at the castle gate, the friendly boy left me, and I received a somewhat energetic challenge from the sentinel as to who I was and what I wanted. I requested to be conducted to the secretary. Unimportant as this interruption was, yet it made me painfully conscious that I was out of my proper sphere, in which, being known to every one, I could come and go without being questioned. On this account I felt less at ease with the secretary, and more at a loss for words than I was in the forenoon. The man sat buried in papers, and hastily told me to follow him into an adjoining room, where I should find two distinguished gentlemen, whom he named to me, and with whom I should pass my time most agreeably until the prince was ready to speak with me, which would be before the concert, in about an hour's time. With this he sprang hastily before me, opened the door of the apartment, and closed it with equal haste when I had entered. The magnificence of the walls and the ceiling, the multitude of ornaments, and the splendour of the furniture, bewildered me, so that I could observe nothing quietly; while the torrent of words which the two gentlemen poured forth, one after the other, and sometimes both together, upon me, exposed me between two fires of politeness, which I could return only by a mute and somewhat bashful succession of bows. To add to my perplexity, I had entirely forgotten their long, and, to my ears, most unfamiliar titles; and fearing to offend by addressing a cold SIR to each of them, I became more and more embarrassed and helpless.

Oh, that all those who move in high and splendid stations had enough of charity and knowledge of man

"Probably you admire beautiful prospects," said one of the two gentlemen, opening a window for me, and then turning away with indifference. With such a prospect before me, if I had only been left to myself for a single quarter of an hour, or, still better, had had you, my dear friend, by my side, I should have recovered my senses, and have been myself again. The prospect was too beautiful to leave me unmoved. Within the graceful curve of the distant horizon were included several towns, and many hamlets, with the territories peculiar to each. On one side were richly wooded hills; on the other, wide-spread pasture lands; and directly beneath me was the castle garden, tastefully and scientifically adorned, near which the broad river peacefully glided along, creeping artistically round a little wood, and finally, in one magnificent sweep, encircling the town. Then the numerous houses which so prettily dotted the landscape awakened a yet stronger sympathy within me, while the incessant changes in the degree of light which illumined it excited a slight feeling of pensiveness. Whilst one side of the landscape was glowing in the bright sunshine, the thick clouds of evening clothed the other side in obscurity; so that between the two resulted a most beautiful play of light and shade.

Full of inexpressible emotion, I turned my gaze into the room. The two gentlemen were standing near the door, conversing about the bas-reliefs which adorned it. It did not occur to me that those who were in the daily habit of seeing this prospect were not likely to fall into raptures at its beauty; but the excitement I was in, and perhaps also a secret wish to show by my conversation that I really was a man of some feeling, drew from me a speech, which I felt almost before I had uttered it to be inflated and cold. "Truly," exclaimed I, "when such a glorious landscape does not seize the imagination and captivate the senses, man must be destitute of mind or of feeling, and as such worthy of pity!" One of the gentlemen looked up at me oddly, with eyes full of curiosity, waiting to hear something more, equally extravagant; the other laughed; and I stood rebuffed and terrified, like a child who has just broken a glass. That was stupid," thought I, and I felt as if I would say as much. I stammered out something by way of limitation to my sweeping condemnation, which, as far as I can remember, did not much mend it; and I now felt so thoroughly abashed, that I did not even look again upon the rich landscape, whereby, as it afterwards occurred to me, the gentlemen must have thought that my sentimentality had very soon evaporated.

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Nevertheless, they gave themselves some trouble to

make the conversation general: they asked me about this one and that one, and, what must have been quite indifferent to them, about my station, my place of abode, my acquaintance, &c. My replies were very unready, and but little to the purpose. At one time I so far forgot myself as to speak of one of my neighbour's affairs with as much zeal and particularity as if the man had been their cousin. I then remembered that I was getting too discursive, and directly after my talk was, on the other hand, too restrained. In short, every moment I was forgetting the position I was in; my mind led me from the company of strangers into that of old acquaintance-from the castle to my own village. To maintain a discourse was therefore impossible. "These gentlemen were not made for me!" thought I; but now I see how unjust I was, for it might also have occurred to them, “The man was not made for us!" and if they did think so, they thought right. Our intercourse now became monosyllabic, and it was evidently kept up only to prevent yawning. One of them stood before a picture; the other walked slowly up and down, with his hands folded behind him, or pulled now and then at his neckcloth, or adjusted his shirt-frill; while I, with inward misgiving, looked towards the sky, which was becoming more and more clouded, and longed to be again at Kronow's cottage. When we fail to make acquaintance with a man by attempting to exchange thoughts and feelings, we may often succeed by means of a pinch of snuff. So seemed to think the walking gentleman, for he suddenly stopped and held out his snuff-box to me. I declined with a bow. "But it is very unseemly in me," thought I, "to slight his kind offer," so lifted up my hand to take a pinch. He had withdrawn the box, but politely held it out again. My hand was already lowered, and I gave a second declining bow, but, as before, extended my hand a second time to take a pinch at the very moment that he withdrew his. He tried it again, and so did I, but the attempt failed; and there arose between us a most extraordinary seesawing of handsa suitable image of our whole interview, in which ignorance on the one side to give was met by equal ignorance on the other side to take.

In truth, I did not succeed in taking; for, during our attempts, the door suddenly opened, and a servant entered to conduct me to the prince. I felt like a young man who is just going to deliver his maiden speech. I followed the servant through several rooms and halls, my heart beating violently; but, at the same time, I was collecting all my resolution to be calm, in order that my presence of mind might control my feelings. And, perhaps, all might yet have gone well, for the noble yet kind expression of the prince's countenance filled me at once with confidence and esteem, had it not been that, on entering his highness's apart ment, the highly polished floor caused my foot to slip, and I nearly fell down. "Take care," said he kindly, "the floor is slippery." And here unfortunately my resolution not to express what was uppermost in my mind gave way. "Please your highness," said I, "it is indeed slippery at court." "That may be," returned he, but it is not my fault: I have not made it so smooth." This answer, which made me feel how indecorous my remark had been, threw me at once into the condition of a confused orator, and made me as dull and awkward in this room as I had been in the other. "You have written some excellent books," began the prince anew.

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regiment of ideas which I had so industriously, but so
vainly drilled, was of no use to me. I had supposed
that the prince would of course say something about
my book on education: I was therefore prepared to
add to his remarks a statement of my own experience
as to the necessity of making better provision for the
education of the poor, by the further distribution and
general improved management of schools. But it was
too bad-he did not honour my education book with
one word, but merely asked whether I was not soon
going to bring out something new. I now fell into the
same error as I had committed with my former com-
panions. I was either too discursive or too abrupt. I
gave as minute a detail of my negotiations with my
publisher, as if the prince had been a bookseller. I
then bethought myself that such details were not
decorous, and began to talk about my unpublished
work in as familiar a manner as if the prince himself
had fairly copied the manuscript from my hand.
My unsuitable expressions, my familiar address, my
incoherent remarks, all that escaped from my lips only
served to constrain me more and more. I glowed as if
I stood before a furnace, and compressed my toes
until they ached. My increasing perplexity and the
distress of my situation were more and more apparent
to the good-natured prince-his questions therefore be-
came more simple and considerate, while the throbbing
of my heart and the earnest desire for deliverance from
this scene increased every moment.

At this juncture the secretary suddenly entered, approached his highness, and said something to him, of which I only understood the words, "just arrived.” The prince made me a very friendly bow, and hastened away accompanied by the secretary. There stood I alone. I uttered a deep-drawn sigh, wiped the perspiration from my forehead, and began inwardly to lament my awkwardness. But why did I not then think as I now do, that after a few days all this would afford me amusement rather than vexation? That which causes a man pain and displeasure can often be looked back to as a subject for laughter. But I could not think so then; indeed, something within me seemed to whisper, that my adventures were not at an end. Alone and undecided, I looked round the large room, which echoed my footsteps, and knew not which way or where to go.. I remembered the secretary to have told me, that directly after my interview with the prince I might go into the concert-room, where I might expect a great treat. But where, in this huge wide castle, was I to look for the concert-room?

I crept away on tip-toe, as if treading upon forbidden ground, and went whither chance conducted me. I passed through many rooms which I had not yet seen entered many corridors which led I knew not whither: at one time I walked forwards - then turned back again-cruised about hither and thither tried all four points of the compass-paused to consider, and became quite convinced that I had lost my way. Then I impatiently began my wanderings over again, and tried all the paths I had already given up as hopeless, until, without knowing it, I got into another wing of the castle; but when I discovered it, it did not help me. I had already knocked gently at many a door and tried many a handle-many a door had I opened in vain, when at length I gently put my head into a room, where my head was of all things the least expected. Two ladies' maids, as they appeared to be, stood busily occupied in adorning themselves. They both fled to one corner of the apartment, and I drew back equally startled, while one of the pair, a gaily dressed creature "I am stupid already at the beginning,” thought I with roguish black eyes, sent after me an unrestrained I felt that I only meant that I had written some books -not that they were excellent. Awkward, very awkward is it, to hear a remark to which you must give both yes and no in the same answer. All my selfpossession was gone-it was of no avail to attempt to recover myself-I must remain a passive sufferer. The

"Yes!" said I.

The prince smiled.

volley of laughter.

This was the first time that I had been openly laughed at, and I retreated from it more quickly than a rogue before a police officer. In the hope of escaping at last from this labyrinth, I hastily entered a chamber through an open door, and thence into another chamber, and

here my progress was stayed, for it led no further. I stood in the midst of a bed-room, in which was an unmade bed and abundance of litter. My superlative ideas of the refinement and splendour of every thing in this castle were somewhat corrected by the ordinary appearance of this room. "Was I not a fool," thought I, "to entertain such undue veneration for every thing here, and thus to behave so timidly? Am I not here among men who go to bed and sleep-get up again and wash, in no better state than I; and some of whom use much dirtier linen ?"

Whilst I was making these observations, the occupier of the room suddenly entered, and seeing a stranger there, started, and with a mistrustful and angry look, asked, "What are you doing in my room?"

I answered with a bow, "I am only looking for the


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The concert-room, why that is in the other wing! No, sir! that excuse won't do."

I explained to him as well as I could, or rather as confusedly as possible, who I was and how I had lost my way My dress, my respectable appearance, and my white leathern gloves, which I still wore, seemed at length to pacify him, and with a little less threatening air he pointed out the way I was to take. Confused at the awkwardness of the adventure, I left his room without feeling able to profit by his directions. This advice, which was to keep the little ball-room on my right, and then to go by the blue room on the left, was not of much use to a poor lost fellow, who was so little used to these things as not to know where the little ball room or the blue room might chance to be situated. "It is just the same," thought I, "in the castle as in the street-men have not sufficient perspicacity to give plain directions to a stranger." I was even going to be angry about it, but it occurred to me that on the subject of perspicacity I had not much that day to boast of. For my consolation I now caught sight of the secretary. He took me readily under his guidance, began to chat in the most friendly manner, and at length brought me to a door, at which I remembered I had already stood twice hesitating.

"Yes! yes!" said he, when I told him so; "a man often misses the right way by over-carefulness about it;" and so he conducted me into the concert-room.

Here I began to breathe freely, under the hope that enjoyment would supersede perplexity. But the gratification of my ears was not likely to allay my thirst, and my parched tongue began to remind me, that it would be pleasant to drink first and listen afterwards "Only think that in such a splendid castle no one should offer me a cup of coffee!" mused I. "How refreshing would it be, especially with such milk as the farmer's cows yield-such as my kind hostess brings to me in the honeysuckle bower!" During these cogitations, I noticed a general stir among those about me. Suddenly the prince, the princess, and some members of the royal family appeared. I stepped a little forward, as I thought it my duty, to make a bow to the prince, but in my awkwardness I had well-nigh run over him. "Does the man want any thing?" said some of the attendants softly, yet so that I could hear it. I looked around me as if I had just awakened out of a dream. The people laughed and I returned, I knew not how, back again to my seat. "That was superlatively stupid?" thought I, rubbing my forehead full of anguish that I should again be such a bungler.

"Does the man want anything?" seemed to ring in my ears: but the really excellent music now began: all eyes were turned, not on me, as I had feared, but on the performers. The stillness and breathless attention of the audience were contrasted by the lively expressions of delight in the vicinity of the conductor. These, with the splendid decorations of the hall, diverted my attention, and helped to soothe my mind, and made me forget this last blunder sooner than I had done my former mishaps.

But twice, as the prince seemed to be looking somewhat steadily towards the place where I sat, it occurred to me that his highness was offended at my behaviour. Without considering that the prince was most probably thinking on far more important affairs, or if he thought on my strange behaviour at all, his easy politeness would readily forgive it, I reviewed the whole of my conduct, and could not conceive how I had come to be so excessively awkward. "Oh, that I could now recall the time that is past!" thought I, "I should succeed better." Greatly did I lament that I had lost so many favourable opportunities; the encomium of one might have been met with such and such an ingenious return; to the remark of another, I might have given this or that appropriate reply; on more than one occasion I could have put in this or that witty repartee; and had I been ready enough to seize my opportunities, there was really no reason why my well-selected, nicely arranged stock of ideas should have been so utterly destroyed. I was occupied with these gloomy reflections, through which, however, the prospect of a pleasant evening's chat, and supper with Kronow, came like a ray of light I was also more or less attentive to the sound of the music, and afterwards to that of the rain, which was more in unison with my farmer's wishes than with mine. All this occupation brought me to eight o'clock, and to the end of the concert. Everybody left the room, and whither everybody went, I followed slowly. Unfortunately the busy secretary was nowhere to be met with; else he would probably have taken care of me. The greater portion of the audience dispersed to different parts of the castle; the rest hastened away with rustling umbrellas in different directions, without taking any notice of me, until I found myself standing alone, and undecided, within the principal entrance of the castle. "Who knows how long the rain may last? Hasten, that thou may'st fall into the arms of hospitality, for thy soul yearneth for condoling friends, and thy body for meat and drink!" With this I fixed my hat securely on my head, buttoned up my coat, made a sally, and ran (in a style that, perhaps, had not been seen in the castle square for many a day) in the direction of the lodge.

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Was it this unusual, scandalous running, or was it that the very worst luck accompanied me to the last? I know not. Just before I had reached the lodge, an enormous dog started up, sprang at me, placed his paws on my breast, and bellowed and howled in my face with the voice of a lion. "Help! murder! help!" bawled I, as loudly as a man with sound lungs could bawl. The porter roared with laughter. this both consoled and vexed me, but I implored his assistance. Augh-the dog don't bite!" drawled he. "Help! help!" roared I. At length I was released, trembling in every limb. I took off my hat, partly in gratitude and partly in displeasure, and hastened forward without looking on one side or the other, as if I was fleeing from the dog. "Oh! it is a wearisome life at court," thought I; "and I am a poor dull simpleton who knows not how to direct or help himself: I really think I am no longer the same man!" In the midst of such thoughts, I found that I had lost the way which the farmer's son had shown me, and saw to my great astonishment that I was in the midst of a lonely place bounded by a few poor huts.

I hastened to the nearest hut to ask my way; but the scene which suddenly met my eyes kept me back. Before a handsomely dressed youth, stood an elderly woman with clasped hands, her face directed upwards, and her eyes overflowing with tears. "You make me mourn less for the loss of my good son who supported me," sobbed she. "May God bless you for what you do for me! but, dear, noble sir are you not indeed robbing yourself? You have no parents, and your place at court must cost you much."

"Never fear, good mother," answered the young man. "What you have had, and what you may further need,

can be spared from my superfluities; I make no use of strong drinks," continued he, "so that the money which is allowed me for wine, I can spend how I like."

"God reward you, and our good prince also, for supporting a poor woman like me!" My eyes were wet with tears, and I felt that I was myself again.

"It is well for me," thought I, "that I have been to court. The court is not to be blamed because I am unacquainted with its fashion and its state; there are good men at court: there are good men every wherethey only differ in appearance according to the station in which they move. In my own station, I think, I behave tolerably well; I am now the man that I was, and thankful am I that I have recovered my position." In the meanwhile the young man had left the hut, and having heard my request, politely offered to accompany me. His friendly, intelligent, conversation made the road appear very short, and before I was aware of it, and almost before I wished it, he pointed out Kronow's beloved farm-yard. I pressed warmly the hand of the noble youth when he left me. I longed to embrace him, and stood gazing after him till he was out of sight.

My peaceful shelter was glowing in the soft rays of the sun, then setting amid the clouds of evening. A beautiful rainbow adorned the sky, one limb of which seemed to rest upon the farm-house. A graceful boy now hastened towards me shouting, "Quick! quick! supper is ready!" My host, waiting for me at the entrance to the farm-yard, grasped my hand firmly, and welcomed me with a look full of kindness. The cattle were lying about the house ruminating-greedy ducks were crowding round a trough-and a shaggy dog came wagging his tail and whining a welcome. Within the porch I was met by the blooming wife of my friend, a smiling infant in her arms: "Welcome! welcome!" said she, "from the court to a rustic meal. Come in, it is all ready." Joyfully did I enter the room. A large dish full of white asparagus was sending forth a pleasant steam-an inviting salmon displayed its bright red flesh-a tin, full of roast pigeons, was hissing on the wood ashes and a flask of wine was sparkling on the table. I forgot all my vexations, and two hours afterwards slept away all remembrance of them; and now I am, as always, a friend with all the world and you.



AFTER Some weeks of bustle in repairs and preparations, the new lord arrived, and a succession of feastings and gaieties began; not such, however, as to prevent his giving the minutest attention to the wants of his vassals and dependants, and diligently fulfilling

all the duties of a feudal lord.

It was several weeks before Maud saw him except at a distance, but one evening he was crossing a courtyard alone, on his return from hunting, when she was trying to lift a heavy pitcher of water to her head. The count saw she could not manage it, and took hold of it, as she supposed, to raise it for her; but he carried it across the yard, and only put it on her head when she was close to the door she was taking it to. As he turned away, he excused his condescension to his own mind by telling himself that no knight could see a woman so overloaded, and not help her-though the thought crossed his mind that it was a pity she was such an ugly, crooked thing. Maud's thoughts were very different; all she had heard from the old housekeeper of his childhood and youth, all the steward and the new servants said of his exploits in battle, all she saw of his kindness to the poor, his liberal and judicious alms, his high sense of justice, and his anxiety to re(1) Continued from page 332.

medy all that had gone wrong with his vassals during the absence of their lord, his sincere piety-all had prepossessed her mind in his favour, and she had more than once caught herself wishing that she were in her original station, and wondering whether they would then have met, or if he would have remarked her if they had. She tried to check these thoughts as vain and idle, but they grew upon her, and his kindness in helping her with the pitcher, which for the first time brought her close to him, and allowed her to see his features clearly, added to the uneasiness, which she did not suspect was love, though she found herself really unhappy in the reflection that her menial station completely separated them, and that she could have no hope of exchanging it for another. She remembered, too, that, though nobly born, her father's rank was hardly equal to that of the young count; and besides she thought with pain how different his life and reputation had been from those which first drew her attention to Count Henry, and that, even should he ever know her name, he would probably hear it only with abhorrence. All these reflections proved to her how hopeless was the dawning affection she sometimes feared she felt, and she struggled against it till she hoped it was conquered; but the pain she felt at the arrival of the decree from Rome, by which the count was released from his vows, and free to seek a wife, opened her eyes. Rumour, she knew, had been premature in the first announcement, though there was no doubt of the dispensation being ultimately granted; but now she might any day see him the husband of another. She almost made up her mind to leave the castle, and see if she could find an asylum in some convent, as a lay sister, but unconsciously she deferred it from day to day. At length the whole castle was in a bustle, preparing for a grand ball, which the young count had determined to give, to return the civilities of his neighbours. The day fixed for it arrived,-Maud had much to do, and not a little to bear, for in addition to her own heavy heart, the old housekeeper had been so much worried that she was crosser than usual. However, when the dinner was over, she told Maud that she could now spare her for a couple of hours, and she might go up stairs and look at the dancers. A sudden thought struck the poor girl-she ran to her room, seized her musk ball, which she had almost forgotten, half unscrewed it, and wished for a splendid dress. Instantly she heard a rustling of silks, and a magnificent white brocade, embroidered with rose-buds and violets, lay beside her, with all ornaments to correspond, and shoes, stockings-all she could need to appear in the ball-room. She uttered an exclamation of gratitude to her godmother, and hastened to wash the stains from her skin-and, thanks perhaps in part to fairy power, herself completely, and put her peasant's cloak round she found its whiteness unimpaired. She then dressed her, that she might reach the ball-room unobserved, in pillar in the ante-room, she entered the great hall, which she succeeded. Leaving her cloak behind a where all the rank and beauty of the district were assembled. She heard a buzz of wondering admiration— every body asked every one else who she could be—and soon the count came to her, greeting her as an honoured guest, and begged to know who it was that so graced his festival. Maud intimated that, for the present, she wished to remain unknown, and as this whim was not without precedent in those days, the count politely acquiesced, and led her to the upper end of the hall, where his step-mother, the Countess Hildegard, his father's widow, was doing the honours of the castle. The old countess, who was noted for her pride, received her with much dignity, not ungraciously, but with some reserve, as she felt doubtful of the stranger's rank. As dance, and was so much delighted with her wit and soon as he possibly could, Count Henry asked Maud to beauty, and her modest, unassuming demeanour, that he could hardly persuade himself to leave her, and he

was again and again at her side, till she suddenly re- | been looking eagerly for her, came towards her immembered that the time the housekeeper had spared mediately, and led her at once to the old countess, her was more than elapsed, and she must hurry away. whose haughtiness was not lessened, either by the sucShe watched an opportunity, and contrived to slip out cess with which the stranger had kept her secret, or by unperceived-she threw her cloak round her, ran to her son's evident admiration of her; but the magniher litle room, took off and hid her dress, put on her ficence of her dress made some impression, and she servant's clothes, not forgetting the hump, and, having received her politely enough. The count led her out to again coloured her skin, she ran down stairs to the dance, and then sat beside her conversing, without kitchen. noticing any one else, till half the ladies in the room were affronted, and poor Maud's head was so turned, that time flew by unnoticed. The striking of the clock, more than an hour beyond that at which she should have been in the kitchen, roused her she started up, but could not escape the count. To go then was to reveal herself, which she had not courage to do, the more because she had discovered that the countess Hildegard was of a family whose hereditary enmity to hers she well remembered. It was long before she could find an opportunity of getting away; at last she succeeded, at a moment when the count's attention was purposely fixed by the Countess Hildegard, who much disliked his devotion to the stranger. With an aching heart Maud changed her dress, almost convinced of the count's affection, and now unable to close her eyes to her own, but more than ever fearful that her name and family would be an insurmountable bar between them, even should the obstacles of her want of fortune, and her present menial condition, be overlooked.

She found Dame Gottfried very much vexed at her delay; and the scolding which followed was difficult to bear in the moment of half-intoxication she felt at the great admiration she had excited, at her first appearance in the society of her proper rank. But she took it patiently, and so diligently set about the work she was ordered to do that the housekeeper left off scolding, and at last went to bed, before the ball was completely at an end. Maud stole back into the anteroom, in reality to have another glimpse of the count; or, as she said to herself, that she might see if the guests were likely to go away soon. She stood among the servants, and heard all their conjectures about the beautiful stranger, who had disappeared so unaccountably; and it gratified her much to learn that the young count had sought her everywhere, and had made all sorts of inquiries about her equipage-how she had come, and whence-(of course without success; no one had seen her arrive or depart)-and that, though obliged to dance repeatedly during the night, he had seemed, the servants remarked, to have lost all pleasure in the ball, and to be thinking only of discovering the unknown lady.

Soon after this the guests began to depart, and ere long all was silent, and every one gone to rest but poor Maud, who turned and turned on her truckle-bed, and wondered how she could be so foolish, and tried to still her mind, which seemed all in a whirl, and prayed for help, and guidance, and courage, till at last, from very weariness, she dropped asleep. She woke late the next morning, but luckily got down stairs before the old housekeeper, who had been much tired.

For some days she did not see the count, but she heard that he was much from home, and that, in fact, he was searching everywhere for the unknown lady;and at last that, despairing of seeing her again other wise, he had determined to give another ball, in hopes she might come to it. Accordingly, the castle was again all preparation, and on the appointed day it was once more filled with guests. Maud had worked very diligently all day, hoping the housekeeper would again give her leave of absence, but at first she refused, saying, she had stayed too long the last time, but Maud begged so hard, that the old woman, who was really fond of her, yielded, on condition she would not exceed the time specified. Maud flew to her room, washed off the stains, and seized her musk-ball, wishing, as she unscrewed it, for a dress yet more splendid and becoming than the last. As she made the wish, a pang shot through her mind that she had wasted the second of the three gifts the ball was to grant her-she had but one left! Would not her first dress have done very well? and might there not be many events of life in which she would more need her fairy godmother's help? Even now, was the dress all, or even the chief thing she wished for? But even to herself she shrunk from acknowledging her love for Count Henry. However, repentance came too late, for a magnificent dress of pink cloth of silver lay before her, trimmed with lace and embroidery, such as a princess could hardly wear, and with every thing else, even jewels, to correspond; and Maud forgot her regrets in the delight of seeing herself look lovelier than ever, and in anxiety to know what the count would say and do.

She was quickly in the ball-room, and again her entrance was unperceived till all risk of discovery was over most likely by the assistance of the Nymph of the Fountain, though unseen. Count Henry, who had

Dame Gottfried was excessively angry at her long absence, and asked where she had been, declaring she had twice searched the ante-room in vain for her. Maud truly replied that she had not quitted the castle, but had been twice in her own room; however, the old woman's scolding continued more bitter than ever, and poor Maud could not help shedding tears. But everything comes to an end, pain as well as pleasure, and at last the guests were gone, and Maud was alone in her little room, weeping bitterly as she knelt by her bedside. Gradually her thoughts arranged themselves into prayer, and soon she became more tranquil, though she saw no release from her sorrow. She fell asleep, debating with herself whether she ought not to leave the castle next day, at any cost; but when she awoke in the morning, she was as undecided as ever. In truth, though she was hardly herself aware of the motive, the count's evident admiration gave her a hope, which she could not resolve to abandon, and she determined to wait the course of events.

That day was one of much trial, for Dame Gottfried had not forgotten her crime of the night before, and lost no opportunity of finding fault. Poor Maud had never yet suffered so much: but the day wore on, and, tired to death, in mind and body, she fell asleep almost the moment she laid down in bed. It was some comfort to her to learn, on the following day, that the count was indefatigable in his efforts to trace her, and, very soon after, he once more determined to try whether a third ball would obtain him another interview; when he promised himself not to lose sight of the mysterious stranger for a single instant.

The ball was given, but no entreaties of Maud's could prevail on the housekeeper to let her go and look at it. No, she said; she was determined to punish her for staying so long the last time; and she kept her at work, at one trifling thing or another, till just before all was over, when, moved by Maud's good temper, she de sired her to come with her, and stand beside her, to see the guests depart. Accordingly they went to the entrancehall, and there Maud saw Count Henry leading to her litter a beautiful young lady, with whom she remembered he had been dancing when she entered the room on the night of the first ball. The whispers of those around soon made her know that this was an heiress of high rank and great wealth, whom his step-mother wanted him to marry. It was some comfort to learn, at the same time, that he had paid little attention to this lady, or to any one else, all the evening, but had

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