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"Animus aequus optimum est aerumnae condimentum."

PLAUTUS. Rudens, Act II., Sc. III., 71.-(Trachalio.)

"A contented mind is the best sauce for trouble."

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"Animus hominis dives, non arca appellari solet. Quamvis illa sit plena, dum te inanem videbo, divitem non putabo."

CICERO. Paradoxa, VI., 1, 44.

"It is a man's mind and not his money chest which is called rich. Though your coffers be full, while I see you empty, I shall never consider you wealthy."

"Animus quod perdidit optat,

Atque in praeterita se totus imagine versat."

PETRONIUS ARBITER. Satyricon, cap. 128.

"The mind desires always what is lost,

Dwells ever in the shadow of the past."

"Ante senectutem curavi ut bene viverem; in senectute ut bene moriar bene autem mori est libenter mori."

SENECA. Epistolae, LXI., 2.

"Before old age it was my care to live well; in old age it is my care to die well for to die well is to die willingly."

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"The crown of old age is authority."

Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto." VIRGIL. Eneid, I., 118.


There in the vast abyss are seen

The swimmers few and far between."-(Conington.)

"Aptari onus viribus debet, nec plus occupari quam cui sufficere possimus." SENECA. Epistolae, CVIII., 2.

"The burden should be fitted to our strength, nor should more work be undertaken than we can fairly carry through."

"Apud ipsos fides obstinata, misericordia in promptu, sed adversus omnes alios hostile odium."

TACITUS. History, V., 5.—(Of the Jews.)

"To each other they show an unswerving fidelity, and an ever-ready charity, but to all who are not of their race the bitterest hostility."

"Apud fustitudinas ferricrepinas insulas,

Ubi vivos homines mortui incursant boves."

PLAUTUS. Asinaria, Act I., Sc. I., 21.-(Libanus.)

"Why in Club-island, and in Rattlechain,

Where your dead oxen gore your living men."-(Bonnell Thorton.)



'Apud mensam plenam homini rostrum deliges."

PLAUTUS. Menaechmi, Act I., Sc. I., 13.—(Peniculus.)

"Tie the man by the beak to a well-filled table."

'Aqua haeret, ut aiunt."

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'The water sticks, they say."

"Aquam a pumice nunc postulas."

CICERO. De Officiis, III., 33, 117.

PLAUTUS. Persa, Act I., Sc. I., 43.—(Sagaristio.)

"You are trying to get water from a stone."

"Aquam hercle plorat, quom lavat, profundere.”

PLAUTUS. Aulularia, Act II., Sc. IV., 29.—(Strobilus.) "He will even weep


To throw away the water he has washed with."-(Bonnell Thornton.) "Aquila non captat muscas."

PROVERB. (Erasmus, Adagiorum Chiliades, Contemptus

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'(Quod dici solet,)

Aquilae senectus."

TERENCE. Heautontimorumenos, Act III., Sc. II., 9.


"As the proverb goes,

The old age of an eagle."-(George Colman.) "Arcades ambo

Et cantare pares et respondere parati."

VIRGIL. Eclogues, VII., 4.

"Arcadians both, who'll sing and sing in turn." "Arcanum neque tu scrutaberis ullius unquam, Commissumque teges, et vino tortus et ira."

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HORACE. Epistolae, I., 18, 37.

Avoid all prying; what you're told keep back,
Though wine or anger put you on the rack."—(Conington.)

Si nunquam cesses tendere, mollis erit."

"" The bow

OVID. Heroides, IV., 91.

If it be ne'er unbent, will lose its power." "Corrumpes arcum, semper tensum si habueris, At si laxaris, quum voles erit utilis."

PHAEDRUS. Fables, III., 14, 10.

The bow soon breaks if it be always strung;
Unbend it, and 'twill serve you at your need."

"Ardua enim res famam praecipitantem retrovertere."

BACON. De Augmentis Scientiarum, VIII., 2.

""Tis a hard thing to prop up a falling reputation."

"Ardua per praeceps gloria vadit iter. Hectora quis nosset, si felix Troia fuisset? Publica virtuti per mala facta via est."

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OVID. Tristia, IV., 3, 74.

'Steep is the road aspiring glory treads;
Had Troy been happy, none had Hector known;
But valour's path is hewn through public woes.'

"Ardua res haec est opibus non tradere mores.

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MARTIAL. Epigrams, XI., 5, 3.

"Tis a hard task not to surrender morality for riches."

"Argentum accepi; dote imperium vendidi."



PLAUTUS. Asinaria, Act I., Sc. I., 74.-(Demaenetus.)

"I have taken the money: I have sold my authority for a dowry."

• Argentum οἴχεται.”

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PLAUTUS. Trinummus, Act II., Sc. IV., 17.—(Stasimus.)

The money goes."

'Argilla quidvis imitaberis uda.”

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HORACE. Epistolae, II., 2, 8.

Soft clay, you know, takes any form you please."-(Conington.) "Arma impia sumpsi."

"I have ta'en arms in an unholy cause."

VIRGIL. Eneid, XII., 31.

"Arma non servant modum,

Nec temperari facile nec reprimi potest
Stricti ensis via."

SENECA. Hercules Furens, 407.—(Lycus.)

"Armed hands observe no limits. None can soothe
Or check the drawn sword's fury."

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Accenditque magis, quae refugit, Venus,
Quod flenti tuleris, plus sapit, osculum."

CLAUDIANUS. In Nuptias Honorii, IV., 10.

"Thorns arm the rose, the bees their honey hide,
And lovers' quarrels lead to keener joys;

The love that's half refused inflames the more,
Sweetest the kiss that's stol'n from weeping maid."

"Ars adeo latet arte sua."

"So art lies hid by its own artifice."


OVID. Metamorphoses, X., 252.

'Ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videatur."

QUINTILIAN. De Institutione Oratoria, IX., 3, 102.

"Wherever art displays itself, there would seem to be an absence

of truth."

"Ars aemula naturae."

APULEIUS. Metamorphoses, II., 4.

"Art is nature's rival."

"Artes serviunt vitae; sapientia imperat."

SENECA. Epistolae, LXXXV., 32.

"The arts are the servants of life; wisdom its master."

"Artibus ingenuis, quarum tibi maxima cura est, Pectora mollescunt, asperitasque fugit."

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OVID. Epistolae ex Ponto, I., 6, 7.

"The nobler arts, which are thy chiefest care,
Soften our natures and dispel all rudeness."

Artifex est etiam cui ad exercendam artem instrumenta non sup-
SENECA. De Beneficiis, IV., 21, 3.

'A man may well be an artist though the tools of his craft be not in his possession."

"Arva, beata

Petamus arva, divites et insulas,

Reddit ubi Cererem tellus inarata quotannis,

Et imputata floret usque vinea."

HORACE. Epodes, 16, 41.

"Seek we those blessed fields, those islands rich,
Where earth, though all untilled, each year doth yield
Great store of grain, and where the vine, unpruned
Yet ceases not to bloom."

"Arva nova Neptunia caede rubescunt."


VIRGIL. Eneid, VIII., 695.

"Neptune's plains run red with new-shed blood." Asperius nihil est humili, quum surgit in altum."

CLAUDIANUS. In Eutropium, I., 181. "None is more severe

Than the low-born, when raised to high estate."

"Aspice, ut insignis spoliis Marcellus opimis Ingreditur, victorque viros supereminet omnes!"

VIRGIL. Eneid, VI., 855.

"Lo, great Marcellus! see him tower,
With kingly spoils in conquering power,

The warrior host above!"-(Conington.)

"Assiduus in oculis hominum fuerat; quae res minus verendos magnos homines ipsa satietate facit."

LIVY. Histories, XXXV., 10.

"He was always before men's eyes; a course of action which, by increasing our familiarity with great men, diminishes our respect for chem.'

"At mihi quod vivo detraxerit invida turba,

Post obitum duplici fenore reddet honos, Omnia post obitum fingit majora vetustas; Majus ab exsequiis nomen in ora venit."

PROPERTIUS. Elegies, IV., 1, 21 (III., 1 and 2).

"All that the envious herd has ta'en from me in life

Fame will restore with interest after death;

For after death age all things magnifies,
And greater sounds the buried poet's name
Upon men's lips."

"At non ingenio quaesitum nomen ab aevo

Excidet; ingenio stat sine morte decus."

PROPERTIUS. Elegies, IV., 1, 63 (III., 1 and 2).

"The name by genius earned dies not with time;
The lustre shed by genius knows no death."

"At nos hinc alii sitientes ibimus Afros,

Pars Scythiam et rapidum Cretae veniemus Oaxem,

Et penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos." VIRGIL. Eclogues, I., 65. Hence some will seek out Afric's thirsty shores,


Some Scythia, or Oaxes' rapid stream,

Or Britain, that's from all the world shut off."

"At nunc desertis cessant sacraria lucis ; Aurum omnes victa jam pietate colunt.

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Auro pulsa fides, auro venalia jura:

Aurum lex sequitur, mox sine lege pudor."

PROPERTIUS. Elegies, IV., 12 (III., 13), 47.

"The groves, deserted, mourn their wonted rites.
All piety is dead: our God is Gold;

By Gold is faith destroyed and justice bought;
The Law is Gold's obsequious follower,
While modesty is of all law bereft."

At, pater ut gnati, sic nos debemus amici,
Si quod sit vitium non fastidire."


Satires, I., 3, 43.

"Come let us learn how friends at friends should look,
By a leaf taken from a father's book."—(Conington.)

"At qui legitimum cupiet fecisse poema,
Cum tabulis animum censoris sumet honesti."

HORACE. Epistolae, II., 2, 109.

"He who meditates a work of art,

Oft as he writes, will act the censor's part."-(Conington.)

"At regina dolos (quis fallere possit amantem ?) Praesensit, motusque excepit prima futuros, Omnia tuta timens."

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VIRGIL. Eneid, IV., 296.

But Dido soon-can aught beguile

Love's watchful eye ?-perceived his wile;
She feels each stirring of the air,

And e'en in safety dreads a snare."-(Conington.)

"At simul atras

Ventum est Esquilias, aliena negotia centum

Per caput et circa saliunt latus."

HORACE. Satires, II., 6, 32.

"But when I get

To black Esquiliæ, trouble waits me yet:

For other people's matters in a swarm

Buzz round my head, and take my ears by storm."-(Conington.)

"Auctoritas in pondere est."

PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History, XXXVII., 10.

"Authority is in weight."

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