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"Accipe nunc Danaum insidias, et crimine ab uno

Disce omnis."

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VIRGIL. Eneid, II., 65.

"Now listen while my tongue declares

The tale you ask of Danaan snares,

And gather from a single charge

Their catalogue of crimes at large."—(Conington.)

"Accipitri timidas credis, furiose, columbas? Plenum montano credis ovile lupo?"

OVID. De Arte Amandi, II., 363.

"Madman! Wouldst trust the hawk with timid doves,

Or with the crowded fold, the mountain wolf?"

"Acclinis falsis animus meliora recusat." HORACE. Satires, II., 2, 6. 'The mind inclined to what is false recoils from better things."

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"Acerrima proximorum odia."

TACITUS. History, IV., 70.

66 No hatred is so bitter as that of near relations."

"Acherontis pabulum."

PLAUTUS. Casina, Act II., Sc. I., 12.—(Cleostrata.)

"Food for Acheron."

"Acribus initiis, incurioso fine."

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TACITUS. Annals, VI., 17.

Keen at the start, but careless at the end."

"Acta deos nunquam mortalia fallunt." OVID. Tristia, I., 2, 97. "Nought that men do can e'er escape the gods."

46 Actum, aiunt, ne agas."

TERENCE. Phormio, Act II., Sc. III., 72.—(Demipho.)

"What is done let us leave alone."

"Acta ne agamus; reliqua paremus."

CICERO. Ad Atticum, IX., 6, 7. "Let us not go over the old ground, but rather prepare for what is to come."

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"Actutum fortunae solent mutarier. Varia vita est."

PLAUTUS. Truculentus, Act II., Sc., I., 9.—(Astaphium.) "Forsooth our fortunes are most variable. Life is full of change." "Ad auctores redit

Sceleris coacti culpa."

SENECA. Troades, 880.—(Helena.)

"The blame falls on the instigators when a crime is committed under compulsion."

"Ad damnum adderetur injuria." CICERO. Pro Tullio, XVII., 41.

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That would be adding insult to injury."

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"What will you do to yourself, seeing that you are adding insult

to injury?"

AUGUSTUS. (Suetonius, II., 87.)

"Ad Kalendas Graecas."

"At the Greek Kalends."

"Ad Graecas, bone rex, fient mandata Kalendas."

QUEEN ELIZABETH. Reply to the envoys of Philip of Spain.
"Your commands, noble king, shall be obeyed at the Greek

"Ad majorem Dei gloriam." Canones et Decreta Concilii Tridentini.

"To the greater glory of God."

"Ad omnia alia aetate sapimus rectius;

Solum unum hoc vitium senectus adfert hominibus ;
Attentiores sumus ad rem omnes quam sat est."

TERENCE. Adelphi, Act V., Sc. III., 46.-(Micio.)

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"Ad quae noscenda iter ingredi, transmittere mare solemus, ea sub oculis posita negligemus."


"We are always ready to take a journey or to cross the seas for the purpose of seeing things to which, if they are put before our eyes, we pay no attention.

"Ad tristem partem strenua est suspicio."

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A suspicious mind always looks on the black side of things."

Factus homo."

66 Ad unguem

"A gentleman to the finger tips."


Satires, I., 5, 32.

"Ad vivendum velut ad natandum is melior qui onere liberior."

APULEIUS. De Magia, XXI. "He is the better equipped for life, as for swimming, who has the less to carry."


Voltum habitumque hominis, quem tu vidisse beatus

Non magni pendis, quia contigit." HORACE. Satires, II., 4, 91. "Then the man's look, his manner-these may seem Mere things of course, perhaps, in your esteem,

So privileged as you are."-(Conington.)

"Addito salis grano.'

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PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History, XXIII., 77.

"With the addition of a grain of salt."

(Hence, probably, the phrase," Cum grano salis".)

"Adeo facilius est multa facere quam diu."

QUINTILIAN. De Institutione Oratoria, I., 12, 7. "It is much easier to try one's hand at many things, than to concentrate one's powers on one thing."

"Adeo in teneris consuescere multum est."

VIRGIL. Georgics, II.,


"Such force hath custom tender plants upon."—(J. B. Rose.) "Adeo maxima quaeque ambigua sunt, dum alii quoquo modo audita pro compertis habent, alii vera in contrarium vertunt, et gliscit utrumque posteritate." TACITUS. Annals, III., 19.

"So obscure are the greatest events, as some take for granted any hearsay, whatever its source, others turn truth into falsehood, and both errors find encouragement with posterity."-(Church and Brodribb.)

"Adeo res redit

Si quis quid reddit, magna habenda 'st gratia."

TERENCE. Phormio, Act I., Sc. II., 5.-(Davus.)

"If a man pays you what he owes, you're much Beholden to him."-(George Colman.)

"Adeo sanctum est vetus omne poema.'

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HORACE. Epistolae, II., 1, 54.

"So holy a thing is every ancient poem."

"Adeo virtutes iisdem temporibus optime aestimantur quibus facillime gignuntur."

TACITUS. Agricola, I.

"Virtues are held in the highest estimation in the very times which most readily bring them forth."

"Adeone homines immutarier

Ex amore, ut non cognoscas eundem esse?"

TERENCE. Eunuchus, Act II., Sc. I., 19.-(Parmeno.)

"That love

Should so change men, that one can hardly swear

They are the same!"-(George Colman.)

"Adhuc neminem cognovi poetam

qui sibi non optimus videretur.

Sic se res habet; te tua, me delectant mea."

CICERO. Tusculanae Disputationes, V., 22, 63.

"I have never yet known a poet who did not think himself the greatest in the world. That is the way of things; you take delight in your works, I in mine."

"Adhuc sub judice lis est."

"The case is still before the court."

"Adhuc tua messis in herba est."

Your harvest is still in the blade."

HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 78.

OVID. Heroides, XVII., 263.

"Adibo hunc, quem quidem ego hodie faciam hic arietem Phryxi itaque tondebo auro usque ad vivam cutem."


PLAUTUS. Bacchides, Act II., Sc. III., 7.—(Chrysalus.)
"I'll go to him whom I intend to make
Phrixus's ram to-day: for of his gold

I'll shear him to the quick."-(Bonnell Thornton.) Admoneri bonus gaudet; pessimus quisque correctorem asperrime patitur."

SENECA. De Ira, III., 36, 4.

"The good man loves reproof; the bad man will never bear correction


"Adolescens cum sis, tum cum est sanguis integer, Rei tuae quaerendae convenit operam dare; Demum igitur, quum senex sis, tunc in otium

Te colloces, dum potestur; id jam lucro 'st

Quod vivis." PLAUTUS. Mercator, Act III., Sc. II., 7.—(Demipho.)


While you are lusty, young and full of blood,
You ought to toil and labour for a fortune;
But in old age, be happy, while you may,
And render all your latter years clear gain."

-(Bonnell Thornton.)

"Adolescentes mihi mori sic videntur, ut quum aquae multitudine vis flammae opprimitur; seues autem sic, ut cum sua sponte, nulla adhibita vi, consumptus ignis exstinguitur."

CICERO. De Senectute, XIX., 71.

"The death of the young seems to me to resemble the sudden extinction of a flame with volumes of water; the old seem rather to die as a fire which flickers out of itself."

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Florentes quondam luxus quas verterit urbes.

Quippe nec ira deum tantum, nec tela, nec hostes,

Quantum sola noces animis illapsa, voluptas."

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"Look far and wide, how many flourishing cities has luxury overthrown. Not the anger of the gods, nor armed enemies are so to be dreaded as thou, O Pleasure, once thou hast crept into the hearts of men."

"Adulandi gens prudentissima laudat

Sermonem indocti, faciem deformis amici."

JUVENAL. Satires, III., 86.

"The most cunning flatterer is he who praises the conversation of the unlearned, and the features of the ill-favoured."

"Adulationi foedum crimen servitutis, malignitati falsa species libertatis inest." TACITUS. History, I., 1.

"To flattery there attaches the shameful imputation of servility, to malignity the false appearance of independence."

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-(Church and Brodribb.)

TERENCE. Phormio, Act I., Sc. II., 28.—(Davus.)

"What a foolish task

To kick against the pricks."-(George Colman.)

"Aedepol nae nos sumus mulieres inique aeque omnes invisae viris, Propter paucas ; quae omnes faciunt dignae ut videamur malo." TERENCE. Hecyra, Act II., Sc. III., 1.—(Sostrata.)

How unjustly

Do husbands stretch their censures to all wives

For the offences of a few, whose vices

Reflect dishonour on the rest!"-(George Colman.)

"Aedificare casas, plostello adjungere mures, Ludere par impar, equitare in arundine longa, Si quem delectet barbatum; amentia verset.

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HORACE. Satires, II., 3, 247.

"To ride a stick, to build a paper house,
Play odd and even, harness mouse and mouse:
If a grown man professed to find delight

In things like these, you'd call him mad outright."


Nil movisse salus rebus."



"In evil case, there's safety in inaction."

Aegroto, dum anima est spes esse dicitur."

CICERO. Ad Atticum, IX., 10, 3.

"As the saying is, while there is life there is hope."

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HORACE. Odes, III., 1, 14.

"Death takes the mean man with the proud;
The fatal urn has room for all."-(Conington.)

"Aequo animo e vita, quum ea non placeat, tanquam e theatro,


CICERO. De Finibus, I., 15, 49.

"If life is distasteful to us, let us leave it as calmly as though we were

leaving the theatre."

"Aequom est, tenere per fidem quod creditum est,

Ne bene merenti sit malo benignitas."

PLAUTUS. Cistellaria, Act IV., Sc. II., 94.-(Halisca.)

"Safe to return what once is given in trust

Is just and right; else the benevolent

Suffers, who did the kindness."-(Bonnell Thornton.)

"Aera nitent usu; vestis bona quaerit haberi ;

Canescunt turpi tecta relicta situ." OVID. Amores, I., 8, 51.
"Brass shines with use; good garments should be worn ;
Deserted houses soon in ruins fall."

"Aesopi ingenio statuam posuere Attici,
Servumque collocarunt aeterna in basi,
Patere honoris scirent ut cunctis viam,
Nec generi tribui, sed virtuti, gloriam."

PHAEDRUS. Fables, II., Epilogue, 1.

"The Athenians raised a statue to the genius of Esop, and placed the slave on an imperishable pedestal, to show that the path of honour is open to all, and that glory is the attribute of worth and not of lineage."

"Aestuat ingens

Imo in corde pudor mixtoque insania luctu

Et furiis agitatus amor et conscia virtus."

VIRGIL. Eneid, XII., 666.

"Fierce boils in every vein

Indignant shame and passion blind,
The tempest of the lover's mind,

The soldier's high disdain."-(Conington.)

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