we should consider it undignified to palliate our sympathy for them, or to urge any sophism to prove that other reasons than those of political necessity restrain the free nations of Europe from interfering in their behalf. Nor can the permanent independence of any country be won or secured until her people (we speak not only of the patrician classes, but of the mass of her population) feel the want, the imperative requirement, and possess the necessary energy and moral power, to assert their claim to emancipation, and are prepared to raise upon that basis a new and solid social fabric. If they demand or rely upon aid from without, to fight the battle with their oppressors, they betray their incompetency to maintain the position of a free state; and such assistance, even if rendered, will ultimately serve only to prepare them for the evils of renewed servitude.
The remarks we have made may appear selfish, cold and disheartening to the oppressed patriots of Italy or Poland; but, since such is undoubtedly the course followed by European diplomacy, would it be wise or generous to urge them by perfidious suggestions to rash attempts, which could have no other result than to heap misery upon misery? Is it not more humane and considerate to give them the lessons of experience, and teach them resignation and prudence? Is it not better, while assuring them of our full sympathy, candidly to confess our inability to assist them? Our cry must be still, "Peace, peace!" though Poland and Italy might perhaps reply, with Lady Constance,
"War! war! no peace! Peace is to me a war.
O England! Mighty England! Thou ever strong upon the stronger side! And dost thou now fall over to my foes? Thou bear'st the lion's hide!"
We must now take our leave of M. Andryane's work: its principal value lies in the historical detail it gives of facts which will occupy a prominent place in the annals of Europe. The general faithfulness of the narrative is sufficiently corroborated by internal evidence, by the statements of Pellico and Maroncelli, and the testimony of the English translator. It
cord; and this, not for reasons of a passing interest, but of higher moment: there is a lesson for many in these pages; experience may teach those who vindicate the sacred cause of liberty, that they must be prepared to suffer in their devotion; it will at the same time teach rulers that a spirit of vindictive and pusillanimous cruelty is an insecure basis for their power to rest upon; for, however for a time the power of the sword may hold in subjection the conquests of the sword, the rights of humanity must eventually triumph over oppression and injustice.
ACLAND (T. D.) on the education of the middle classes, 50; Mr. Hussey's letter to, 69.
'Adonais' (the), tender and graceful spirit of, 120.
Ainsworth (W. Harrison), his romance of Jack Sheppard, 223; position as an author, 224.
'Alastor,' account of, 107; occasion of its composition, 108.
Albrecht and Weber, degree of doctor conferred on, 39.
America, society in, 608; subserviency in political and social matters, 627; per- version of views respecting the pastoral office in, ib.; evils to which society is exposed in, 633.
Andryane (M.), spirit of his work con- trasted with that of Pellico's, 646; ex- tract on the inquisitorial commission, 649; is seized and conveyed to Santa Margherita, ib.; his examination be- fore Salvotti, 650; his intercourse with Confalonieri, 653; arrives at Spielberg, 655; his liberation, 663.
Angoulème (the Duc d'), letter from Wel- lington to, 204.
Australia, emigration, till 1831, 516; ex- tent of, 522; act for constituting it a British province, 528; representative government desirable in, 530; conside- ration respecting municipal corporations of, ib.; third report of the colonization commissioners, ib.; progress of emi- gration to, 531.
Austria, policy of her court, 28; remon-
strates against the Russian occupation of Cracow, 328; proclamation by ge- neral Kauffman, 331; character of the late emperor, 668.
BACON'S (Lord) cure for turbulence adopted by the Whig ministry, 286. Barbarossa (Frederic), state of Italy when he ascended the throne, 301; repre- sentative of the Ghibelline faction, ib.; enters Italy with a large army, 302; his destruction of Milan, 303; treaty of the peace of Constance forced from, 303.
Barbauld (Mrs.), on social worship, 613. Bather (Archdeacon), his hints on scrip- tural education, 62.
Belgium, Gallic tendencies prevalent in, 400; population of the low German and Walloon provinces, ib.; literary socie-
ties formed in, 401. Belgian literature, observations on, 399. Blackburne (Mr.), his evidence before the
select committee on Ireland, 265. Blackstone, on the rights of colonization, 537.
Board of Education, diocesan report of, 50; principles for forming a training school, 78; proposed course of instruc- tion, 79; extract from the report, 91. Bond (Mr.), his discovery of a letter to Edward III. in the British Museum, 319.
Bourbons, restoration of the, 204. Bourke's (Major-General) declaration on the state of Ireland (1825), 248.
Bourke (Sir R.), despatch from Lord Gle- nelg to, 527.
Brew (Mr.), his evidence on stipendiary magistrates in Clare, 273. Brownson (O. A.), extracts from his dis- course on the 'Wants of the Times,' 641-644.
Burdett's (Sir F.) description of Ireland in 1822, 285.
Byron and Shelley, distinction between the schools of, 101.
CANADA, correspondence relating to, 493; emigration from Ireland to, 496; state- ment of Quebec Emigrant Society, 497; lands in Upper Canada, 501; statement of the chief agent for emigrants in,
Canton, statement of trade at, 352; Lin the imperial commissioner arrives in, 354; his proclamation to foreigners, ib.; arrival of Captain Elliot in, 364; proclamation issued by Lin (1839), 365; foreigners shut up in, 385.
Carl Johann (of Sweden), his general po- licy, 23; his crusade against the press, ib.
Castlereagh (Lord), his proposal to sus- pend the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland, 263; Duke of Wellington's letters to, 160, 162, 169.
Catholics, their civil disabilities continued after the Union, 247; not appointed to the office of constable, under the old constabulary act, 258; exertions made by their priests against insurrectionary habits, 266.
'Cenci,' origin of the, 124. Channing (Dr.), discourses by, 608; cha- racter and influence of his works, 615; on the use of reason in religion, 623; on the design of the religion of Christ, 624; invigorates the spiritual charac- ter of the Christian system, 626.
Chatham (Earl of), his prejudice against
the Duke of Wellington, 157. China, our first intercourse with, 342; condition of the people in, ib.; means of enjoyment equally distributed, 343; system with regard to foreigners, 347; its conduct to Europeans, 348; importa- tion of opium into, 351; directions to the natives and native servants of, 364; power of its government to stop the opium trade, 374; extracts from "an Act to regulate the Trade to China and
supercargoes, 380; its conduct respect- ing other nations, 390; intercourse with England attended by smuggling, 391; considerations relating to our trade with,
Christianity:-errors concerning the duties of ministers, 612; barrenness of theolo- gical literature after the Restoration,618; separation of modern European litera- ture from, 621.
Church of England:-symptoms of church reform, 52; claim of the church to take part in educating the people, 56; theory propounded by Coleridge and Maurice, ib.; union between church and state, 57.
Cibrario (Luigi), his work on political economy, 293; his statement relative to Charlemagne, 305; style of his work, 309; his researches respecting the va- lue of coins, 313; his last series of tables, 321.
Cintra (the Convention of), the Duke of Wellington's signature to, 163; his Majesty's disapproval of, 164.
Coins, value of ancient, 316. Coke (Lord), court of Quarter-Sessions eulogized by, 249.
Coleridge, his exposition of the outcry against 'German horrors,' 235. Cologne (Archbishop of), his arrest, 31. Committee of Council, their scheme re-
lative to education, 81. Confalonieri (Count), his imprisonment in Spielberg, 649; his condemnation by the commission, 653.
Congress of Vienna, hopes raised at, of a confederation of free German states,
Conrad III., anarchy in his reign, 301. Constabulary Act, stipendiary magistrates
appointed under, 287. Constance, treaty of, 303. Copenhagen, attack on, 157; bombard- ment of (1807), 470.
Courts of Justice in Ireland, commis-
sioners' report of, 251-255. Cracow, recent occurrences at, 322; promise to send an English resident not fulfilled, ib.; her submission to Austria (from 1795 to 1809), ib.; es- tablishment of her republic, 323; ge- neral act of the Congress of Vienna in favour of, 324; primitive constitution of the free town of, ib.; results of her abandonment by England and France, 327; arrest of the bishop of, 328; Austrian remonstrance against the Russian occupation of, ib.; pro- test of the senate to the three courts,
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