Livy: Hannibal's First Campaign in Italy, Libro 21Macmillan & Company, 1879 |
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acie ager agmen agrum Alps animi animos arma army atque aversa bellum Cęsar Cambridge Canusium Carthage Carthaginians Casilinum castra causa cavalry Cicero circa clades College constr consul Corssen Crown 8vo deinde dictator Edition eius enim equites equitum erant erat esset etiam exercitus Extra fcap Fabius Fabri compares fcap Fellow fuit Gauls Greek hęc Hannibal Hannibali Hasdrubal haud Heerwagen Hiberum hostem hostis hostium inde inter ipse Isčre Itaque Latin legati legions Lilybęum Livy Livy's Madvig magis magister equitum magistratus militum millia modo neque nihil note on xxi omnes omnia patres peditum phrase pleonasm Polyb Polybius populi prę prętor probably Professor prope pugna quę quam quia quibus quid quidem quod quoque quum reading Roman Rome Saguntum Samnium satis Scipio senate socii Strabo sunt tamen Taurini urbem Varro verb XXII
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