is to be added to it, or taken from it; nay, could it be supposed that an angel were to come from heaven, and publish any thing that differed from, or even that was not already expressed in the Scripture-record, instead of our being obliged to give him a hearing, we are told, that he himself would "be accursed" for so doing. Nevertheless, that this complete and finished revelation might lack no advantage, and that all excuse might be taken away from those who should either contemn or counteract its dictates, our Lord Jesus Chrift, "God manifested in the flesh," the great " Apostle and High-Priest of our profeffion," hath instituted the ordinance of a gofpelministry, and committed to men the word of reconciliation, charging them to proclaim, in the ears of their brethren, "all the " words of this life," which are already delivered in writing to the church; with a special promife, that in the faithful difcharge of this important truft, " he will be " with them always, even unto the end of " the world." And to add greater weight to their holy ministrations, he hath expreff ly ly declared, that the doctrines and precepts of his word, which they publish in his name, are to be received with the fame meekness and fubmiffion as if they were spoken immediately by his own bleffed mouth: Luke x. 16. "He that heareth you, "heareth me; and he that despiseth you, " despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, " despiseth him that fent me." I am fenfible, that fome proud ambitious churchmen have, "with great swelling words of "vanity," magnified their office beyond what is meet; laying claim to that kind of precedence which belongs to high rank, or other worldly distinctions, which men have devised for the benefit or embellishment of civil society. But this is only a false blazon, that doth by no means fuit the ministerial character. " Be not ye called Rabbi," said the blessed Jefus; " for one is your master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren."Whofoever is great among you, let him be your minifter; even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but 66 to minifter, and to give his life a ransom " for many." Your true dignity confifts in your usefulness: and he that stoops loweft for the good of others, is highest in my esteem. Worldly pomp doth only tarnish the glory of my servants, as it cannot confift with those self-denying duties which ber long to their employment. Do you reckon yourselves most honoured, not when men give you title and place, but when they hearken to the instructions you receive from me, and embrace the saving message with which I have entrusted you. This, tho in words fomewhat different, is, in my apprehenfion, a genuine and summary account of what our Saviour taught the first ministers of his church, with regard to the nature and end of their office. And the language of Paul, in the passage before us, is obviously formed upon this original conftitution: We preach not ourselves, but Chrift Fefus the Lord, and ourselves your fervants, for Jefus fake. From an example of fuch unquestionable authority, we may justly, and without hefitation, conclude, that to preach Christ Jesus the Lord, is the distinguishing characteristic and proper employment of a gospel-minis fter. ster. And this is the observation which I propose to illustrate in the following dif course. It may be affirmed with truth, that fomething concerning Christ hath been the principal subject of every revelation that came from God, downward from the original promise made to our first parents, that the feed of the woman should bruise the bead of the ferpent. The Apostle Jude informs us, Enoch, the feventh from Adam, that 66 prophefied of these things, saying, Behold, "the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his faints, to execute judgement upon all." Mofes spake of him when he said unto the fathers, "A prophet shall the Lord your "God raise up unto you, of your brethren, " like unto me; him shall ye hear in all " things whatsoever he shall say unto you." -All the extraordinary messengers under the old difpenfation, were raised up by God for this very purpose, to foretel the coming of the promifsed Meffiah, and, by the doctrine of repentance, gradually to prepare the world to receive him. The words of Peter to Cornelius are clear and strong upon this head, 1 ८८ head, Acts x. 43. "To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name, " whosoever believeth in him, shall receive " remiffion of fins." This, he tells us, was the subject of their own most delightful inquiry: I Pet. i. 10. "Of this falvation " the prophets have inquired, and searched " diligently, who prophefied of the grace " that should come unto you: fearching " what, or what manner of time, the spirit " of Christ which was in them did fignify, " when it testified beforehand the fufferings " of Christ, and the glory that should fol" low." And if Christ was an object of fuch importance to those who lived before his manifestation in the flesh, it cannot furprise us to find, that they who could testify that he was come, and had finished the work that was given him to do, should in all their writings and discourses dwell upon him as their constant and most delightful theme. The author of this epistle informs the Corinthians, that " he determined not " to know any thing among them, but Jesus Chrift, and him crucified." And elsewhere, |