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persecuted by the Jews, and had separated entirely from them, before the predicted vengeance was poured out upon that devoted nation.

The number of real Christians in Britain, though small in comparison of the inhabitants at large, would, I trust, if collected together, form a very considerable company. All these truly repent of their own sins, and are humbled for them as a part of our national guilt; they all "sigh and mourn "for the abominations" that prevail; they protest against them, and endeavour in some measure to counteract them. They are decidedly on the LORD's part in the midst of the abounding infidelity, iniquity, and impiety of the nation; and, according to the degree of their faith, grace and knowledge of the scriptures, they pray for the peace of the land in which they enjoy peace. They pretend not indeed to intercede with the energy and success of Abraham; or of Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Isaiah, Hezekiah, Daniel, or others, who prevailed in prayer for Israel of old: but they use the same plea, both in their own behalf, and in behalf of the nation; and beseech God to spare and deliver us, for the honour of his name, "that it should not be polluted in the sight of "the heathen."

Several ministers have united, within the course of the year, to excite their own and each other's congregations, to pray earnestly for our beloved country, in these perilous and critical times: and,


while infidels deride, and mere politicians overlook, such means of national preservation; it is afflictive to observe, that some whom we would consider as brethren, have misunderstood us, and have supposed that we meant to excite people to pray for the destruction of our enemies, and the gratification of national ambition, rapacity, or resentment, by bloody victories. But, I think, may answer for most of those concerned, and probably for every individual; that to be preserved from invasions, civil wars, and persecutions; and to have the invaluable blessing of religious light and liberty continued to us and to our posterity, has formed the substance of our united supplications in this respect. We should have been rejoiced, if the rulers of France would have formed devices, so salutary to themselves and safe to their neighbours, that we could explicitly and cordially have besought God to prosper them but if they will persist in attempting to make this country the seat of war, to inundate it with blood, to overturn our government, and destroy our religion; we must continue to pray,

Abate their pride, assuage their malice, and con*found their devices.' We have prayed especially for peace; and it would have gratified every feeling of our hearts, to have been secured from the dangers which impended over us, without the loss of a single life: but if the LORD God of our salvation sees good to answer us," by terrible things

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"in righteousness," "who are we that we should reply against God?" Hezekiah and Isaiah doubtless would have chosen the softening, humbling, and changing of Sennacherib's heart, rather than the destruction of his army: but if he continue to boast, menace, and blaspheme; and the LORD declare, that he will " put a hook, in his nose, and

a bridle in his lips, and turn him back by the "way in which he came;" and if it please the Fountain of wisdom and justice to do this, even by the awful destruction of a hundred and eighty five thousand men: shall the protected and delivered servants of God quarrel with him on this account, or refuse to render him their tribute of grateful praise? I trust, numbers have prayed in the spirit of humble faith, and love, and zeal for the honour of God and the interests of true religion and verily God hath heard us, he hath hitherto confounded the devices of our enemies, and hath preserved peace in our borders. The honour of his name, we trust, rendered it proper for him to answer the prayers of his people; while with one consent many thousands pleaded, "O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, do thou "it for thy name's sake." On all these accounts therefore he hath withdrawn his hand: and notwithstanding our provocations we are preserved, for the same reasons which induced him to spare and protect the nation of Israel during many revolving ages.

III. I proceed therefore, in the last place, to deduce some practical instructions from the preceding view of our national mercies and our present circumstances. In doing this we must particularly advert to the special object of this day, appointed for publick thanksgiving. We are, my brethren, met together, to return thanks to Almighty GoD, not for the restoration of peace and the prospect of permanent tranquillity; but for preservation in the midst of a most perilous and destructive war: and even this preservation must be ascribed to the LORD's special unmerited mercy shewn to a most guilty land, for the purposes of his own glory. We cannot therefore consistently give the least countenance to that spirit of boasting, exulting, and vaunting ourselves or our countrymen, above others, which is natural to men amidst signal successes. A consistent Christian will be pained to hear even of Britain's ruling the waves; for he knows that the LORD alone possesses the sovereign authority over the sea and the dry land; and gives dominion to whom he pleases, and for what term of time he pleases. He cannot listen with patience, much less with pleasure, to vain glorious declamations on the great things we have done, or the honour and glory of Britain among the nations; for he knows that "Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a should have been like


very small remnant, we "Sodom and Gomorah."

"The LORD " indeed,

"hath done great things for us, for which we rejoice," with humble gratitude and admiration: and he hath enabled many of our countrymen to


fill up their places in a proper manner, and hath honoured them as his instruments in our preservation. To him therefore belong glory and praise; but to us belong shame and confusion of face, for our numerous and heinous provocations. "is of the LORD's mercies we are not consumed:" and our mutual congratulations, as well as thanksgivings, should be tempered with deep humility and self-abasement.

A confident spirit too, is peculiarly unsuitable to our character and situation. We have been indeed hitherto preserved from shipwreck in a most tremendous storm, during which many have been dashed on the rocks or sunk in the ocean: but the hurricane still rages, and may soon, for what we know, become more furious than ever. The very means, by which God hath hitherto preserved us, may easily be turned against us; and we are in all respects entirely in the hands of Him,


who for our sins is most justly displeased.'

Rejoice with trembling," should therefore be our motto.-Even if peace on the most desirable terms were ratified; the man, who judges according to the Bible, would not think our condition by any means safe; so long as a general reformation of manners and an effectual revival of religion have not taken place, and so long as even



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