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moss gray and venerable, reaching to the water, which gave it such a strange, even weird appearance, that it reminded me almost unpleasantly of an aged woman, her reverend locks sweeping in the breeze.

Shadows already began to darken among the trees, when we thought of departing. The sentinel in the blockhouse was about to be removed, and the lookout recalled from the woods, when the man himself appeared and reported that he had heard a sound as of the neighing of horses; and hardly were the words out of his mouth, when the sentinel in the blockhouse, a very intelligent and prudent man, was observed making signals to attract our attention. We immediately went up, and saw enough to convince us that the rebels were upon us. For a considerable distance around the fort the wood and underbrush had been cleared so as to allow full sweep for artillery. This space they could not cross without exposing themselves, and we could see a considerable group, all mounted, and evidently clustered for consultation. These Florida rebels had a strong passion for riding horses, and would never go afoot if they could help it. They evidently knew our strength, and cared little for concealment. Finally they broke up, a body largely exceeding our own riding directly for the fort, and a smaller party separating from the rest moved rapidly to the left down the bank of the river. No time was to be lost. We could have held the blockhouse against them for a while, but without food or water, and having no special object to gain, it would be folly. We made hastily for the boat, and as we approached, I saw a dark object in the gathering gloom, sitting bolt upright on one of the seats. Trapped! was my first thought, as the blood rushed to my heart; and motioning hastily to the men to be quiet, I glanced over the number to see that none were missing. All were present, and we were trapped. That one, at least, shall pay the penalty for his impudence, thought I, and drawing my revolver,


rested it on an upturned plank for a steady aim; and yet, why should he sit so stupidly still? flashed through my mind as I hesitated. "Pooh," said the Lieutenant-and he laid his hand on my shoulder-"It's the princess, can't you see?" Of course I could. A dozen bounds brought us to the boat. “What are you here for?" said I, angrily, as the men pushed off. Either she could not or would not understand There was little time to be lost, and we could hardly throw her overboard. A few vigorous strokes sent us quickly into the stream, and long before the disappointed rebels appeared upon the wharf, we were out of gunshot, and heading rapidly for Punta Rasa. "Foiled that time," said I gleefully, as one or two straggling shots sent through the darkness in our supposed direction whistled wide of the mark, and I even looked at the young Indian with less of wrath than I had before exhibited. "But what can she want in the boat? Can it be possible that she betrayed us, and brought the enemy down on us?" and my anger began to rekindle.

"I'll answer for her with my life," said the Lieutenant enthusiastically; "besides, why should she come with us and share our danger if she were guilty? Now, I won't answer for that old squaw," he added, with less gallantry; "she may have betrayed us.”

"It is not to be thought of," said I, decisively. "So soft a voice as hers never spoke deceitfully." But I was not satisfied, nevertheless, and looked round fiercely on the young woman. "If I were in command of the boat, I'd put her ashore. Innocent or not, the princess should tramp." Whether she understood me or not, I cannot say, but at that moment the girl rose and stood upon the seat; with head erect and hand placed to her ear, as if to catch the faintest sound, she peered steadily into the darkness, towards the shore on our left. A faint, crackling sound seemed at times to be audible, and then died entirely away. The girl raised her arm, pointed in the direction of the

sound, and then, without a word, resumed her seat, as erect, immovable, and listless as before. "What can she mean?" said we both in a breath. The sound became clearer. "Boys," said the Lieutenant in a moment, as the thought flashed upon him, "do you hear that sound? It's the rebels making for the point below us. If they reach it before we do, there will be bloody work before us. Give way live ly, it's a row for life." And give way they did, for we all saw the peril. A few miles below us was a point running out into the stream, under which the channel swept, and where the passage of the river could, in daylight, be easily commanded. By the shore the distance was further than by the river, the trail sometimes approaching the bank, and again making large detours to avoid swamps and morasses impassable for horses. This was in our favor, besides the darkness of the night. The men knew their work, and settled to it splendidly; the tough ash oars spring ing at every stroke, and the barge, none of the lightest, almost at times lifted from the water. I watched them nervously, their broad backs bending to the very seats, yet moving perfectly in time, and without a single false stroke. It was a fearful race-human muscles against horse-flesh; but what men could do to win, they would. Occasionally, as time passed, we could hear the party on shore as the trail led them to the bank of the river, and even at times into the very water, and then we would lose the sound altogether. Some words from an old German ballad, little else of which I remembered, kept running in my head:

46 Tramp, tramp, along the land they rodo, Splash, splash, along the sea."

It never was a favorite with me, being always a ghostly thing and gloomy; and now less than ever. The minutes passed slowly away. Not a man of the crew could bear a cap upon his woolly head, and though not a word was spoken, I knew that the pace was killing. I looked at the one in front of me; his

teeth were clenched, and his eyes fixed and rigid. I laid my hand upon his arm, and the muscles were knotted and drawn like steel, while the shirt was dripping with perspiration. What would I not have given for a little of the whiskey which my friend of the dulcet voice had drunk? Thank God, it couldn't last long. At length a long, dark row of trees began to be dimly visible against the sky. "Yonder is the point," said the Lieutenant, (( cease rowing and draw in your oars," he added in a whisper; and at the command each oar was lifted from the water and drawn in so that the handle rested against the opposite side of the boat, but in almost instantaneous readiness for use. With rapid headway and in almost perfect stillness we neared the point, where all was silent as the grave, keeping as near the opposite shore as the depth of water would allow. We had already reached it, and were about abreast, when with a sudden shock the boat struck a snag or stone, and, swinging half-way round with the current, remained fast; we were too near the right bank. First one oar was put out, and then another, but we did not move. Two of the men jumped over into the shallow water, and lifting the boat clear sprang lightly back. We were again afloat, but discovered. Whirr, whirr, came the rifleballs all about us, with a sound like tearing cloth, while the shore lighted up with the fire.

"Who's hit?" said the Lieutenant hastily; and as no one answered, he added, “give it to 'em boys, and then pull for your lives." The answering fire from the boat was a little ragged, but given with a will, and even we joined with our revolvers. "It was imprudent," said he a moment after, as the powerful strokes of the oars drew us gradually out of fire, "but I couldn't resist the temptation to have one shot at the rascals. Any one hit?" said he again, anxiously. Several balls had been heard to strike the boat. "My oar is splintered," said one of the men, "and a sliver driven into my arm." It was a flesh-wound, however, and on

being bound up with a handkerchief, gave little immediate pain.

"What do you think of the princess now?" said the Lieutenant, pointing to the girl, who, during the exciting scene through which we had passed, had sat as immovable as a statue.

"I don't know what to think of her," said I, musingly. "I wonder if Indian nature is different from human nature?" and sundry hard problems in regard to that mystery ever new-woman's heart -gave me food for reflection.

Pursuit was over, and we knew it, and now that the excitement had passed, the men, without sleep for many hours, pulled languidly. So we tied up to the right bank, and camped for the remainder of the night, ail except the princess, who preferred to reign mistress of the boat. It was daylight when I awoke, and the first thing I did was to peer over the bank to see if she was still there; for between waking and dreaming, I had come to have an odd feeling in regard to the girl, and should hardly have been surprised if she had turned out to have a few drops of elfish or mermaid blood in her veins, if, indeed, such mysterious creatures have blood at all. Breakfast being prepared, the Lieutenant placed some before her, which, rather to my surprise, she accepted; being the first common-sense thing I had seen her do. I have been told it is an Indian custom never to refuse food when offered them, as it is not always sure when they may again have it. I was a second time surprised, however, to see her reject, with the slightest possible motion of the hand, the dainty meerschaum of the Lieutenant, which with Italian grace he offered her.

The old squaw would not have done

it. Neither tobacco nor whiskey! Depend upon it, she's more mermaid than Indian, after all, thought I. We now noticed that the girl had been wounded, though not badly, the ball cutting the folds of a blanket, which she did not have with her when she went up, and grazing the flesh. "She doesn't mind it," said the Lieutenant admiring

[blocks in formation]

a drum-fish," said he. And yet with startling distinctness it was repeated, though, now that my attention was. called to it, apparently from the depths of the river. It's the mermaid's reveille, thought I, and almost involuntarily I glanced at the princess, half expecting her to obey the mysterious call, which seemed plainly intended for her, and plunge beneath the water. It sounded for scaled ears, however; there she sat unmoved and silent, and seemingly indifferent to all that went on about her. I puffed away nervously at the rejected pipe, blowing whiffs of white smoke out into the air, and quite covering the head of the girl with a cloud. "Do you think," said I at length, "that she'd feel it if I were to thrust a pin into her?"

The Lieutenant shrugged his shoulders with a truly Italian grimace. "Chi diavolo l'avrebbe mai creduto? Of course she would;" and I saw at once how hopeless it was to make him understand my feelings in the matter, even if I did not realize at the time how foolish they were in themselves. So I took an oar and pulled lustily for an hour.

It was not long before we heard a heavy gun in the direction of Punta Rasa, and while we listened in surprise, another and another, but at regular. intervals.

"Not an attack, but a salute; what can it be?"

"Richmond is taken," said the Lieu


"It's too good news to be true, and yet I hardly know what else it can be." The prolonged echoes had hardly ceased

to reverberate from wood and shore, when we came in sight of the wharf. Both our own yacht and the sutler's schooner were gayly dressed in their colors; the whole camp was astir, drums were beating, banners flying, and there was every appearance of a gala-day. Our hopes were raised by the sight of a group of naval officers on the wharf, and they were confirmed as we landed. The officers had just come up from the fleet. Richmond had fallen, and the back of the rebellion was broken. Hurrah! hurrah! and up went our caps into the air. "But who have you here?" said one, as the princess, cold and dignified as a statue, stalked up the wharf, perfectly unmoved and self-possessed in the general excitement. Her appearance was too striking, and even noble, not to attract attention. "Hang me if I know," said I; "a queen of some sort; of the mermaids, perhaps."

The good news delighted every one, but none more than the loyal Floridians who were congregated at Punta Rasa. For us of Northern birth it was the triumph of the nation, and a glorious reward for long years of weary anxieties, watching, and sacrifice. For them it was all this, and more. It meant, poor souls, as they then saw it, a return to house and home, if indeed there were any left; not with trembling footsteps, watched and dogged from swamp to swamp, and from one wretched hidingplace to another, but in the open day, and with honor. It removed the halter from their necks and the stigma from their names. Henceforth loyalty to the country was no longer treason, and rebels no longer their judges. The son could look the father in the eye, and the father the son, and know that they were no longer despised, even if they were henceforth to be feared. It was a proud satisfaction, and they felt it.

A ball was arranged by the female part of the community, and the officers all invited. Great were the preparations made for the occasion. The commanding officer kindly consented to the use of the Parker House, and the

doctor's bottles and the kegs of the commissary were unceremoniously bundled out under canvas. I was away during the afternoon, and did not return until night. The Parker House was a blaze of glory. Out of the broad open doorway came a flood of light, brightening the wharf, and shining far out on the river, where mast and rope were distinctly visible in the unusual illumination. Merry music was borne through the open windows, while dancing shadows on the wall came and went in the flickering light, long before we reached the building. Wonderful was the metamorphosis as we entered. The bare and dingy walls were hung with evergreens and festooned with flags. From the beams overhead depended glittering chandeliers of burnished bayonets, each with a tallow-candle inserted at the butt. Stacks of glistening muskets reflected the light, and a number of the drum-corps of the 99th, glorious in their brilliant uniforms, furnished acceptable music of violin, banjo, and bones.

Dancing was progressiug vigorously as we entered, while perspiring belles and sweltering beaux lined the sides of the room, resting from their labors, or engaged in animated conversation. The ladies were gay with many colors, mainly in brilliant calicoes which-believe it who can-were many of them that morning lying unmade in the sutler's schooner. By what magic they had in this brief space been transformed by needle and pin and button into passable robes for the occasion, the light of the glittering chandeliers did not reveal, and perhaps it were hardly prudent to inquire.

It must be confessed that by daylight, and to a fastidious taste, the ladies of the loyal Floridians might seem somewhat obnoxious to criticism on the score of habits and manners. They certainly were unsophisticated and primitive in these respects. The chivalry, as we know, did not cleave to us. That it was genteel to be a rebel carried off more thousands than the doctrines of Calhoun or the seductions of the

persuasive Yancey. These ladies were loyal, however, and to-night they were happy. Yet it was an odd collection. Tow-headed urchins, long since consigned to theoretical slumbers, peeped furtively through the chinks, or gathered timidly beyond the sentry at the open door, and all agog at the unaccustomed splendor. Heads of wool and eyes white gleaming in the light, looked in by dozens at the open windows. Mothers, unable to stay away, stood, I had almost said danced, with their infants in their arms. Boys and grayhaired men, soldiers, civilians, and sailors, all joined in the dance. Near me stood a man of dignified presence, and of mild and venerable aspect. His locks were white, and his eye blue and gentle, yet undimmed. A large nose and a firm, well-shut mouth gave character to his face. He was a gentleman from northern Georgia, originally of wealth, and of a judicial education and position. For his outspoken loyalty he had been driven from county to county, and from State to State, until he finally reached our lines at Fort Myers, penniless, and, of a large family, alone. I

will not say there was no exultation in his eye as he looked upon the scene, though there certainly was sadness, yet wholly unmixed with anger. Strange, too, before him danced a young man, lithe, active, and graceful in his movements and bearing. Of a pleasing countenance, with eyes black and fearless, which nothing escaped while they overflowed with merriment and joy, he moved before us happy and light-hearted as the gayest. Yet that young man but a few weeks before was one of a party of rebels who had six different times hung the venerable loyalist from a limb, and he himself had climbed the tree with the rope in his hand. Not a shadow betrayed the emotion which the old man felt. Strangely enough, the handsome rascal bore my name in full, and I watched him with the keener interest. If he had a soul he did not show it. Did his own neck itch for the halter, or did his conscience misgive him at all, as he saw me in conversation

with the man he had wronged, and knew that my mission was to bring such as he to justice? Several times, as if by accident, he met my earnest gaze with the full fair look of innocence, and turned lightly away. What passes in his mind is a mystery. Under that careless exterior is he calculating how many bounds will take him to the shore, and where the boats are lying this dark night; or perchance how cold it will be down among the fishes, drifting helplessly with a bullet-hole through one's body? Hardly! He'll sleep quietly to-night, though with one wary eye open. Peace and quiet times never produce such men as he. They are exotics of villany, the forced and dangerous productions of days of peril.

Under the chandeliers a dropping fire of melting fat would have been the terror of other ball-goers; here it had little effect. A merry laugh and a dexterous movement when under the chandeliers, but generally ineffectual to dodge the infliction, was all the notice it excited. Richmond had fallen, and they knew it; and a few drops of fat could hardly counterbalance the momentous fact to them. The dancing was different from any thing I had ever seen before. Rows were formed as in a contra-dance, but there the resemblance ceased. Each couple danced violently and ridiculously upon one spot, until apparently exhausted, when they exchanged sides and recommenced, as if they had received accessions of vigor. It was exercise for gymnasts. One or two attempts on the part of some of the officers present to introduce more customary modes of saltation failed ignominiously, and they withdrew chagrined. Refreshments were at last served, and candor compels me to add, more than one of the fair belles removed from her dimpled cheek a capacious quid of tobacco, from which she had been industriously withdrawing the juice, in total unconsciousness of any violation of etiquette or propriety. The hall was warm, and I had placed myself near an open window for the air, absorbed in the novelty of the occasion.

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