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Nōn exercitus neque thesauri praesidia rēgni sunt, vērum

amīcī, quos neque armis cōgere neque aurō parāre queas; officio et fide pariuntur.

The safeguards of the throne are neither armies nor treasures, but friends, who can neither be collected by arms nor bought with gold, but are the fruit of kindness and loyalty.-JUGURTHA, 10.

Nōn võtis neque suppliciis muliebribus auxilia deōrum parantur.

The help of the gods is not won by vows and womanish prayers. CATILINE, 52.

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Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum aegerrumē desinere; nōn in eiusdem potestate initium eius et finem esse; incipere cuivis, etiam īgnāvō licere, depōnī cum victōrēs velint. War is always easy to start, but very hard to end; nor is the beginning and ending of it in the hands of the same man; any one, even a coward, may take up arms, but they can be laid down only at the will of the victor. — Jugurtha, 83.

Omnia mala exempla ex bonis orta sunt.

Every bad precedent has sprung from a good measure.

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Omnia orta occidunt et aucta senēscunt.
Everything rises only to fall, and waxes only to wane.

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Omnis hominēs, patres conscripti, qui de rebus dubiis cōnsultant, ab odiō, amīcitiā, īrā atque misericordia vacuōs esse decet.

Men who deliberate on doubtful measures should be free from hatred, friendship, anger, and pity. - CATILINE, 51.

Paucis carior fides quam pecunia fuit.

Few held honesty dearer than money. — Jugurtha, 16.

Plūrumum facere, minumum ipse de sẽ loqui.

He did the most, but talked about himself the least.

— Jugurtha, 6.

Prius quam incipias consultō et ubi cōnsulueris mātūrē

facto opus est.

Think before you begin; but after you have thought, act in the nick of time. — CATILINE, 1.

Prō āris atque focīs.

For our altars and our hearths. — CATILINE, 59.

Pulchrum est bene facere rei publicae; etiam bene dicere haud absurdum est.

'Tis most honorable to serve the state well; 'tis by no means discreditable to speak well in its behalf. — CATILINe, 3.

Pūnică fidē.

With Punic faith. -JUGURTHA, 108.

Quanta cuiusque animo audacia nātūrā aut moribus inest, tanta in bellō patere solet. Quem neque glōria neque pericula excitant, nequiquam hortere; timor animī auribus officit.

A man displays no more daring in war than he possesses through his disposition or character. Vain is any appeal to one who is not roused by glory or by a sense of danger; fear stops his ears. CATILINE, 58.

Qui magnō imperio praediti in excelsō aetatem agunt, eōrum facta cuncti mortālēs nōvēre.

The doings of those who are invested with great power and

live in exalted station are known to the whole world.

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Quippe res humānae ita sēsē habent; in victoria vel īgnāvīs

glōriārī licet, advorsae res etiam bonōs detrectant.

Thus it is in the affairs of men; in victory even cowards may boast, while defeat casts discredit even upon the brave. -JUGURTHA, 53.

Quocumque ire placet, ferrō iter aperiundum est.

Wherever we decide to go, the way must be opened with the sword. — CATIline, 58.

Quo minus petēbat glōriam eō magis illum sequēbātur.

The less he sought fame, the more it pursued him.

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Kings are prone to suspect the good rather than the bad, and they always view another's virtues with alarm.

- CATILINE, 7. Semper in proeliō iīs māxumum est periculum, quī māxumē timent; audacia prō mūrō habetur.

In battle it is always the greatest coward that runs the greatest risk; courage is as good as a wall around one.

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Ubi intenderis ingenium, valet; sī lubīdō possidet, ea dominatur, animus nihil valet.

Exert the mind and it is strong; but if passion gets hold, it masters one, and the reason is powerless. — CATILINE, 51. Vigilando, agundo, bene consulundō prospera omnia cedunt. Vigilance, action, wise counsels, — these insure success.

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abl., ablative.

acc., accusative.

adj., adjective.

adv., adverb.

cf. (= confer), compare.

Cic., Cicero.

comp., comparative.

conj., conjunction.

dat., dative.

def., defective.

dem., demonstrative.

desid., desiderative.

dim., diminutive.

distrib., distributive.

f., feminine.

foll., followed. freq., frequentative. gen., genitive. impers., impersonal. ind., indirect.

indecl., indeclinable.

indef., indefinite.

indic., indicative.

inf., infinitive.

inter., interrogative. locat., locative.



n., neuter.

nom., nominative. num., numeral.

obs., obsolete. orig., originally. part., participle.

pass., passive.

perf., perfect.

pers., personal. pl., plural.

poss., possessive.

prep., preposition.

pres., present.

pron., pronoun, pronominal.

ques., question.

reflex., reflexive.

rel., relative.

sc. (= scilicet), supply.

semi-dep., semi-deponent.

sing., singular.

subj., subjunctive.

insep., inseparable.

sup. or superl., superlative.

Roots are printed in small capitals, as AC, CAD.


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