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con-ferō, -ferre, -tuli, collatus, compare, contrast; sẽ còn ferre, betake one's self, go. confertus, -a, -um, [part. of cōnfercio, crowd together], adj., pressed close, crowded, thick, dense.

confestim, [com + FEND, strike],

adv., immediately, at once. conficio, -ere, feci, -fectus, [com +faciō], accomplish, do, make; complete, finish, settle, close, exhaust, wear out. cōn-fidō, -ere, -fīsus sum, [fīdō, trust], semi-dep., with dat. of person, trust to, rely on; with acc. and inf., be confident, be assured. con-firmō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [fīrmō, make firm], strengthen, establish; assure, affirm; encourage, cheer; cōnfīrmātō animō, summoning up courage, taking courage. confiteor, -ērī, -fessus sum, [com +fateor, confess], with acc. and inf., confess, make confession, acknowledge. cōn-fligō,

ere, -flixi, -flictus, [fligō, strike], with cum, fight, engage.

cōn-flō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [flō, blow], with acc. and dat., kindle, inflame, rouse, excite; aes aliēnum cōnflāre, heap up or contract a debt.

con-iungō, -ere, -iūnxi, -iūnctus, with sẽ, join.

coniūrātī, -ōrum, [coniūrō], m. pl., conspirators.

coniūrātiō, -ōnis, [coniūrō], f., conspiracy, plot.

con-iūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, swear together, conspire, form a conspiracy, plot.

cōnor, -ārī, -ātus sum, attempt, try, endeavor. conscientia, -ae, [cōnsciō, be

conscious of], f., conscious

ness; conscience. conscius, -a, -um, [com + sciō], adj., with gen., conscious of, privy to, concerned in, having knowledge of, feeling guilty of;

conscius animus, conscience. cōn-scríbō, -ere, -scrīpsī, -scriptus, enroll, enlist. cōnscriptus, -ī, [cōnscribō], m., one enrolled; patrēs cōnscripti for patres et conscripti, fathers (and) elect (a term used in addressing the senate), senators.

cōn-senescō, -ere, -senui,

[senēscō, inceptive from seneō, be old], grow old, become enfeebled, lose strength. cōn-sequor, -sequi, -secutus sum, follow up, overtake; attain,


cōn-servō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, save, preserve, maintain.

cōn-fluō, -ere, -fluxi, -, flow considerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, look

together, pour into.

cōn-fodiō, -ere, -fodi, -fossus, [fodio, dig], stab, pierce, assassinate.

coniciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus, [com +iaciō, throw], with in and acc., throw, cast, put.

at closely, look on, regard attentively, consider,contemplate, think of. cōn-sīdō, -ere, -sēdi, -sessus, [sido, sit], encamp, pitch camp. consilium, -ī, [cf. cōnsulō], n., deliberation, determination,

measure, course, plan, plot, purpose, intention, project, idea, design; wise counsel, wisdom, shrewdness, penetration, power to plan; council, meeting; novom consilium, new precedent, departure from precedent.

cōn-sōlor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [sōlor, comfort], console, comfort, cheer. cōnspiciō, -ere, -spexi, -spectus, [com + SPEC, see], catch sight of, see; pass., attract attention, be conspicuous, be noticed. constanter, [constāns, firm], adv., steadily, uniformly. constantia, -ae, [cōnstāns, firm], f., firmness, constancy, consistency, steadfastness. cōn-sternō, -ere, -strāvī, -strātus, [sternō, spread], build over, cover.

cōnstituō, -ere, -stituī, -stitūtus,

[com+statuō], place, station, post; form, draw up; determine, appoint, fix, determine upon, decide, arrange, establish.

cōn-stō, -āre, -stitī, -stātūrus, used impersonally with acc. and inf., be established, be proved, be evident; mihi cōnstābat, I was firmly convinced. cōn-suēscō, -ere, -suēvī, -suētus, [inceptive from consueō, be accustomed], become accustomed; perf. tenses, be accustomed, be wont. cōnsuētūdō, -inis, [cōnsuētus, part. of cōnsuēscō], f., custom, habit, practice; intimacy, intrigue.

consul, -ulis, [com + SAL, leap],

m., consul, title of the two chief Roman magistrates, who were elected annually; cōnsul dēsīgnātus, consul elect, i.e. one who had been elected consul, but had not yet begun his term of office. cōnsulāris, -e, [cōnsul], adj., of a consul, consular; as noun, consulāris, -is, m., ex-consul, man of consular rank. consulātus, -ūs, [cōnsul], m., consulship, consulate. consulō, -ere, -sului, -sultus,

[com + SAL, leap], deliberate; take counsel for, have regard for, care for; consult, ask advice, refer, put the question; determine, decide; bene or male consulere, adopt good or bad measures. cōnsultō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [freq.

from consulō], deliberate, consult; take counsel for, care for, look to the interests of. consultum, -i, [part. of cōnsulō], n., deliberation, consultation; decree, resolution. cōn-sūmō, -ere, -sūmpsī, -sūmptus, waste, squander. contagio, -ōnis, [com + TAG,

touch], f., contagion, infection. con-temnō, -ere, -tempsi, -temptus, [temnō, slight], despise, hold in contempt, scorn. con-tendo, -ere, -tendi, -tentus, with ad, press on, push on, hasten; with cum, fight, contend.

contentio, -ōnis, [com + TEN,

stretch], f., contention, struggle, strife.

con-terō, -ere,-trīvi, -trītus, [terō, rub], consume, spend, waste.

f., self-re-·

continentia, -ae, [continēns, self-restrained], straint, self-control. contineō, -ēre, -tinui, -tentus, [com+teneō], enclose, bound, confine; restrain, hold in check, curb.

continuō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [continuus, continuous], build adjoining, erect in rows.

contio, -ōnis, [for conventio from

com +VEN, go], f., meeting, assembly of citizens or soldiers, not to vote, but merely to dis

cuss some matter.

contiōnātor, -ōris, [contiōnor, meet], m., haranguer, demagogue.

contra, adv. and prep. :

(1) As adv., on the contrary,

on the other hand; contrā ac, contrary to, different from what.

(2) As prep. with acc., against,

contrary to, in opposition to, in hostility to, in spite of; contra rem publicam facere, be guilty of high treason; contrā lubidinem ahimi facere, act dispassionately. con-trahō, -ere, -trāxi, -tractus, accomplish, cause, produce; amplius negōti contrahere, get one's self into or become involved in greater difficulties. controversia, -ae, [contrōversus, disputed], f., quarrel, dispute, controversy.

contumelia, -ae, f., insult, in

dignity, outrage.

con-turbo, -āre, -āvī, -ātus,

[turbo, disturb], disturb, disquiet. con-veniō, -ire, -vēnī, -ventus,

come together, assemble; meet with, have an interview with ; convenit, impers., it is fitting it ought, it is consistent. conventus, -ūs, [com+VEN, go], m., meeting, assembly. convertō, see convortō. con-vincō, -ere, -vici, -victus, convict, prove guilty. convivium, -ī, [com + viv, live], n., banquet, feast. con-voco, -are, -āvī, -ātus, call together, convoke, summon, assemble.

con-vortō, -ere, -vorti, -vorsus,

turn back, turn; alter, change. cōperiō, -ire, -rui, -rtus, [com+ operiō, cover], cover, bury, steep.

copia, -ae, [com+ops], f., sing., abundance, plenty; multitude, great number, variety; number, force, army; material; means; advantage; pl., forces, troops; resources, wealth, fortune, fund.

cor-, see cum- in composition. Cornelius, -a, name of a very famous Roman gens containing both patrician and plebeian families; C. Cornelius, a knight, was a Catilinarian conspirator who volunteered to assassinate Cicero. Cornificius, -ī, m., name of a

Roman gens; Q. Cornificius, tribune of the plebs in в.c. 69 and a candidate for the consulship in B.C. 64, was famous for his integrity and literary ability.

corpus, -oris, n., body; liberum corpus habere, retain one's personal freedom.

corrigō, -ere, -rēxi, -rēctus, [com

+rego], correct, set right. corripio, -ere, -ripui, -reptus, [com + rapiō], seize. cor-rumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptus,

corrupt, ruin, waste. corruptor, -ōris, [com + Rvp, break], m., seducer, corruptor. corruptus, -a, -um, [part. of corrumpō], adj., corrupted; corrupt, abandoned, profligate. cotidiānus, -a, -um, [cotidiē],

adj., daily.

cotidie, [quot+dies], adv., daily. Cotta, -ae, m., name of a Roman family; L. Aurelius Cotta was consul in B. c. 65, and afterward princeps senātūs. Crassus, -1, [crassus, fat], m., name of a Roman family in the Licinian gens; M. Licinius Crassus, the wealthy triumvir, was suspected of being concerned in Catiline's conspiracy. credibilis, -e, [crēdō], adj., credible.

crēditum, -1, [crēdō], n., loan. crēdō, -ere, crēdidī, creditus, [CRAT, faith + DA, put], with dat., trust, believe in; with acc. and inf., believe, think, suppose, expect; parenthetically credō, I suppose (ironical). crēscō, -ere, crēvī, crētus, [inceptive from CRE, make], grow, increase; grow in power, thrive, flourish, prosper.

Creticus, -1, [Crēta, Crete], m., the cōgnōmen of Q. Caecilius Metellus, who subdued Crete in B.C. 68.

crimen, -inis, [CRE, part], n.,

charge, accusation.

crīminor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [cri

men], accuse, charge, denounce, find fault with.

Crispus, -i, [crispus, curlyheaded], m., Sallust's cōgnō

men; see Sallustius. Crotōniēnsis, -e, [Crotō or Crotōn], adj., Crotonian, of Crotona, a town on the east coast of Bruttium, the southernmost district of Italy (now Crotone). cruciātus, -ūs, [cruciō, torture], m., torture, torment, suffering. crūdēlis, -e, [crūdus, bloody], adj., unfeeling, cruel, inhuman, ruthless, unrelenting, fierce. crūdēlitās, -ātis, [crūdēlis], f., cruelty, severity.

crūdēliter, [crūdēlis], adv., in a cruel manner, cruelly. cruentus, -a, -um, [CRV, raw],

adj., bloody, blood-stained, drenched with blood. cruor, -ōris, [CRV, raw], m., blood, gore.

culpa, -ae, f., fault, blame, guilt, reproach.

cultus, -ūs, [COL, till], m., cultivation, refinement, luxury, style; dissipation, sensual indulgence; attire, dress, clothing.

cum, prep. with abl., with, together with, along with, in company with; cum tēlō, armed with a weapon, armed, weapon in hand. With the personal pronouns and with qui, cum is enclitic; as, tecum, quibus


cum- in composition has its earlier form com-, which remains unchanged before b, p, m, but is usually changed to cor- before r, to con- or col- before

n, to con- before other conso- | cūrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [cūra],

nants, and to co- before vowels and h; it means (1) together; as, con-venire, come together; (2) thoroughly, forcibly; as, con-laudare, praise highly. cum (quom), [probably acc. of qui], conj., when, while, after; since, inasmuch, as; though, although.

cumulō, -are, -āvī, -ātus, [cumulus, heap], heap up, add to,


take care, see to, attend to; take charge, take command. cursus, -ūs, [CER, drive], m.,

course, career.

custodia, -ae, [cūstōs], f., guard, custody; ; libera custōdia, confinement, not in prison, but at the house of an influential man, who was made responsible for the prisoner.

cūstōs, -ōdis, [scv, cover], m., guard, keeper.

cunctor, -ārī, -ātus sum, delay, Cyrus, -i, [Kūpos], m., Cyrus the hesitate.

cunctus, -a, -um, ,[forco-iunctus],

adj., the whole, all, entire, every. cupide, [cupidus], adv., eagerly. cupiditas, -ātis, [cupidus], f., desire, absorbing desire, passion; avarice, cupidity. cupīdō, -inis, [cvP, wish], f.,

desire, wish, longing, craving. cupidus, -a, -um, [cvp, wish], adj., with gen., desirous of; eager for.

cupiō, -ere, -īvi, -itus, [cvP, wish], long for, desire, covet, be anxious for.

cura, -ae, [for cavira from CAV, watch], f., care, anxiety; business, duties; curae habēre, be mindful of, be zealous for. curia, -ae, f., the senate house, generally the Curia Hostilia, built by Tullus Hostilius on the northeast side of the Forum; the senate.

Cūrius, -a, name of a Roman gens; Q. Curius, of senatorial rank, was the conspirator through whom Cicero obtained definite information concerning Catiline's plots; see Fulvia.

Great, the founder of the Persian Empire (B.c. 559).


D., abbreviation for Decimus, a
Roman praenōmen, or fore-


Damasippus, -ī, [Aаμáσiππos,
tamer of horses], m., L. Iūnius
Brutus Damasippus, praetor
urbānus B.C. 82; as a partisan
of the younger Marius, he was
put to death by Sulla.
damnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [dam-

num], condemn, convict, sen-

damnum, -i, [DAP, share], n., loss.
dē, prep. with abl., of motion,
from, away from; of cause, on
account of, for; of relation,
concerning, about, in regard
to, of; de aliquo supplicium
sumere, exact punishment
from, inflict punishment upon;
dē improvisō, unexpectedly.
de- in composition, down, off,
away, utterly.
dēbeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus, [dē +
habeō], owe; ought.

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