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dēbilitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [dē- | dēfēnsiō, -ōnis, [dēfendō], f.,

bilis, weak], cripple, weaken,


December, -bris, -bre, [decem, ten], adj., of December, December.

dē-cernō, -ere, -crēvi, -crētus,

decide, determine, resolve, vote, decree.

decet, -ēre, decuit, [DEC, beseem], impers., it is becoming, it is fitting, one should.

decimus, -a, -um, [decem, ten], adj., tenth.

dē-clārō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [clārō,

make bright], make clear; declare, announce.

decoctor, -ōris, [decoquō, boil

down], m., spendthrift, bankrupt.

decorō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [decus],

adorn, embellish, beautify. decōrus, -a, -um, [decor, come

liness], adj., elegant, fine, handsome, beautiful. dēcrētum, -ī, [dēcernō], n., decree, resolution, decision, determination, arrangement, appointment, plan.

decus, oris, [DEC, beseem], n., honor, dignity; moral dignity, character.

dē-decus, -oris, n., disgrace, dishonor, infamy, deed of



dē-ferō, -ferre, -tulī, -lātus, bring before, lay before, refer to, report to. dēfessus, -a, -um, [part. of dēfetiscor, become tired], adj., wearied, enfeebled, exhausted. deficiō, -ere, feci, -fectus, [dē +facio], fall off, fail, become exhausted.

dē-gustō, -ăre, -āvī, -ātus,

[gusto, taste], taste of, taste. dehinc, [dē+hinc, hence], adv., then, next.

dein or deinde, [dē+inde], adv.,

then, next, afterward, then again, further.

dēlectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [dē +

LAC, entangle], delight; pass., take delight in.

dēlēctus, -a, -um, [part. of dēligō], adj., chosen, picked, choice, select.

dēleō, -ēre, -ēvī, -ētus, [dē + LI, smear], blot out, destroy, annihilate.

dēliciae, -ārum, [dē + LAC, entangle], f. pl., luxury, pleas


dēlictum, -1, [part. of delinquō], n., offence, fault, failure. dēligō, -ere, -lēgī, -lēctus, [dē + legō], choose, select, designate.

dē-dō, -ere, -didī, -ditus, give up, dē-linquō, -ere, -liqui, -lictus,

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dēmissus, -a, -um, [part. of dē- | dē-sīgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, choose,

mittō], adj., sunken; downcast, dejected.

dē-mittō, -ere, -misi, missus, let down, lower. dē-mōnstrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus,

[mōnstrō, show], point out, show, designate.

dēmum, [superl. of dē], adv., at length, at last, not till then; after all, in short; after an emphatic pronoun, only, precisely.

dē-negō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [negō, say no], refuse, deny.

elect; consul dēsīgnātus, con. sul elect, i.e. one who had been elected, but had not begun his term of office. dē-spērātus, -a, -um, [dēspērō], desperate.

dē-spērō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, despair of.

dē-sum, -esse, -fui, -futurus, with dat., be wanting, lack, fail.

dētineō, -ēre, -tinui, -tentus, [dē teneō], with a, keep back, keep, detain.

denique, adv., finally, in fine, detrimentum, -ī, [dē + TRI, rub],

in short, in a word. dē-pellō, -ere, -puli, pulsus, drive away, remove, throw off; avert.

dē-poscō, -ere, -poposci,

[posco, demand], demand, ask for, claim. dē-prehendō, -ere, -hendi, -hensus, [prehendō, grasp], catch, detect, discover; seize, arrest; grasp, comprehend, understand. dēpressus, -a, -um, [part. of dēprimo, press down], adj.,


descendō, -ere, -scendi, -scēnsus, [de+scando, climb], go down, descend.


n., loss, harm, injury.

deus, -ī, (pl. nom., dī, diī, (deī),

gen., deōrum, deūm, dat. and abl., dīs, diis, (deīs)), [DI, shine], m., a god. dē-vincō, -ere, -vīcī, -victus,

conquer (completely), subdue. dexter, -tera or -tra, -terum or -trum, [DEC, take hold], adj., right, on the right; dextra, -ae (sc. manus), f., right hand. di-, see dis-.

(diciō), -ōnis, [DIC, show], f., sway, control.

dīcō, -ere, dixi, dictus, [DIC, show], say, speak, talk, tell, mention, declare, state; express, describe; name, call.

dēscēnsus, -ūs, [dēscendō], m., dictum, -ī, [DIC, show], n., word;


dē-scribō, -ere, -scrīpsī, -scrīptus, write down, mark out, map out.

dē-serō, -ere, -serui, -sertus,

[serō, join], leave, desert, abandon, forsake. dēsidia, -ae, [dēses, idle], f., idleness, indolence, sloth.

male dictum, foul charge, slander, invective, abuse.

diēs, -ēī, [DI, shine], m. (some

times f. in sing., usually of a set day), day; time; in diēs, every day, daily; prope diem, at an early day, shortly, presently; paucis ante diebus, a few days earlier.

difficilis, -e, [dis + facilis], adj., difficult, hard. difficultas, -ātis, [difficilis], f., difficulty, perplexity, embar


difficulter, [difficilis], adv., with difficulty.

diffīdō, -ere, -fīsus sum, [dis + fīdō, trust], semi-dep., with dat., despair of.

dīgnitās, -ātis, [dīgnus], 'f., dignity, rank, distinction, honor, reputation.

dīgnus, -a, -um, [DEC, beseem], adj., with abl., worthy; befitting, adequate.

di-labor, -i, -lāpsus sum, [lābor,

glide], slip away, desert. dilectus, -ūs, [dis+ LEG, gather], m., choosing, selection, choice; levy, conscription, draft. diligēns, -entis, [part. of diligō, choose out], adj., diligent, watchful, careful, faithful. diligentia, -ae, [dīligēns], f., carefulness, diligence, watchfulness, faithfulness. di-lūcēscō, -ere, -lūxī, —, [inceptive from luceō, be light], grow light, dawn.

dī-mittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus, send out, send, dispatch; dismiss, adjourn; discharge, release, let go, send away. dirimō, -ere, -ēmī, -ēmptus, [dis + emō], (take apart), ruin, frustrate, bring to naught. dīritās, -ātis, [dīrus, dreadful], f., horrible deed, infamous


di-ruō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus, [ruō, fall down], tear down, demolish, destroy.

dis- or dī-, insep. prefix, apart,

away; between, among; not,


dis-cēdō, -ere, -cessi, -cessus, go away, leave, desert (with ex); of the result of a battle, come off, be left, remain; ab armis discedere, lay down one's arms; in sententiam discēdere, vote in favor of a resolution.

dis-cernō, -ere, -crēvī, -crētus, with double ind. ques., distinguish, determine, decide. discō, -ere, didicī,—, [DIC, show], learn.

discordia, -ae, [discors, discord

ant], f.,. dissension, discord, difference.

di-scrībō, -ere, -scrīpsī, -scriptus, map out, apportion, assign. discrimen, -inis, [dis + CRĪ, part], n., distinction, difference, discrimination. disició, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus, [dis+

iaciō, throw], disperse, scatter. dis-pār, -paris, adj., unlike, dissimilar, different.

dispersus, -a, -um, [part. of dis

pergō, scatter], adj., scattered, straggling.

dispertiō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus, [dis + partiō, share], distribute. dis-pōnō, -ere, -posui, -positus, post, station. dis-sentiō, -īre, -sēnsī, -sēnsus, with ab., dissent, be at variance with, not approve. dis-serō, -ere, -serui, -sertus, [serō, join], with acc., or with dē, argue about, discuss. dis-similis, -e, adj., unlike, different.

dissimulātor, -ōris, [dissimulō], m., dissembler, disguiser.

dis-simulō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, with dē, dissemble, disguise, conceal, pretend ignorance. dis-solvō, -ere, -solvi, -solūtus, end, annul; free, release. dis-tribuō, -ere, -tribui, -tribūtus, divide off, distribute, apportion, assign. diu, diutius, diūtissimē, [DI, shine], adv., for a long time, a long while, long.

dius, -a, -um, [for dīvus, godlike], adj., divine; as noup, a god.

punishment, be punished; negōtium dare, commission, direct, charge; operam dare, take care, see to it, make an effort.

dō- in composition, [DA, DHA, put], place, put, set.

doceō, -ēre, -ui, doctus, [DIC,

show], inform, show, set forth, state, tell.

doctus, -a, -um, [part. of doceō], adj., well-versed, well-read. documentum, -I, [DOC, show], n., evidence, proof.

diuturnus, -a, -um, [diū], adj., doleō, -ēre, -ui, -itūrus, [DOL,

lasting, long.

di-vellō, -ere, -velli, -volsus, [vellō, tear], with a, tear apart, tear from, separate. dīves, -itis, [DIV, shine], adj.,

rich, wealthy.

dīvidō, -ere, -vīsī, -vīsus, [dis+

VID, split], divide, distribute, apportion.

divinitus, [dīvīnus], adv., di

vinely, providentially, by a god.

dīvīnus, -a, -um, [dīvus, god

like], adj., of god, divine. dīvitiae, -ārum, [dives], f. pl., riches, wealth.

divorsē, [divorsus], adv., in dif

ferent directions, apart. divorsus, -a, -um, [part. of di

vortō, turn different ways], adj., opposite, pursuing opposite courses, different; apart, separate, separately. dō, dare, dedi, datus, [DA, give], give, grant, bestow, confer; give up, surrender; fidem dare atque accipere, exchange pledges; dare litteras, write a letter; dare poenās, suffer

cut], grieve for, deplore. dolor, -ōris, [doleō], m., grief, pain, pangs indignation, resentment.

dolus, -ī, m., deceit, craftiness,

fraud, trickery, wiles, plot. domesticus, -a, -um, [domus], adj., internal, within the city or state, civil. dorinātiō, -ōnis, [dominor], f., dominion, tyranny, supremacy, despotism, unrestricted power, supreme power, absolute rule, dictatorship.

dominor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [dominus, master], be master or mistress, become a tyrant, be supreme, govern, rule, have dominion.

domō, -āre, -uī, -itus, [domus], master, subdue, overcome, conquer.

domus, -us, [DOм, build], f., house, home; locat. domi and domui, at home; domum, to one's home, homeward, home; domo, from home. dōnum, -ī, [DA, give], n., gift. dormiō, -īre, -īvi, -ītus, sleep.

dubitō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [du-effētus, -a, -um, [ex + fētus],

bius], be uncertain, be in doubt; hesitate, doubt.

dubius, -a, -um, [DVI, apart + BA, go], adj., doubtful, uncertain, dubious; in dubio, in question, at stake, in danger. ducentī, -ae, -a, [duo+centum], num. adj., two hundred. dūcō, -ere, dūxi, ductus, lead; consider, regard.

ductō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [freq.

from ducō], lead, conduct. dum, conj., with indic. pres.,

while, as long as; with subj., provided, so long as; dum modo, provided, if only. duo, duae, duo, [DVI, two], num. adj., two.

adj., worn out, exhausted. efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus, [ex+

facio], cause, make, render; accomplish.

effugio, -ere, -fūgī, [ex + fugiō], with acc., escape. egēns, -entis, [part. of egeō], adj., in need, in want, in destitution.

egeō, -ēre, -ui, [EG, need],

with abl. or gen., need, be in want of, be lacking in, be without.

egestās, -ātis, [egēns], f., indigence, destitution, poverty; need, lack, want; publicē egestas, deficiency in the public exchequer.

duodecim, [duo+decem], indecl. ego, mei, pers. pron., I; pl.,

num., adj., twelve.

nōs, we.

dux, ducis, [Dvc, lead], m. and ēgredior, -ī, ēgressus sum, [ex f., leader, commander.

ē, see ex.


ec-quis, ec-quid, gen. wanting,

inter. pron., in direct questions, is there any? any? In indirect questions, whether any. ē-dīcō, -ere, -dixi, -dictus, make known, declare, state. ēdictum, -ī, [ēdīcō], n., edict, proclamation, order.

ē-dō, -ere, -didī, -ditus, put forth; publish.

ē-doceō, -ēre, -ui, -doctus, teach

(thoroughly), instruct, inform. ē-dūcō, -ere, -dūxì, -ductus, lead forth, lead out; take away; of a sword, draw.

effēminō, -âre, -āvi, -ātus, [ex+ femina], effeminate, weaken,


+ gradior, step], with ex, go forth, go out, leave.

ēgregius, -a, -um, [ex + grex], adj., extraordinary, remarkable, uncommon, distinguished, eminent, illustrious, noble. ēiciō, -ere, -iēcī, -iectus, [ex + iacio], cast out, drive out, expel, banish; wreck. eleganter, [ēlegāns, neat], adv., gracefully, elegantly. ēloquentia, -ae, [ēloquēns, eloquent], f., eloquence. ē-mentior, -īrī, -mēnsus sum, lie, falsify.

ē-mergō, -ere, -mersī, -mersus,

[mergō, dip], emerge, free one's self, get clear, escape. ē-mittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus, send out, let go. emō, -ere, ēmi, ēmptus, [EM, take], buy, purchase.

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