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im-pendeō, -ēre,

[pendeō, hang], with dat., overhang, impend, threaten. imperator, -ōris, [imperō], m., commander, general; ruler. imperium, -ī, [imperō], n., command, order; authority, control, rule, power; supreme power, sovereignty, dominion, empire; office; military authority. imperō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [in +imus, see inferus. parō], command, give an order; rule, govern; be master; require.

noun, impudicus, -i, m., profligate, debauchee.

impūnitās, -ātis, [impūnis, un

punished], f., freedom from punishment, impunity. im-pūnītus, -a, -um, [pūnītus, part. of pūniō, punish], unpunished.

impertiō, īre, -īvi, -ītus, [in + partio, share], with dat., bestow upon.

impetus, -ūs, [in + PET, fly], m., with in and acc., attack, assault.

im-pius, -a, -um, [pius, dutiful],

adj., impious, wicked, abandoned.

im-plōrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [plōrō, cry out], appeal to, invoke, entreat, implore.

im-pōnō, -ere, -posui, -positus,

with acc. and dat., put upon, lay upon, fasten upon, impose upon; set over, appoint over. importūnus, -a, -um, adj., (un

suitable); unrelenting, cruel, inhuman.

im-probus, -a, -um, adj., unprincipled, wicked, depraved, outrageous.

im-prōvīsus, -a, -um, [prōvīsus, part. of prōvideō], adj., unforeseen; de imprōvīsō, on a sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly.

im-pudicus, -a, -um, [pudicus, modest], adj., unchaste; as

im-pūrus, -a, -um, [pārus, pure], adj., unclean, sinstained, guilty.

in, prep. with acc. and abl.:
(1) With the acc., of motion,

into, to; within, in, at;
upon, on, against, in re-
gard to; towards, for;
among; of time, until; in
dies, daily, each day; in
praesēns, for the time be-
ing; in rem esse, be useful,
serve one's purpose; in ur-
bium modum, on the scale
of cities.

(2) With the abl., of place, in,

within, upon, on, at, among; of time, during, at the time of, amid; in the case of, in relation to; in mediō, unexpectedly; in prīmīs, especially; (among the foremost, 56, 13). in- in composition, often changed to il- before 1, to im- before b, m, p, and to ir- before r; in, into, on, upon, against; un-, in-, not.

inānis, -e, adj., empty, vacant,

in-cēdō, -ere, -cessi, -cessus, ad-
vance, march forward, make
advance; come upon, fall upon,
take possession of.
incendium, -ī, [in + CAND, glow],

n., fire, conflagration; incen- | inde, [1, this one], adv., after

diarism. incendō, -ere, -cendi, -census, [in + CAND, glow], set fire to, kindle, burn, consume, ruin, lay waste; inflame, incense, enrage. incēnsiō, -ōnis, [in + CAND,

glow], f., burning. inceptum, -1, [part. of incipiō], n., beginning; attempt, undertaking, project, plan. in-certus, -a, -um, adj., uncertain, doubtful; undecided, at a loss; in incertō habēre, be uncertain.

incessus, -ūs, [in + CED, fall],

m., walk, gait, step. incidō, -ere, -cidī, —, [in + cado], fall into.

incipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus, [in+ capiō], begin, commence, undertake.

in-citō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [cito, put in quick motion], urge on, spur on, excite.

inclūsus, -a, -um, [part. of in

clūdō, shut up], adj., hidden. incōnsultē, [in-gōnsultus, unadvised], adv., inconsiderately, indiscreetly. in-crēdibilis, -e, adj., incredible, extraordinary, startling. in-crepō, -āre, -ui, -itus, [crepō, rattle], reprove, rebuke, inveigh against, assail. in-cruentus, -a, -um, adj., blood

less, without bloodshed. in-cultus, -a, -um, [cultus, cultivated], adj., uncultured, neglected, desolate. in-cultus, -us, [cultus, cultivation], m., neglect. in-currō, -ere, -currī and -cucurrī, -cursus, rush into.

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that, thereupon, then. indemnātus, -a, -um, [in + damnātus], adj., uncondemned, without trial.

index, -icis, [in + DIC, show], m. and f., informer, accuser, witness.

indicium, -ī, [in + DIC, show], n., information, disclosure, evidence, testimony.

indicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [index], with dē, give information, make known, declare, disclose, reveal.

in-dīcō, -ere, -dīxī, -dictus, pro-
claim, declare.

indigēns, -entis, [indu (old form
of in) + egeō], adj., insuffi-
cient, lacking, incomplete.
in-dīgnus, -a, -um, adj., un-

worthy, undeserving.

in-doctus, -a, -um, adj., untaught, uninstructed.

in-dūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus, lead

against; induce, influence; in animum inducere, resolve, determine.

industria, -ae, [industrius, indus

trious], f., diligence, industry. indūtiae, -ārum, f. pl., truce, armistice.

inedia, -ae, [in + ED, eat], f., fasting.

in-eō, īre, -īvī and -iī, -itus,

enter, begin, engage in. inermus, -a, -um, [in + arma], adj., unarmed.

inertia, -ae, [iners, unskilful], f., inactivity, idleness, indolence, sloth.

infāmis, -e, [in + fama], adj., disreputable, infamous.

inferus, -a, -um, comp. inferior,

superl. infimus or imus, below;
inferi, m. pl., inhabitants of
the lower world, the dead; in-
fimus or imus, lowest, most

infestus, -a, -um, [in + FEN,
strike], adj., with dat., hostile,
furious, bitter, deadly.
in-fidus, -a, -um, adj., faithless,

disloyal, treacherous, false.
infimus, see inferus.
in-finitus, -a, -um, [fīnītus,
part. of finiō], adj., bound-
less, without end.

in-firmus, -a, -um, adj., weak,

feeble, enfeebled.

infitiātor, -ōris, [īnfitior, deny], m., repudiator; lentus infitiator, dilatory debtor.

sonal enemy. Cf. hostis, enemy

(of the state).

iniquitās, -ātis, [inīquus], f., in-

iniquus, -a, -um, [in + aequus],
adj., unjust, unfair.
initium, -ī, [in + 1, go], n., be-

ginning, commencement; initiō, in the beginning, at the outset, at first, originally. iniūria, -ae, [iniūrius, from in + iūs], f., outrage, wrong, injury, harm, violence, atrocity; iniuriae licentia, power of doing


in-iūstus, -a, -um, adj., unjust. in-nocēns, -entis, [nocēns, guilty], adj., blameless, innocent, inoffensive, upright, virtuous.

infrā, [for inferā, sc. parte], innocentia, -ae, [innocēns], f.,

adv., below.

ingenium, -1, [in + GEN, beget],

blamelessness, innocence, integrity.

n., (natural) disposition, tem-in-noxius, -a, -um, [noxius,

per, spirit, character, heart; mind, intellect, talents, ability, ingenuity, genius. ingēns, entis, adj.,' vast, enor

mous, mighty, giant, great; unbounded, remarkable. ingenuus, -a, -um, [in + GEN,

beget], adj., free-born. in-grātus, -a, -um, adj., thankless, irksome.

ingredior, -i, -gressus sum [in+ gradior, step], with in and acc., go upon, march upon; enter upon.

in-honestus, -a, -um, adj., dishonorable.

harmful], adj., blameless, innocent; safe from harm, secure, unmolested, unassailed. inopia, -ae, [inops, resource

less], f., want, lack of means,
poverty, destitution.
inquam, def:, postpositive, say;
inquit, said he.

inquilīnus, -a, -um, [for incoli-
nus from incola], adj., of for-
eign birth, immigrant.
insatiabilis, -e, [in + satiō, sat-
isfy], adj., insatiable.
insidiae, -ārum, [in + SID, sit],
f. pl., ambush, ambuscade ;
trap, plot.

inimīcitia, -ae,. [inimīcus], f., īnsīgne, -is, [īnsīgnis], n., (mark,

enmity, hatred.

inimicus, -a, -um, [in + amīcus], adj., unfriendly; as noun, inimicus, -ī, m., per

proof); pl., insignia of authority.

insignis, -e, [in+sīgnum], adj., conspicuous.

în-solēns, -entis, [solēns, part. of soleō], adj., with gen., unaccustomed to, a stranger to. insolenter, [īnsolēns], adv.,

haughtily, insolently. insolentia, -ae, [īnsolēns], f., unusual behavior, strange conduct.

insolescō, -ere, —, - [incep

tive from insoleō, be wont], grow arrogant or overbearing. în-solitus, -a, -um, [soleō], adj., unaccustomed, unused, unfamiliar.

insomnia, -ae, [insomnis, sleepless], f., sleeplessness, want of sleep.

in-sōns, -sontis, adj., innocent,


īn-spērātus, -a, -um, [spērō],
adj., unhoped for, unlooked
for, unexpected.

instituō, -ere, -ui, -ūtus, [in +
statuō], form, organize; ar-
range, order.
institūtum, -1, [part. of insti-
tuō], n., custom, institution.
in-stō, -āre, stiti, -statūrus,
draw nigh, approach, be at
hand; press on, vigorously
instrumentum, -ī, [īnstruō], n.,
instrument, means, further-


în-struō, -ere, -strūxī, -strūctus,
[struo, place together], draw
up, array, equip, furnish, pro-

in-suescō, -ere, -suēvī, -suētus,
[inceptive from old sueō, make
one's own], become accus-
in-sum, -esse, -fui,


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in-super, adv., above, overhead. integer, -gra, -grum, [in + TAG,

touch], adj., untouched, un-
wounded, sound, fresh.
integritās, -ātis, [integer], f.,
integrity, uprightness.
intellegō, -ere, -lēxī, -lēctus,
[inter + legō], with acc. and
inf., or ind. ques., perceive, see,
understand, comprehend, know.
intempestus, -a, -um, [in +
tempus], adj., unseasonable;
nocte intempestā, at dead of

in-tendō, -ere, -tendi, -tentus,
stretch, exert, apply.
intentus, -a, -um, [part. of in-
tendo], adj., intent, energetic,
active, attentive,watchful, alert.
inter, prep. with acc., between,
among, amid; inter se, with,
from, to, etc. each other,
mutually; inter falcāriōs, in
the Scythemakers' Quarter.
inter- in composition, between;
under, to the bottom.
inter-dum, ddv., sometimes, at
times, occasionally.

inter-eā, adv., meanwhile, in the

inter-eō, -ire, -iī, -itūrus, perish. interficiō, -ere, -fecï, -fectus,

[interfaciō], kill, slay, murder; cut down, slaughter. interim, [inter + 1, this one], adv., meanwhile, in the meantime.

interitus, -ūs, [inter + 1, go], m., destruction, overthrow. inter-rogō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, question, examine, officially examine, try.

be in, be inter-sum, -esse, -fui, -futūrus, be between, lie between; im

pers., it makes a difference, it interests, it concerns. interventus, -ūs, [inter + VEN, go], m., intervention.

in person, personally; inter ipsōs, with one another.

īra, -ae, f., anger, wrath, resent


intestinus, -a, -um, [intus], adj., īrācundia, -ae, [īrācundus, irri


in-tolerandus, -a, -um, [tolerandus, bearable], adj., intolerable, unendurable. intra, prep. with acc., within. intro, adv., within, in. intrō-dūcō, -ere, -dūxi, -ductus, lead in, bring in.

intro-eō, -īre, -īvī or -ii, -itus,

go in, enter, gain entrance to. intus, adv., within.

in-ultus, -a, -um, [ultus, part. of ulciscor], adj., unavenged. in-vādō, -ere, -vāsī, -vāsus, [vādō, go], advance, fall upon, attack, seize, take possession of. in-veniō, īre, -vēnī, -ventus,


(come upon), find, meet with. in-videō, -ēre, -vīdī, -vīsus, with dat., (look askance at), envy, be envious of, be jealous of. invidia, -ae, [invidus, envious], f., envy, jealousy, ill-will, hatred, odium, unpopularity. invidiōsus, -a, -um, [invidia], adj., exciting hatred, causing odium.

invīsus, -a, -um, [part. of invi

deō], adj., with dat., hateful, detested, odious.

invītus, -a, -um, adj., unwilling, reluctant.

iocus, -ī, m., joke, jest. ipse, -a, -um, gen. ipsius, dem. pron., self, himself, herself, itself, often an emphatic he, she, it; very, just, actual, precisely; even, on his part,

table], f., irascibility; anger, rage, passion.

īrāscor, -ī, īrātus sum, [ira], get angry, fly into a passion. īrātus, -a, -um, [part. of irāscor], adj., angered, enraged, angry.

irrumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptus, [in + rumpō], break in, force one's way in.

is, ea, id, gen. eius, [1, this

one], dem. pron., he, she, it, this, that, such, the, the one; ad id loci, to this very place; id temporis, at just that time. iste, ista, istud, gen. istius [1, this one dem. suffix -te], dem. pron., used (often contemptuously) with reference to the person addressed, this, that, that of yours.

ita, [1, this one], adv., in this manner, so, thus, as has been said; as follows; in such a manner; accordingly; ita ut, as much as, alike. Italia, -ae, f., Italy. ita-que, conj., and so, accord

ingly, therefore.

item, [1, this one], adv., like

wise, also, moreover, as well, in like manner, so also. iter, itineris, [1, go], n., way, journey, route, march; road, path, passage; ex itinere, on the way; magnīs itineribus, by forced marches. iterum, [1, go], adv., a second time.

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