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princeps, -cipis, m., chief, leader.

principium, -ī, [princeps], n.,

beginning, commencement. prior, -us, gen., -ōris, [PRI, before], adj., comp., former; priōre nocte, night before last; superl., prīmus, -a, -um, the first, first, foremost, front; of the first importance; in prīmīs, especially, (among the foremost, 56, 13).

prīstinus, -a, -um, [for unused prius-tinus], adj., former, oldtime.

prius, [n. sing. of prior], adv., comp., before, sooner, first; prius quam, before, until; superl., primum, [acc. n. of prīmus], adv., first, in the first place, for the first time; quam primum, as soon as possible; ubi prīmum, as soon as. privātim, [privātus], adj., individually, privately, in a private capacity; from individuals.

prīvātus, -a, -um, [part. of prīvō], adj., personal, individual, private, unofficial; as noun, prīvātus, -ī, m., private citizen.

prīvīgnus, -i, [prīvus, one each

+GEN, beget], m., step-son. prīvō, -āre, -āvi, -ātus, [prīvus, one each], with abl., deprive of. prō, prep. with abl., of place, in front of, before; of substitution, in place of, instead of, for; pro praetōre, vested with the powers of a praetor; of equivalence, as, equivalent to; prō certō habēre, be assured; pro certo credere, positively

believe; of defence, in behalf of, for; of proportion, in proportion to, considering, in view of, in comparison with, in accordance with, on account of. prō- and old prōd-in composition,

forth, forwards, before, for. prō, interj., with acc., O! Oh! probitās, -ātis, [probus], f., honesty, integrity.

probō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [probus], approve of.

probrum, -ī, n., shame, disgrace; disgraceful behavior; shameful life.

probus, -a, -um, adj., good, ser

viceable; virtuous.

procāx, -ācis, [PREC, pray], adj., bold, pert.

prō-cēdō, -ere, -cessi, -cessus, go forth; advance, proceed, progress, succeed. procul, [prō + CEL, drive], adv., far, afar; apart, aloof. prōcūrātiō, -ōnis, [prō-cūrō, care for], f., charge, management. prōdigium, -ī, [prōd + ag, say], n., omen, prodigy. prō-dō, -ere, -didi, -ditus, disclose; betray, break.

proelium, -ī, n., battle, engage


profānus, -a, -um, [prō + fā

num], adj., not sacred, profane. profecto, [prō + factum], adv.,

surely, assuredly, certainly, by all means. proficiscor, -i, profectus sum, [prō + faciō], set out, start, depart, proceed. profiteor, -ērī, -fessus sum, [prō + fateor], announce one's self as a candidate.

- flee,

pro-fugio, ere, -fūgi,
profugus, -a, -um, [prō + FVG,
flee], adj., fugitive; banished,

pro-fundō, -ere, -fūdi, -fūsus,

pour forth; waste, squander. profusē, [profusus], adv., immoderately, excessively. profusus, -a, -um, [part. of profundo], adj., with gen., lavish, extravagant. prōgredior, -i, -gressus sum, [prō+gradior, step], advance, proceed, go.

prohibeō, -ēre, -ui, -itus, [prō + habeō], hinder, prevent, stop; forbid.

prope diem, at a near day; so also propius, nearer, not far from. prō-pellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsus, drive off, repel.

properē, [properus, quick], adv., hastily, in haste, quickly, speed


properō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [pro

perus, quick], make haste, hasten; be eager. propinquus, -a, -um, [prope], adj., with dat., near.

propior, -ius, gen., -ōris, adj., comp., nearer; superl., proxumus or proximus, -a, -um, nearest; next, following, last; closest, most intimate.

pro-inde, adv., just as; proinde propius, see prope.

ac si, exactly as if.

prōlātō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [prōlātus from prōferō], put off, defer, postpone.

promiscuus, -a, -um, [prō + MIC, mix], adj., without distinction.

promptus, -a, -um, [part. of prōmō, take out], adj., ready, prompt.

(promptus, -ūs), only used in abl., [prō + EM, take], m., a being visible; in prōmptu habēre, display.

[blocks in formation]

prō-pōnō, -ere, -posui, -positus, put forth, lay before, present; state, declare.

proprius, -a, -um, adj., with

gen., peculiar to, characteris-
tic of.

propter, prep. with acc., near,
on account of.
prōripiō, -ere, -ui, -reptus, [pro
+ rapiō], drag forth; with sẽ,
rush out.

prōrsus, [prō + vorsus, part. of
vortō], adv., precisely; in a

prō-scríbō, -ere, -scripsi, -scrip-
tus, proscribe, outlaw.
prōscriptiō, -ōnis, [prō + SCARP,
scratch], f., proscription; con-
prōscriptus, -i, [prōscribō], m.,
proscribed person, outlaw.
prōsperē, [prōsperus], adv.,


vorably, successfully. prosperus, -a, -um, [prō + spēs], adj., favorable, prosperous.

prōspiciō, -ere, -spexi, -spectus, [pro+ SPEC, see], look forward, see afar; provide for. prō-veniō, -īre, -vēnī, -ventus,

arise, appear; flourish. prō-videō, -ēre, -vīdī, -vīsus, foresee, discern; take precautions, be on one's guard, take heed, take care; provide, prepare.

prōvincia, -ae, [prō + vic, conquer], f., province, territory governed by a magistrate sent from Rome.

est], f., modesty, chastity, virtue.

pudor, -ōris, [PVD, cast down], m., sense of shame, modesty, decency.

puer, -erī, [Pv, beget], m., boy,


pugna, -ae, [PVG, fist], f., fight. pūgnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [pūgna], fight.

pulcher, -chra, -chrum, adj., (beautiful), glorious, noble. punctum, -1, [part. of pungō, prick], n., moment, instant.

proxumus or proximus, see pro- Pūnicus, -a, -um, [Poenī, Car


prūdēns, -entis, [for prōvidēns, part. of provideō], adj., clever, able, capable. psallō, -ere, -ī, -9 [ψάλλω], play upon a stringed instrument, sing and play on the cithara.

publicē, [publicus], adv., publicly, for the state, in behalf of the state; from states. publicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [pūb

licus], seize for the state, confiscate.

publicus, -a, -um, [for populi

cus from populus], adj., of the people, of the state, public; rēs publica, commonwealth, state; public affairs, political affairs, politics; public service, public weal, interests of the state; control of the state; government, seat of government; republic, republican principles; contra rem pūblicam facere, be guilty of high treason; fidēs publica, state guarantee of impunity. pudicitia, -ae, [pudicus, mod

thaginian], adj., Punic, Carthaginian.

putō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [putus, clean], (clear up, settle); consider, regard, think, suppose, believe.


Q., abbreviation for Quintus, a

Roman forename.

qua, [abl. of qui], adv., in which place, where.

quaerō, -ere, -sīvī, -sītus, [QVAES,

seek], seek, look for; ask,


quaestor, -ōris, [for quaesitor,

investigator], m., quaestor; the quaestors, of whom there were twenty in B.C. 63, were state treasurers in charge of all public moneys, some being employed at Rome and others in the provinces. quaestus, -ūs, [QVAES, seek], m.,

gain, profit; money getting. quam, [qui], adv. and conj. : (1) As adv., how; as; tam quam, as... as; with superl., as . . . as possible;


quam primum, as soon possible; with comp., than, rather than.

(2) As conj., see prius quam, postquam, postea quam. conj., although,

quam-quam, though. quam-vis, [volō], adv., (as you will), however. quantum, [quantus], adv., as much as, as far as, as; how much, how greatly. quantus, -a, -um, [CA, who], adj., (1) Interrogative, how great? how large? how much? what? (2) Relative, quantus tantus, as great as, as much as; quanto, abl., by how much; quantō... tantō (with comparatives), the . . . the. qua propter, adv., on this ac


count, therefore.

quartus, -a, -um, [quattuor, four], adj., fourth.

quasi, [qua + si], adv. and conj.,

as if, as though, as it were, in a manner, as, like. -que, enclitic conj., and; and so,

and accordingly, and in fact; but; -que. -que, both... and, as well. .. as.

queō, -ire, -īvī or -ii, -itus, be able, can.

queror, -i, questus sum, [QVES, lament], with dē, complain, find fault.

qui, quae, quod, gen. cūius, [CA, who], rel. pron., who, which, that; at the beginning of a clause often translated by a demonstrative, and this, and that, but this, but that, this, that; with antecedent implied, he who, whoever, whatever.

qui, [old abl. of quis], inter. adv., how? why?

quia, conj., because, inasmuch


quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque, [qui + -cumque], indef. rel. pron., whoever, whichever, whatever, every one who, everything that. quid, see quis. quidam, quaedam, quoddam or quiddam, [qui], indef. pron., a certain, certain. quidem, [qui + dem. ending

-dem], adv., certainly, indeed, at least, at any rate; nē. . . quidem, not even.

quies, ētis, [ci, lie], f., rest, repose, quiet, peace, tranquillity; sleep.

quiētus, -a, -um, [part. of quiēscō, rest], adj., inactive, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed; as noun, quiēta, -ōrum, n. pl., peace, tranquillity.

quin, [qui+nē], adv. and conj., (1) in principal clauses, (a) interrogative, why not? (b) corroborative, indeed, nay, in fact; quin etiam, why even, nay more; (2) in dependent clauses with subj., so that ... not, but that, but, without. quintus, -a, -um, [quinque, five], num. adj., fifth.

quippe, [qui + -pe], adv. and conj.:

(1) As adv., indeed, in fact,
of course, why, for.
(2) As conj., inasmuch as,

since, for. Quirītēs, -ium, m. pl., Roman citizens, Quirites, fellow-citi


quis or qui, quae, quid or quod, gen., cuius, [CA, who], inter. pron. or inter. adj. pron., who? which? what? quid, acc. n. often with adverbial force, why?

quis, qua, quid, gen., cūius, [CA, who], indef. pron., after sī or nē, any one, any, anything. quis-nam or quinam, quaenam, quidnam or quodnam, inter. pron., who or what in the world? who? what? quis-quam, quaequam, quicquam, indef. pron. or indef. adj. pron., any, any one, any man, anything, any . whatever, any... at all; the slightest; neque quisquam, and no one, not one. quis-que, quaeque, quidque or quodque, indef. pron., each, each one, every, every man, everything, all; with reflex.,


(2) As conj., wherefore, on which account; usually with comparatives, in order that, that, in order to; quō minus, that . . . not, from with a participle. quō-cumque, adv., whithersoever, wherever.

quod, [acc. n. of qui], conj., because, inasmuch as; the fact that, that; quod sĩ, now if, but if, and if. quoniam, [quom, old for cum + iam], conj., since, as.


rādīx, -īcis, [RAD, sprout], f., (root); of a mountain, foot, base.

rapina, -ae, [RAP, snatch], f., robbery, plundering, pillage, plunder, rapine.

each for himself, severally, in- | rapiō, -ere, -uī, raptus, [RAP,


quis-quis, —, quicquid or quid

quid, indef. rel. pron., whoever, whatever, every. qui-vis, quaevis, quidvis or quodvīs, [vis from volō], indef. pron., who or what you please, any one, anything. quō, [old dat. and abl. of qui], adv. and conj. :

(1) As adv., whither? where? to what end? quō illa ōrātiō pertinuit? what was the object of these speeches? quo ūsque, how, long? how far? with comparatives often the, as quō minus mirandum est, the less ought one to wonder.

snatch], seize, carry off, drag away, plunder.

ratiō, -ōnis, [RA, count], f., account; regard, consideration; plan, method; pl., often interest, advantage. ratus, see reor.

re- or red- in composition, insep. prefix, again, back, anew, against.

Reātinus, -a, -um, [Reāte], adj.,

Reatine, of Reate, an ancient town of the Sabines, 48 miles northeast of Rome. recipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus, [re + capiō], recover. re-citō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, [citō, freq. from cieō, call], read. (aloud).

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